Hammer In Hand.

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Watching the screen with anticipation, Chihiro sat in his office. Celeste was on the screen in Hifumi's dorm, talking to the boy.

The introduction of the motive had gone well! And seemed to be affecting Celestia just as Chihiro had planned out. He breathed a sigh of relief, all was going well. Maybe he could do this!

And then it came to him like a missile, soaring into him and exploding on impact. He was enjoying the game.

His breathing hitched, and he slumped in his sturdy office chair. Chihiro had forgotten his mission, his goal to end the despair of the killing games. But here he was anticipating it, waiting for the brutality of murder to begin. What was wrong with him?!

He chucked his notebook across the room angrily and sat there with his head in his hands, taking a moment to breathe and calm down. This was so.. unlike him? He'd always thought himself a decent person, but now he wasn't so sure.

Maybe he was just an evil Mastermind. Maybe that's all he really was, because he sure felt like it right now.

A silent tear leaked down his face, bringing him back to reality. Just stop the killing game before anything else happens. You could do it right now, and nobody would stop you.

And so Chihiro sat up in his chair, stretching his fingers and bringing the keyboard closer to himself. The clicking of keys being pressed at rapid pace echoed about the room in a rhythmic fashion. His expression of sadness and self-hatred had been replaced with one of pure determination at his task.

He worked for hours, breaking his way into override systems and hacking firewalls. It was quite impressive watching him, fingers moving in a blur across the keyboard. How long had it been? Who knew.

But suddenly, Chihiro's attention was ripped away by the sound of a loud THWACK from a monitor. And looking up at it now, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Hifumi stood there above Taka, hammer in hand as the body hit the floor. Chihiro could only watch as the hammer was dropped, and the boy ran out of the room as blood spilled from Ishimaru's head wound. But Chihiro could only think of one thing.

Was that.. what he had looked like? When Mondo had brought the dumbell down upon his head, had he slumped to the ground in a similar fashion? He snapped out of his thoughts now, staring back up at the screen.

The room was eerily quiet now, but Chihiro had a sudden idea.

Monokuma had this thing of popping up randomly in different rooms, then disappearing suddenly. Is.. is there perhaps a string of tunnels throughout the school? Or maybe some secret passageway? And if there is, what if he could use it?

"Monokuma!" His voice called out, and as usual the bear popped up.

"What's up half-pint," His voice was as annoying as ever, "You need me to bring out the butter again?"

He shook his head quickly. Oh lord he did not wanna see that ever again.

"No no, I was, uh.." he pointed toward the screen where Taka's body lay.

"Eyebrows? What about him?" Monokuma tilted his head.

"Could I.. go see him?"

He knew it was a risky thing to do, the Mastermind file he'd read previously had stated that he must take utmost care in preventing his discovery. Monokuma thought for a moment.

"Hmm.. yeah why not!" The bear clapped his hands, "not like I can't pull you out of there if someone's coming!"

Suddenly, the floor underneath Chihiro opened up, and he fell down with a yell. He seemed to be travelling.. through a sort of tube tunnel? It made him feel like those superheroes who travel down them on their way to solve the crime. I guess he was going to a crime scene..

Suddenly, he was launched up into the air and his feet landed shakily onto a floor. Looking up from where he had arrived, he fell face to face with.. Ishimaru's corpse.

The smell of death and blood was overpowering, and it took all Chihiro had to not gag. He'd seen bodies before (Junko, Sayaka and Leon came to mind now) but it was hard to get used to such a horrific thing. But he was Mastermind now, so he supposed he would have to.

He walked over slowly, kneeling down and taking the boy's hand in his small one. He could feel the last of Taka's warmth escaping his body, like his life force slowly seeping away. If not for the wound, he could be sleeping.

Taking care to avoid the large puddle of blood accumulating at the body's head, Chihiro walked over to the hammer Hifumi had left on the ground. 'Justice Hammer 4'.. he didn't understand what the words meant. Justice? That felt awfully fitting for someone like Taka.

All of a sudden, Chihiro was overcome with a sense of rage. Hifumi had done this, killed his friend. And no doubt Celeste was the one behind the ordeal. The horror of the whole situation hit him like a ton of bricks, leaving him angry and confused. He looked up now to the ceiling.

"Monokuma, I'm ready to leave."

And as Chihiro went whizzing down the tunnel, he started to brainstorm. But not a plan, no.

An execution.


Ooh I thought that one went quite well, a little proud of it haha. Thanks for reading, more out soon!

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