Chapter 25

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Dereks words haunt Addisons thoughts as she tries to continue her day. She's so distracted but the thought of her little girl almost being crushed that she can't seem to focus on her work. She can't afford for her focus to be torn like this. A mistake on this case would be life or death. Not only for the mother but for her babies. Eventually she decides that she has no other choice but to go see her child. She stops at the gift shop to pick up a sort of peace offering before heading to the childcare center. She's completely aware of how badly this could go after the way Josie reacted yesterday but she has to see her. She needs to talk to her, or at least try too.

"Can I help you?" The woman running the childcare center asks.

"I Um I'm here to visit my daughter." She explains.

"I haven't seen you here before, whose your child?" The woman asks her cautiously.

"Josie..Josephine Shepherd. I'm her mother."

"Just give me one second." The woman disappears into the room and when she returns Josie is beside her holding tightly to her hand. "Josie do you know this woman?" She asks the child. Josie nods, her cheeks rosie and flushed.

"Hi baby." Addison whispers softly as she kneels down to her level. "Can I have a minute with her?" She asks the woman.

"Josie is that okay?" Josie shrugs sheepishly, staring intently at her shoes. "I'll be right over there okay? You just call for me and I'm here." Josie nods and the woman moves a few feet away trying to look subtle as she watches them closely.

"I brought you something." Addison tells her gently trying to get her attention. Josie stays quiet but her gaze rises a few inches. She's curious. Addison pulls a doll from the gift shop out from behind her back. "Your daddy told me what happened to one of your dolls a little while ago." Josie looks at the doll, unsure how to react.

"The bad man with the bike." She whispers. Addison nods.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm sorry that I wasn't here." Josie finally looks up at her with glossy eyes. Addison gives her a sad smile. "I understand why you don't want to see me, I just...I needed to see my baby." She reaches out and strokes Josie's cheek. Josie doesn't even fight her. Her skin is hot to the touch taking Addison by surprise. She uses the back of her hand to feel her daughters forehead. "Baby you're burning up." Josie sways a little on her feet.

"Mommy.."Josie whines weakly.

"It's okay, it's okay I'm here." Addison stands, scooping her up into her arms. Josie immediately lays her head against her mothers shoulder. Addison can feel the heat from her little face against the side of her neck. "How long has she been like this?" Addison asks the childcare worker trying to control the anxiety in her voice.

"She hasn't been herself all day, we just assumed it was because of the.. well you know. The situation." She says referring to the blow out yesterday and Josies fit this morning. "Why? Is something wrong."

"She burning up. She can barely stand, look at her!" Addison snaps. She takes out her phone and immediately calls Derek.

"Addison?" He questions, confused as to why she'd be calling.

"Derek something wrong with Josie. Meet me downstairs in the ER." She tells him quickly as she leaves the room.

"What are you talking about, what happened?"

"I went to visit her in daycare..."he cuts her off.

"You did what??"

"Derek she's burning up. She can barely stand."

"What?" He asks, his concern for his child over powering his anger with his soon to be ex wife for the moment.

"Please, Just meet me downstairs. something's wrong I can feel it."

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