Taking Over.

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Sakura Ogami stepped out of the elevator, the image of Mondo's execution burning in her mind. Taka walked slowly beside her; his tears were gone, and all that remained was a haunted expression.

Chihiro's body. The image of the small, suspended gir- boy's body flooded her brain. How could she not think about it? And then Mondo.. she began to feel nauseous.

Perhaps.. perhaps she'd take a walk. Clear her mind. She couldn't go outside, but the school halls would have to do.

Wordlessly bidding farewell to the others, she walked out the red double doors and into the hallway of Hope's Peak Academy. Sakura climbed the steps to the second floor when she heard.. a distant scream.

Her blood went cold as she froze where she stood. Has it already happened? She ran up the rest of the stairs, fear mounting within her. After checking both classrooms, every corner of the library, and even the bathrooms, she finally skidded to a halt in the pool lobby. Her gaze fixed on the entrance, she walked slowly to the girl's changing room.

Mentally preparing herself for whoever she may find, Sakura swung open the door.

There was nobody inside.


Chihiro woke up shrouded in darkness, which is to be expected when you're blindfolded. Surprisingly, his hands were not tied, and he tugged the small stretch of fabric off of his eyes. Looking around now, his heart sunk.

The room looked like the one used for the school's announcements. Getting a good look around the room, he sees many more monitors on the walls. He wipes his forehead now to find it rid of blood, and notices he's sitting on a plush red couch. It looks a little like a throne, to be honest.

"Ah, you're awake!" Monokuma pops up out of nowhere, looking as excited as ever and giving Chihiro the fright of his life.

Chihiro finds himself tucked in a ball in the corner of the chair, as if trying to get as far away as possible from the two-tone bear. Monokuma takes offense.

"Hey now, I'm not that bad!! It's not like I've killed anyone or.. oh wait!" He laughs in his usual, annoying fashion and hops onto the armrest of the couch to look down at Chihiro huddled there.

"Now, Mr. Fujisaki, I'm sure you haven't forgotten the little offer I talked about?" He started off on his little spiel, "After all, it's quite a memorable moment! Anyway, you're here to uphold your end of the deal in exchange for me letting you live."

Chihiro was just plain terrified as he stared up at the bear. What would he have to do? Would Monokuma make him work for him? Become a criminal? Hack into government files and steal nuclear codes?!

"I need you to take over as the Mastermind!!"

It takes Chihiro a moment to register this new information in his brain, and when he does, he is shocked to his core.

"Wait, you want me to what?!" He exclaims, fear rising within him.

Monokuma starts sweating. Sure, he expected the reaction, but it's still hard to explain the current situation.

"Well, you see," he manages to say, "our current Mastermind is quite.. bored. They can't seem to get any more of a thrill out of the killing games."

Bored? Then.. then what was the point of all this?! A million questions raced through Chihiro's brain. It was all so confusing. Him as Mastermind of Hope's Peak Academy? It just didn't make any sense. Monokuma snapped his fingers, grabbing Chihiro's attention as he pointed towards him.

"And that's where you come in, Fujisaki! Because, naturally, it would be a shame to let the game go to waste!"

Chihiro's world had been truly turned upside-down, because none of this was right. Maybe he really was dead? Or maybe it was all just a bad dream. Monokuma kept talking.

"So, Mastermind-to-be, what do you say?" The bear asked as Chihiro sat there sweating, trying to think of a response to whatever he was being asked of. And then a thought strikes him.

It would be so easy. So easy to accept and end the game as soon as he got the opportunity. A few clicks of a button here or there, a bit of sneaking around and boom. It would all be over and everyone would see Chihiro as strong! He could even come out!!

He breathed in, preparing himself for what he was about to get himself into.

"I.. I accept your offer."


Wow, that one was fun to write. I've got so many ideas for this AU, I'm really excited! More coming up soon, if you have any suggestions or I've made a typo feel free to tell me here! Btw the amazing Kokichi art is from the lovely oumaasai on Instagram. Go check her out sometime!

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