Impossible To Perform.

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It wasn't going to plan at all. What on Earth would a fanfic writer's execution be?! Chihiro tore another page out of his notebook in frustration, lobbing the crumpled scrap of paper across the room. It missed the bin, landing with a patter onto the tiled floors. He turned his attention to the screens above him, where quite an.. unusual scenario had been taking place.

Hifumi stood there, head 'bleeding.' In reality, he'd just poured a little of the blood from the nurse's office onto his head and waited there in the library for everyone to find him, and they had done so. The obliviousness of everyone frustrated Chihiro further. He was rather wishing for Hifumi to slip up, so the answer could be shoved into their dummy faces. He put his head down once more. An execution for the Ultimate Fanfic Writer..

Working away, Chihiro had forgotten completely about his original plan he had been working on. You know, the one to end the game? That he had been busy with for hours? It had all gone out of the window. Besides, whilst Fujisaki was busy saying goodbye to Ishimaru, Monokuma had taken the liberty to reset all his hard work. All of it, gone, just like that.

And so he kept planning, until finally managing to come up with a decent execution! Finally, it was ready. After all his toiling a way, he'd come up with something he could be proud of! And boy was Hifumi gonna regret what he did to Taka--


The noise caught Chihito by surprise, and he fell off his chair with a thud. Recovering from the fall now, he looked up onto the screen and saw..

Hifumi. Dead. Celeste standing over his lifeless corpse. Holding a wooden mallet soaked in blood.

Chihiro stood there, speechless. Hifumi was dead. Gone. And that meant whatever execution he had written was now scrapped forever, impossible to perform.

With a yell of rage, Chihiro picked up his office chair and threw it across the office, making Monokuma jump. It clattered as it landed, a few plastic wheels and parts popping off of the chair as if hit the ground. It skidded across the room, leaving Chihiro there, angry.

All of that time spent, all of his creativity, effort, gone into that execution was for nothing! He was fuming, now chucking the pencil he'd used to write said execution as well. Oh dear lord he was mad. In fact, he'd never been quite this angry before. Perhaps it was the stress of the killing game? Who knew.

He sat down on the throne-lik chair in the middle of the room with an angry sigh. Monokuma rushed over.

"What the shit, Fujisaki?! That was a good chair you know!" He was rather angry.

Chihiro ignored him, instead grabbing his mug of coffee from the table and taking a long, drawn-out sip. He needed to calm down, stressing out and getting unreasonably angry would not help the game. He sat back in the chair, and an idea flooded into his brain.

"Hey, Monokuma," he started. He'd grown a lot more confident with the bear compared to their first Mastermind meeting, "you wouldn't happen to have any different clothes would you?"

Since the start of his Mastermind job, Chihiro didn't have a change of clothes available. He'd just been in his usual cardigan blouse and skirt combo, but it was beginning to get tiresome. Monokuma's annoyance evaporated.

"Well, well, I was hoping you'd ask!" His rather voice returned, "We've got a giant fitting room in the back. Our old Mastermind loved clothing, you know."

Chihiro's head turned to a previously locked door, which had suddenly clicked, indicating it was now open. He stepped in and a bewildering sight met his eyes.

A plush, white walk in wardrobe. Clothes, shoes, make-up etc. lined the walls. Even wigs! Chihiro gasped. This was more than he'd ever imagined. As he walked through the hallway of clothing, he felt like he was in a dream. As he passed the wig section, he found a peculiar one. Why would someone need a Junko wig? Maybe it was because she had really nice hair, who knows?

And thus, he started to pick out an outfit.


I'll outfit reveal in the next chapter, haha. I'll probably start writing it right now, actually. So it might come out soon, or not! Who knows, I get very unmotivated sometimes. Have a nice day, so long, bear-well!

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