Chapter 1

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Kimiko sat with her twin just enjoying the day. Giyu smiles and said this is a nice day. Kimiko said yea it is. Shinobu came up to them and said meeting with the master. Giyu nodded and got up. Kimiko got up as well and the three of them go to the meeting.  Kimiko sat down next to her twin. Kagaya said thank you for everyone being here, theres something troubling me. Giyu said what is it master. Kagaya said as you know I sent tanjiro on a mission and he hasnt returned. Giyu sst there and said maybe we should look into it. Kagaya nods and said yea we should. Kimiko sat up and said I can look into this master. Kagaya nodded and said alright kimiko, ill leave it to you, be careful out there. Kimiko nods and said I will master. Kagaya said alright meeting is over.

Kimiko walked out of the room with her twin right behind her. Giyu said sis I should come with you. Kimiko shakes her head and said no bro if we both go, you know what could happen. Giyu said i dont care, I cant lose you. Kimiko said bro I know but we dont want that demon to get what he wants. Giyu sighs in defeat and said your right sis but channel your powers and let them protect you. Kimiko nods and said I will bro. Giyu hugs his twin sister and said be careful. Kimiko hugs him back and I will and then left.

Muzan came up to tanjiro And said there's someone I want you to bring to me. Tanjiro looks at him and said who that might be master muzan. Muzan looks at him and said theres a girl that would be part of the demon slayer corp who has special powers just like her twin, I want you to kidnap her and bring her to me. Tanjiro bows and said as you wish master. Muzan nods and said go. Tanjiro nods and left.

Kimiko arrived in the city that tanjiro went to on his mission and used her power to show past events. Tanjiro hid in an alleyway of a city. Kimiko followed a smoke figure showing her what happened to a alleyway. As she was watching the event go down, she sensed a demon close by and Drew her sword. Tanjiro walked up behind the girl. Kimiko sensed the demon behind her and said I know your there and turns around to see a shocking surprise. As she turned around, she saw tanjiro and said tanjiro what happened to you. Tanjiro drew his sword and attacked her. Kimiko blocked it with her sword and said what's gotten into you. Tanjiro attacks her again. Kimiko got hit and hit the wall and gets up slowly and attacks him. Tanjiro blocked it and threw her into the wall of the alleyway. Kimikos head hit into the wall and she passed out. Tanjiro picks her up and takes her back to the castle.

Tanjiro came back into the castle and said i have returned with her master muzan. Muzan looks at him and said good job tanjiro. Tanjiro said thank you master. Muzan puts a bracelet on her and said put her in the cell and guard it. Tanjiro nods and puts her in a cell and stood there guarding it.

Kimiko groans as she opens her eyes and looks around. Tanjiro said your awake. Kimiko looks at him and tries to channel her powers but got shocked. Muzan said you can't use your powers. Kimiko sees him and said you again. Muzan said good to see you again. Kimiko said you won't get what you want, I wont allow it. Muzan said oh but I will, if your twin knows that your in danger then he will come save you. Kimiko said what did you do to my powers. Muzan said that bracelet neutrizies your powers so if you try to use them then you will get shocked. Kimiko looks at him and said what did you do to tanjiro. Muzan said turned him into my most loyal demon. Kimiko balls her hands into fists and said you wont get a way with this. Muzan smirks and said I will have you two this time and left.

Kimiko looks at tanjiro and said I know the real tanjiro is in there somewhere. Tanjiro scoffs and said no he's not now be quiet. Kimiko looks at the boy she came to like and said I know the real tanjiro is in there, the boy who always so sweet and funny and strong and the person who i like. Tanjiro grabbed his head as brief visions came inside his head and said I said be quiet. Kimiko puts her hands on the bars of the cell and said I want you to come back tanjiro remember who you are. Tanjiro still grabbing his head and saw more visions as his memories came back to him and looks at her and said kimiko what are you doing here. Kimiko said you kidnapped me for muzan. Tanjiros eyes widened and started to cry and said im so sorry. Kimiko said don't cry. Tanjiro said why does he want you. Kimiko said he wants both me and my twin brother because we were both born with special powers that can either save the world or if fallen in the hands of evil, be used to destroy.

Tanjiro went over to kimiko and said I can't believe I did this and do you really like me. Kimiko kisses tanjiro through the bars and said yes I do but now you need to get out of here and get help. Tanjiro said but I'm still a demon would the others help me. Kimiko took a little knife out and said I was told that mine and my twins blood was special like it could be used to save someone from being a demon. Tanjiro said are you sure it will work. Kimiko cut her hand and said wont know until we give it a try so drink. Tanjiro drank from kimiko cut and felt his hands go back to normal and felt the teeth go away. Kimiko smiled as she gave tanjiro a piece of a portal bead and said this will take you where you need to go, use it to go back to headquarters and get my twin brother Giyu and the others to help. Tanjiro takes it and said I can't leave you behind. Kimiko said you can't do much against him on your own, you will need help now go. Tanjiro kissed kimiko and used the portal amd said we will rescue you and stepped through the portal back to headquarters.

Back at headquarters, Giyu paced cause he was worried about his twin. Shinobu watches him and said your gonna pace a path through the stone. Giyu sigh and said im worried, had no contact from my twin. Shinobu said I know but she's strong. Just then, a portal opened and tanjiro came through. Giyu saw tanjiro and went over to him and said what happened to you. Tanjiro looks at him and said long story but kimiko is in trouble. Giyu said what happened. Shinobu said I think the master and everyone else needs to here it too. Giyu nods as they went inside.

Kagaya sat in front of the hashira and tanjiro and said what happened to you tanjiro. Tanjiro said I was kidnapped by muzan and turned into a demon and had no memory of who I really was until just now before I came back. Kagaya said what happened while you were a demon. Tanjiro said he wanted me to bring him a girl who was part of the slayer corp who had special powers. Kagaya said so he wanted kimiko. Giyu said not just her but me as well. Kagaya said really. Giyu said yes me and my twin kimiko was born with special powers that muzan wants to use. Kagaya said I see, so what happened next. Tanjiro said I found her and fought with her knocking her out and took her back to muzan. Kagaya said what did he do to her. Tanjiro said he put a bracelet on her that neutralizes her powers where if she used them she would get shocked. Giyu said he must have created that after the last time he tried to take us. Kagaya said he tried this before. Giyu said yes when we were kids, he tried to take us but was saved by our parents. Kagaya said I see, so what happened next. Tanjiro said Kimiko woke up and tried to get me to regain my memories, at first it didnt work but eventually, I regained my memories. Kagaya said how did you return to being a human. Giyu said when we were really young, our parents told us our blood is special. Kagaya said you mean like if a demon drank it they would go back to being human. Giyu nods and said yes. Tanjiro said she cut her hand and had me drink some which returned me to human then gave me a portal bead to come back and get help, she wouldn't let me try to get her out. Giyu said she was trying to protect you from muzan once you were human again. Kagaya said alright so our next move is to rescue kimiko from muzan. Giyu nods and so did everyone else.

Kagaya said we must rescue kimiko at any cost. Giyu said and get through any obstacles muzan has. Tanjiro said I know where kimiko is at so when we get there, I can show you. Giyu nods and said okay. Kagaya said Giyu I think you should either stay back here or close by so your not in danger. Giyu sighs and said but why. Tanjiro looks at him and said kimiko told me that your and her powers can either save the world or if evil got it then destroy the world. Kagaya said its best so muzan can't get what he wants. Giyu sighs and said alright. Kagaya said we will begin this tomorrow so get some sleep everyone. Giyu and tanjiro nods and got up as well did everyone else and left. Tanjiro looks at Giyu and said hey Giyu do you think you could try to return my sister to human. Giyu said I can try before we leave tomorrow. Tanjiro nods and said thank you. Giyu smiles and said so you like my sister huh. Tanjiro said how did you know. Giyu said I know my twin really well. Tanjiro chuckles and said yes I really like her. Giyu said treat her right. Tanjiro said I will. Giyu said get some rest for tomorrow. tanjiro nods and goes to the room with his sister and lays down falling asleep. Giyu goes to his room and lays down falling asleep.

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