Deals Involve Choice.

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He admired his strength. Mondo's strength. What he had to be a man. Not the physical strength one might use to pick up a dumbbell and clobber you over the head with.

Chihiro Fujisaki was no manly man. Unless you consider skirts and stockings manly, in which case he was the manliest man you could find for miles! But you probably don't, so here we are.

Cute as a button, shorter than your tiny asain grandma, and now suspended by the wrists in the girls changing room. Blood dripped steadily from his head, running down his face and lining his features. Chihiro Fujisaki was dead.

Or so everyone thought. But it seems the earliest Danganronpa technology didn't seem to pick up that Chihiro Fujisaki was, by some miracle, still alive. A medical miracle, as it were, suffering no form of brain damage, only the head injury given to him. Like some sort of last act of strength had kept him alive.

But not only was Chihiro alive, but also conscious. The boy began to stir, eyes fluttering open but obscured my a metallic smelling substance. It took him a few seconds to truly register what situation he was in, but when Chihiro tried to move his arms, it all seemed to click within his brain.

A panicked scream echoed throughout the second floor halls of Hope's Peak Academy, catching the attention of everybody's favourite headmaster. He bounced up in the changing room, ready to chastise whatever naughty student had disturbed his afternoon nap.

"Who dares to- WAAAAAAAHHH!!"

The bear fell backwards off of his two paws, staring up at Chihiro, who seemed to be crying. It was hard to tell, with all the blood.

"Mr. Fujisaki!! You're supposed to be dead!" Monokuma started, "The students are just coming out of the trial, this simply cannot do!"

"T-trial? What.. trial?!" Chihiro asked, pitch rising higher with panic. What was going on? Why is this happening? Last thing he remembered was.. is..

"Your MURDER trial of course! My, the execution's already happened, this cannot be undone-"

Monokuma was sweating now, pacing the room and trying to avoid the small puddles of blood on the floor. Suddenly, as if hit by some great revelation, he snaps his fingers and grins.

"Bazinga, I've got it!!" He rubbed his paws together in some sort of cartoonish manner. He spins around to face the boy. "Fujisaki, I think I have the deal of a lifetime for you!"

Chihiro's eyes manage to focus on the bear. His trembling frame relaxes as he pulls himself together. He must be strong. Be strong.

Monokuma hops up to untie the boy. After a minute of tugging on the knots, they undo and leave Fujisaki in a heap on the ground.

"There, I untied you, now get up you cross-dressing little donut!" He folds his arms and Chihiro rises, barely steadying himself.

He finds himself unable to take the weight of his own body, and instead leans on the pole of the bench press next to him. He'd lost a lot of blood, after all.

"Right, I believe we require somewhere a little bit safer, wouldn't you agree?"

Chihiro could barely make out noises from the other side of the door. Could it be Aoi? Sakura? Or.. even Mondo?

Chihiro tries to stagger towards the door, attempting to escape from the changing room, when he's stopped by a familiar paw.

"Now now, Fujisaki! Can't go leaving yet!" Monokuma teases, pushing him back to his original spot with surprising strength for a teddy bear.

"I.. I don't want to hear about.. your deal." Chihiro manages to get out, mustering all of his courage into his next few words. "I'm l-leaving..!"

"So it's like that, is it?" Monokuma growls,
"Have it your way!"

Without warning, the bear pulls out a syringe and shoves it into Chihiro's arm. He yelps, pulling the needle out and pushing the other away. Monokuma dusts his hands off, and Chihiro feels his vision become cloudy.

"I lied, " The bear's red eye gleamed, "This isn't a deal, because deals involve choice."

Chihiro makes one last mad dash to the door, one last futile attempt. His hand finds the doorknob as he twists it, but that's as far as he gets. The door has been locked.

Dizziness overwhelms him, along with the sudden urge to close his eyes. And Chihiro let's it happen, as the boy drifts into unconsciousness for the second time. His sleeping body slides down the door, leaving small tracks of blood.

Monokuma gives one of his signature chuckles. This is where the despair truly begins.


Hello! Decided to try something new, and here we are. It's a work in progress, but I feel good things to come from this! Hope you liked the first chapter, I promise it can only get better.

Edit: made a few little tweaks to the dialogue

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