Taking The Game Seriously.

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Motives, motives, motives. They covered scraps of paper scattered across the desk, small neat handwriting gradually turning into a tired scrawl. Chihiro Fujisaki had been brainstorming a variety of possibilities for what could happen to Ludenberg, but it was hard to decide what with all the good options.

He could have her reintroduced with the motive that she was dangerous, that she needed to die. Or that she was so dangerous he should prompt her to kill once more? Chihiro couldn't seem to make up his mind as he sat there, looking over his notes. Surely there was some sort of answer.

Looking over his student files once more, he opened Celeste's, where multiple passages had been added recently. Nothing he could use. He set it down with a sigh, and picked up the one closest to him. Yasuhiro Hagakure's had nothing either, though that one was to be expected.

Chihiro put the file down and picked up another. Oh, Kyoko's. He hadn't checked hers in a while, perhaps it was best he see what she'd been up to lately. Opening it up now, he saw a few new passages, but his eyes travelled down to Student Relations. This section held every bond with each student for the person's file. He frowned as he looked at his relation with Kyoko. It wasn't very strong, they were labelled as just mere acquaintances.

He flicked to the paragraph on Celeste, and as he did.. he gasped audibly.

Kirigiri seems to have developed a small crush on Ludenberg, not enough for her to be aware of, but enough so that she wishes to spend more time around the other student. Ludenberg does not reciprocate these feelings in the slightest.

This was far from what Chihiro had been expecting. Kyoko with a crush? Wow, the idea of someone as stoic and serious as Kirigiri falling for a gambling goth girl would never have come to mind! But Celeste didn't reciprocate? He frowned, now he felt bad for both girls.

But his feelings would have to wait, because this was pure motive material, he realised! Spinning his chair over to his many other notes, he picked them up and promptly trashed them all. He had something way different in mind for this next motive, and one that surely anyone would hate. Now all he had to do was put it on paper, and pitch it to Monokuma.

Motive making didn't have to be evil, or despair-inducing. No, it could just be annoying in itself. Chihiro decided this with a smile. He could introduce small, little motives. Ones that would slowly eat away at people, at least it would bring the killings to a halt for a little while.

He meant a note to phrase it like that to Monokuma. The bear would most likely be a little confused, maybe even angry that Fujisaki wasn't taking the game too seriously. But it would work. He'd make it work. Because he was strong.

And he was. Chihiro was strong, and he always had been.


Kyoko Kirigiri shut the door behind Celeste, cutting off the sound of the girl's footsteps and went to sit on her bed. Out of all things to happen, she had not expected that. She undid the braid in her hair, fiddling with it. She found herself slowly wrapping it into the shape of Celestia's drills.

Why had Ludenberg been allowed to live? The question ate away at Kyoko, as she grabbed the notebook she'd been using to jot down the mysteries of the school. Was it purely for the 'game?' Or something much more sinister? She could only make small hypotheses.

Staring down at her notebook, Kirigiri's mind wandered. Why.. why was she so good at this? Why did she pick up on random movements, see things nobody else did, find the answer before anyone even knew who was dead? She stayed there on her bed, speculating.

After a few minutes, she put her notebook back on the table. Picking up her Monopad, she checked the time. 3:00 A.M. Had she really been awake that long? Kyoko supposed she should probably head to bed. After all, she needed sleep in order to survive here.

As she lay back on her pillow, she let her thoughts drift into nothings, into meaningless little journeys across her memories. To her life before the school, to her life in the school, and what the future held for her, trapped in this wretched place, dead, or out.

Whatever came, she would face it. Or die trying.


One sided Celesgiri, yeah that's right >:)

But I have a cool idea for Chihiro's motive style. Lot's of annoying things. He is very evil indeed. Okay but help, I spilled to my friend I wrote fanfiction on Wattpad and she won't stop asking for it sjdbjdnfjf what do I do

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