Feeling Guilty.

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Hiro or Byakuya? Hiro or Byakuya?

The words spun round and round in Chihiro's mind, pushing all other thoughts away. He couldn't choose. He shouldn't choose. He's not special. Not better than anyone else. Chihiro Fujisaki should not choose who lives and who dies.

"You should pick Hagakure."

Oh. He'd forgotten he was in the room.

Kazuichi Soda moved from his position against the wall, walking forwards towards the monitor slowly. His footsteps echoed around the room, and he came to a stop in front of the main desk. Chihiro looked up into those eyes, those eyes that screamed the joy of suffering. A sadistic yet masochistic person, who had been abnormally unresponsive toward Chihiro up until now.

There was a moment of silence, before Chihiro spoke up. Nervousness found its way into his voice.


Another moment passed, as Kazuichi adjusted his toolbelt. He pointed at the screen.

"Look at him. What do you see in him?"

Chihiro was startled by the question, but answered it nonetheless. "Well.. Hiro is cowardly but kind," he started, "he can be a bit.. unintelligent sometimes, but his heart is in the right place."

Chihiro finished, and in an instant felt a hand upon his chest. He looked up at Kazuichi, who just grinned. Soda promptly slammed Chihiro into the desk, the boy yelping and falling to the floor.

Kazuichi grabbed him, pulling him up roughly and gripping his shirt, making Chihiro face him.

"Hagakure's "unintelligent" nature killed Asahina. He murdered your friend, and the rules say he's gotta pay for his crimes. Just like Leon and Mondo." Harsh words were spat at Chihiro's face, as a bead of sweat climbed down his neck. Chihiro noted Celeste's exclusion.

Chihiro managed to respond. "I-It was an accident. It was Byakuya's plan to kill Aoi."

Kazuichi let go of Chihiro's shirt, making the boy stumble back a bit. The mechanic walked away from the desk.

"Wasn't it Sayaka's plan?"

The question caught Chihiro off guard.


"You heard me!" Kazuichi leaned back against the wall, "It was Sayaka's plan, but Leon got executed. By your logic, Kuwata shouldn't have been killed, right?"

Chihiro just stood there, thinking. Kazuichi had a point..

"Oh well, Togami's an ass anyways. Do whatever, I don't care too much."

This was the Hope's Peak Ultimate Mechanic? He had a million questions, a million thoughts. He'd start with just one, though.

"Hey, Mr. Soda, who controls the Monokuma robots now?" It was a random question, but a place to start nonetheless.

Kazuichi looks up. "Good question. Well.." he began,"we've got this guy on our team who's known as the Ultimate Imposter, I think? Yeah, they can imitate anyone, and I mean anyone! So we've got him dressed up as the old Mastermind controlling the bots."

"Do you make the Monokumas?" Chihiro asked, now intrigued.

"Nope, I just helped with the development," Kazuichi answered nonchalantly, "they're actually developed at this factory off-site in Towa City."

Chihiro gasped. "Towa City? I've heard about that place for years, I've always wanted to go!"

For a while Fujisaki had pursued a job in the technological haven, and needless to say, with his Ultimate status, he'd definitely be getting the position.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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