Saving People.

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Chihiro's attention was snatched from the screen, now in Monokuma's grasp.

"Fujisaki! We have a problem!!" The bear's pitch had risen with panic, and Chihiro turned around to see..

A trashed office. It was in absolute shambles, wreckage everywhere. The wall behind him bore a massive ripped-up hole in the centre, and bits of it were scattered about the room. The debris in the air was chalky, and made Chihiro cough a little as he swatted at the air, trying to clear the powder floating around that blocked his vision.

Monokuma was mumbling about how they'd gone a little too overboard with the execution, but Chihiro couldn't take his eyes off of the injured girl who lay there on the floor in front of him. Taking cautious steps towards her, he noticed her eyes were, barely, open. Celeste was not dead.

Well, yet. She was bleeding like crazy, and her stockings were tattered and torn, revealing burns across her legs. But she was looking right at him, and her withering gaze seemed to trigger something inside Chihiro.

"Monokuma, get her help!!" He cried out suddenly, surprising the bear.

"Fujisaki, are you certain?" He started sweating, "Students aren't meant to survive execution y'know, and bending the rules would be unfair to the other--"

"Just do it!!" He yelled, and as he did various Monokumas popped out of the ground holding what appeared to be an emergency stretcher.

They picked up a now unconscious Celeste, carrying her onto the stretcher and disappearing. Chihiro sighed heavily, this was not going to plan at all. And why would Celeste's execution be right next to his office? Unless..

"Monokuma, are we underground?" The bear turned his head, and immediately started sweating again.

"Well, yes, but you see we have limited space here, and this isn't actually the announcement room, the and.." Monokuma went on about school budgets and property size, whilst Chihiro zoned out. He'd already gotten his answer.

As the bear droned on, Chihiro went over to his monitors, looking over at the screen that held the execution footage. Thankfully, the truck obscured what had gone on behind the scenes. Chihiro reminded himself to never again trust the pre-built executions.

His eyes flicked to the screen broadcasting the nurse's office, where he could see Celeste lying down on a hospital bed? Various Monokumas busied themselves around her, donning surgical equipment as they stitched her up. Chihiro didn't know half the names of the machines around her, probably keeping her alive.

A sudden thought came into his mind now, pushing all other thoughts aside. If Celeste had been alive after her execution, what about Leon and Mondo? Had they been alive, and if so, had the former Mastermind killed them? All of a sudden, he came to a realisation, and a new idea coursed through Chihiro's brain.

He wasn't a bad Mastermind, he was a good Masterming! Not the villain at all, rather the hero in this situation. He had saved Celeste, requested Monokuma keep her alive. There was no way he was the bad guy in this scenario, because he was saving people.

Celeste would live. And then what..? He hadn't thought that far. Another Mastermind maybe? Or he could just let her mill about and live in the life of her dreams. How would he do that though?

Well, the big castle was no issue. He knew Monokuma could just construct executions in no time, and the bear would have no trouble setting up a castle at all. It was the vampire butlers in the Hopes section of her document that held up Chihiro. How would he do that?

Sat there in thought, he turned around to face a different screen.


This chapter's a bit shorter, haha, sorry about that. I just wanted to get this one out quickly because I'll be a bit busy for the next few days. But don't worry! I'll try to write when I can, I apologise for the lack of content in advance. I have really big plans for Celeste, you're not gonna expect it at all! Thanks for reading!

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