Without Thinking Twice.

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Monokuma jumped with glee, hurrying out of the room and returning with a hefty stack of papers. He sent them down with a large THUNK on a nearby desk, walking over to Chihiro and handing him a pen.

"Alright Fujisaki! You just need to sign these documents and we're set." He waved a paw. "You don't need to bother reading them."

Chihiro slowly slipped off the throne-like chair, and made his way toward the desk. It was eerily silent in the announcement room, and his Mary Janes made small clunking noises on the polished, tiled floor.

Despite Monokuma's words, Chihiro began to read. There were details on responsibility, controlling the many Monokuma robots and motive making. It was basically a paper guide on how to be Mastermind.

Flipping through page after page, Fujisaki finally reached the last one. A contract, asking politely for his signature. As he read the final document, beads of sweat started to form on his brow.

"As Mastermind of the Hope's Peak Academy killing game, by signing this document you hereby acknowledge the possibility of injury and/or death. If discovered, you accept the fact that you may be forced to execute yourself in the event of preserving the game."

Preserving the game? What in the heck does that mean? Whatever point the contract was trying to get across, Chihiro understood it. Except for the last part, of course.

The thought of dying.. well, he'd already done it once. He was practically an expert now! Surely, with his second chance, he should try and glean what he could from it..

Wait, glean what he could? What was he thinking?! He silently cursed himself for thinking such horrid things, to take pleasure in  this.. this sick game!

And yet.. he found his hand drifting to the pen he'd been previously handed, that now lay on the desk by the stack of papers. It was like he had been programmed to do it. Pen poised over paper, he signed without thinking twice.

Monokuma had been standing there impatiently this whole time, and as the pen finally finished it's last word, a fanfare suddenly set off inside the room. Chihiro stood there, face determined as Monokuma popped a bottle of champagne.

He would end the killing game. End the killing game! It would all be over as soon as it started, and Sakura, Aoi, Kyoko.. heck, even Byakuya could walk away unharmed.

But did he really want to end it?


Alter Ego sat there, screen glowing bright green in the dark. Waiting for master was.. boring, but he could do it if it meant helping the others!

He'd heard so many stories about them, about Kyoko's daring detective skills, Taka's unwavering morality, and even Yasuhiro's crazy conspiracies! Alter Ego was oh so excited to meet them.

But as he sat there, he heard footsteps approaching. Light ones, too. They sounded.. sneaky? Scared? It was hard to place emotion by the sound of someone's footsteps.

"Hello? Is anyone in here..?"

A girl's voice called out into the sauna room, footsteps slowly growing closer as she entered.

Then there was a scared scream. And Alter Ego's presence was known.


Woohoo! Third chapter! I think this one's a little shorter, sorry about that. Especially since it took longer to come out. Thanks for reading!

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