Something New.

176 5 1

"This is a school announcement! Everyone to the gym, pronto!"

Monokuma's voice rang out across the school, and one by one the students filed into the gym. As they stood there in front of the stage, the bear counted each head.

"5, 6, 7.. hold on! We're missing a student!" Monokuma exclaimed angrily.

Aoi raised an eyebrow, one hand on her hip. "But there's only 7 of us? Or did I count wrong?"

The bear huffed angrily, now mocking Aoi slightly by placing a paw on his hip. "Wow, you kids sure are dumber than rocks! I guess I'll have to go grab them myself. Everyone wait here!"

Monokuma disappeared, seemingly vanishing for now. Everyone stood in the gym, confused. Except one person, who knew exactly what was going to happen. She cursed herself for not thinking this over further, she was a fool if she thought Monokuma would let Celestia be.

And that's when they heard the familiar cursing and yelling of a certain student outside the gym, and as the voice drew further, everyone standing in the gym could start to make out the words being spoken. Or rather shouted.


With a bang, the doors flew open to reveal Monokuma dragging Celeste along the ground by her left drill. There was a loud gasp from the students, as she was chucked unceremoniously into the hall.

"No.. could it really be..?" Sakura murmured now, covering her mouth with one hand, protectively stepping closer to Aoi.

Celestia looked up at her fellow classmates, rising and dusting herself off, quickly recomposing herself. She briefly made eye contact with Kyoko, before pulling away to meet the gaze of the ones closest to her.

"Well. What a pleasant surprise." She smiled now, in that refined, intimidating fashion.

Everyone could only stare, as she went to stand by Kyoko. She would never admit it, but that was where Celeste felt safest. I mean, how safe could you feel in the same room as a serial killer? But then again, she was a killer.

"Gee, you're all so dramatic!" Monokuma complained, grabbing everyone's attention, "Now that we're all gathered, I'd like to announce our latest motive!!"

"Our Mastermind is trying something a little new. They have decided that I, Monokuma, am allowed to choose a new little motive every day. They will start off small, but progressively get worse each time! How fun is that?"

The bear giggled with glee, as his words were allowed to settle among the students.

"So your plan is to annoy us into killing?" Byakuya said now.

"Ding ding! Now, if you excuse me, I have important business to attend to. I'll let you guys deal with drill head over there!"

And with that, Monokuma vanished, leaving everyone to stare at Celeste.


Chihiro was happy. It was all working out well, and reintroducing Celestia had gone pretty well. He'd giggled a little when she had been taken, or rather dragged, to the gym. He knew he shouldn't have, but it felt different when he was watching it on a screen.

Going over his role now, he felt like this was.. one big video game. He was the programmer, the Mastermind, controlling and creating the game. But who was the main character? Fujisaki, now struck with the idea, brought out a fresh notepad.

He wrote down everyone's names, and started going over potential main characters. Perhaps if he envisioned the killing game as if it were a literal game, he'd be better at it? It wasn't a bad thought, and maybe he'd start theming things around the idea.

And so Chihiro sat there for two hours, writing out descriptions, diagrams and even making character sheets for who would be the best main character. Eventually, Monokuma came in to check on him.

"Hey Fujisaki, how's the work going?"

Monokuma waddled to the desk, peering over the boy's shoulder now. He took a second to read the page.

"Main character? Hoo boy, now that's the typ'a fourth wall breaking only the author would do!"

"What was that?" Chihiro said, not particularly paying attention.

"Nothing, nothing, I'll leave ya to it." Monokuma said, walking backwards and out of the room.

Chihiro barely noticed what the bear had said, still very engulfed in his task. He'd always been a big video game person, the ones he had made sold a ton, but Chihiro had only worked with big companies, always doing the coding and never the character design. Now he had that chance to pick out the perfect MC! And soon, he reached a decision.

Makoto, obviously! How could someone not pick him? Though rather a mean thing to think of someone, you had to admit the guy was pretty plain. And it's that kind of blankness that makes the perfect character to portray yourself upon! Besides, Makoto was the one who did all the main thinking in the trials, and discovered the bodies first! Hold on..

Chihiro found himself wrapped in the thought of if this was actually a video game. It was a funny thought, but a mildly disturbing one.

He laughed at himself for thinking it might be true.


This is just me breaking the fourth wall for half the chapter ienfifkfkff

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