Down Here, At The Cinema.

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Chihiro whipped his head round to face the man who'd walked into th

No. I'm not done here yet.

I'm tired of writing about Chihiro Fujisaki for now. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to myself, thanks. I'll make it short for you, whoever has come across this notebook and managed to publish it, like I wrote in the back of the cover. For the readers, enjoy this excerpt.

When I reveal my true identity, I expect that the story will end soon. After all, big reveals are usually at the end, right? At least I assume so, but I've already told you my location. To some of you, that will have meant something. To others, you haven't seen all that our world has to offer, have you? That is okay. I don't think any of us in the movie theatre have seen it all yet.

We get new arrivals from time to time. Some come in scared, others come in accepting, and some angry. I don't think I've ever seen someone come in happy, aside from

Wait, I'm revealing too much. I would scribble that all out, but that would ruin the neatness of my notebook. Alas, the quality of this story is more important. After all, it's all I have that will remain of me.

Let's talk about Chihiro for a second. You can see he is not on the side of hope nor despair, as he is conflicted between his identity of good and evil. We see him cry over Asahina's death, pity her killer, and pray for the survival of his classmates. But we also see him masterminding a killing game he swore to end, designing executions and having fun creating motives for murder. What do you make of that?

Another piece of evidence proving that our world does not exist in black and white. No, it involves grey as well, varying in shades and shifting from which of the two it is closest. Even the worst of the worst have a little bit of light in them sometimes, and vice versa.

As you may know, none of the events in this story actually happened here. But at the same time, they did. Ever heard of an alternate universe, reader? That is what this is. Somewhere across time and space, this tale took place. And that is what I record here. I compile the events of other universes into this notebook. There are more masterminds, culprits, survivors, and even completely different world events in these places. This is only one of many, the first I am writing about. More will most likely follow after this one. Much more.

Do you have a favourite "character"? Do you believe them to be the goodest of the good? Or perhaps the worst person in the world? The world is not just in black or white, reader. Just take a look at Chihiro, one of the purest people in the entire first game.

You know, there's this certain person I'd like to mention that piques my interest, as it may pique yours as well. Are you aware of a Kokichi Ouma, reader? I'm sure you are, for he is somehow both overrated and overhated at the same time by people like you. He falls into this category of grey. Quite the enigma of a boy, though he is exceptionally annoying.

I'm sure it occurred to you that I could not be from the first killing game. We in the cinema know of and are from all of them, that's what we watch on the screen from time to time. Just yesterday we finished watching something from our universe, the end of the killing games. They ended "Danganronpa." And that day there were two new arrivals to our cinema. Needless to say, there were happy reunions, but unhappy people. After all, we already have to deal with one mastermind in our midst. Though of course, the arrival herself was practically overjoyed to meet the other.

She seems happy. Does that make you angry? That a despicable person such as that mastermind, who feels no remorse for their actions, has found happiness? Turns out she's also a very distant, removed twice, relative of someone from the first killing game. The person in question was not too thrilled to find this out.

But it's not too bad down here, at the cinema. Most of the people are nice, friendships have been mended, and we have moved on from past events. I believe we have reached peace at last. And now we can enjoy the rest of our time here, together. There are quite a few of us though, it does get loud sometimes and it can be hard to get sleep. One of the people here (I forgot his name) started a schedule of sorts, for day and night, sleep times etc. etc. His "best friend" made sure to enforce it. Well, until one of the girls beat him up for yelling too much. It works, for now.

We all try to get by. We are trying. Some people wake up crying at night, for whoever they cannot see again. Sometimes the most unexpected people start crying, though I will not leak their names for their own privacy. One of the girls, mentioned before for beating up someone, cries almost every night for this other girl named Himiko Yumeno, who survived and escaped. I feel bad for her, though she is usually comforted by someone who she, apparently, used to dislike. I don't know what I can do to help anyone here. I was never close to the people in my class, except for him.

But he won't remember that. He probably never will. He won't be here for a while, and he will have moved on from me. Sometimes the people I least expect to cry end up doing so. That includes myself, reader.

I will continue writing for now. I may return with more words for you some other time, and I look forward to those moments when I write about myself. Perhaps I will even start a whole other section just to talk about me. It's important to talk about yourself, I've heard. It's healthy or something.

One of the people here, a musician, gave me an MP4 player, with a bunch of songs they downloaded on there just for me. I'm listening to it now, and though the music is strange and sometimes quite diverse from what you could consider to be normal music, it gives me a sense of calm.

That calm helps me to write. And I will use it as such. Until we speak again, reader.

I will look forward to that time.

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