A Mastermind.

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Chihiro sat at the computer screen, prepping his workspace. A few pens here or there, a nice cup of black coffee and the prospect of a new life lay there for Fujisaki. But just what could he do?

A new motive. That was what Monokuma had suggested he do, and so he began drafting different ideas. The work felt.. fun? Fulfilling? Deep in the back of his mind, he was enjoying the task. As a programmer he had to be creative, coming up with new ideas and innovations. He'd even created a few video games of his own! And now he was finally able to put that to use in this new office of his, humming a random tune as he poured over the student files on his desk.

Being the newest Mastermind, Monokuma had given him access to all the necessary files needed for the job. And here he sat, reading the file of Kyoko Kirigiri. And what he found astonished him.

"Daughter of the deceased Jin Kirigiri, former headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy..?" He read aloud, still scanning the page. "Ultimate Detective?!"

Something in Chihiro's brain clicked, and everything seemed to come together at once. It all made sense! Of course Kyoko was a detective, no wonder she'd been so effective in their class trial. He cursed himself for not realizing it sooner.

Setting the file down now, Chihiro picked up the one labelled Taeko Yasuhiro. It confused him, because he didn't know a Taeko, but he did know a Yasuhiro. Opening up the file now, he gasped audibly. On the student ID photo, it bore the face of Celestia Ludenberg.

But.. but Taeko wasn't Celeste! Was it? He'd always thought the name seemed so thought out, so made-up. Like it was the name of some evil vampire princess. Now it just made sense. Reading the rest of the file, he found the section titled Hopes. This was the part of the document Chihiro had mainly been focusing on, because it held information on what each student wanted. Reading it now, he raised an eyebrow. Celeste wanted.. a gothic castle with vampire butlers? Surely that would cost tons. No wonder she was an eager gambler.

Then a thought struck him. If Celeste wanted money.. he could do that! And Celeste was very.. determined. As determined as one of his favourite indie game characters! There was no doubt she'd want this money.

Chihiro's mind was clouded with the excitement that he didn't catch himself falling into the trap that had been so carefully prepared for him. He was enjoying himself with the game, slowly but surely falling into.. despair? No, this wasn't despair. But nor was it hope. It was.. revenge.

Because deep in Chihiro's brain, somewhere around there, he was screaming for revenge. He'd read his own file, which so cruelly had labelled him deceased. Read the details of his own class trial, watched the execution of his killer with only a haunted expression. Monokuma had even brought out the tub of butter for him to see for himself, which was horrifying and not a pleasant moment at all.

But it wasn't enough. Nothing would ever be enough for Chihiro Fujisaki, who sat there now making notes of the new motive idea, and wondering to himself what could possibly happen. A Mastermind.. that was what he had become.


Junko Enoshima was having the time of her life. Sitting there in her personal spa, having her nails done and a top-quality facial for her skin, it couldn't get better. And just thinking of all the despair she was about to cause..! Oh, it excited her.

Chihiro's killing game played on a screen above her, right where she could see it. Next to it was the boy himself, working on the next motive. She wasn't an idiot, she knew to track his progress and to intervene in case things got out of hand. She doubted they would, though. Though totally a dumby dumb dumb, she supposed the midget could handle it. Besides, she had way better things to do. Like, organise a funeral for her ugly military-freak sister! She had this really nice yellow tank top she thought would look perfect for the occasion.

And yet she couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't going to work! More than a few times she'd been very close to totally crushing the computer freak in the classic execution style she loved oh so much. The despair of it would be overwhelming, immaculate, the boy's screams would have her grinning for a whole week! But she held herself back from it, because it would be a total waste of her progress. Like, she would lose a ton of potential despair! And so she refrained though it pained her, because maybe, just maybe, it would be fun to sit back and watch another individual cause despair for her.

Like a servant, she thought with a giggle.


Wow, this has been out for like a week and it's already #4 on the chihiro tag! Thanks for voting, I really appreciate it. More chapters soon!

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