Chapter 10

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Kimiko and Giyu got to the masters quarters. Kagaya said welcome my children. Kimiko and Giyu both bowed and said master we have some news to share. Kagaya said what is it. Giyu said we managed to take out more of the upper rank demons. Kagaya said good, no harm has come to either of you two. Kimiko said I lost my left arm in the fight with kokushibu. Giyu said muzan showed up and nearly turned my twin or killed her if I took a step. Kagaya said he's getting desperate to kill you two. Kimiko said yea but I managed to gather what strength i had to get away from him and then used my new breathing form to posion kokushibu. Kagaya said one step closer to defeating muzan. Kimiko and Giyu nods and said yes. Kagaya said thank you form informing me my children. Kimiko and Giyu both bows and left.

Kimiko and Giyu both went back to the estate and kimiko sat down outside. Giyu sat beside her and said whats wrong sis. Kimiko said just thinking bro. Giyu said about what sis. Kimiko said not gonna be able to do much on my own now. Giyu said it will be alright sis. Kimiko smiles a bit  as tanjiro came over to them and sat doen next to kimiko and pulls her close to him. Kimiko smiles and leans against him and said to her twin, we will have to defeat him soon. Giyu nods and said I know.

The next day, there was a hashira meeting and kimiko and the other hashira were sitting in front of the master. Kagaya said welcome my children, so we need to come up with how to defeat muzan. Giyu said master me and my twin sister should go in there and use our powers to defeat muzan. Kagaya said it could be dangerous Giyu, someone should go with you. Giyu shakes his head and said master we can control our powers when we just use them sparingly but when we need to use them more to defeat someone, it could be dangerous to anyone if they come with us. Kagaya said alright I see your point so we will have the other hashira and tanjiro outside as backup whilst you two go inside. Giyu nods and said thank you master. Kagaya said so as soon as possible we will do this. Everyone nodded.

After the meeting, kimiko and Giyu go back to the butterfly estate. Tanjiro came up to the them and put his arms around kimiko. Kimiko smiled and leans against him. Giyu looks at his twin and said you ready to finally get rid of him sis. Kimiko nods and said more than ready. Tanjiro frowns and said I wish I could go in with you, it vould be dangerous. Kimiko said like my twin said, it could be dangerous for you to be in there with us, we let our power go wild. Tanjiro nods and said I know but I worry about you. Kimiko smiles and said I know but I'll have my twin with me, we will be fine. Tanjiro said promise me that you come out of this alive. Kimiko looks down and said I don't want to make that promise but I'll do my best to make it back to you. Tanjiro looks at her and said I want the promise love. Kimiko goes inside ad tanjiro made to follow her but was stopped by Giyu who said she doesn't want to promise you because if she does and she doesn't make it you will be heartbroken. Tanjiro nods and said oh I see. Giyu said just have to give her some time, shes also still feeling down about losing her arm and cant do much on her own. Tanjiro nods and said I hope she's alright. Giyu said she will be fine.

A week has passed and kimiko and tanjiro and the other hashira were getting ready to go to defeat muzan. Kimiko puller her twin away from the others. Giyu looks at his twin and said what sis. Kimiko gave her twin a bottle and said I want you to drink this in case when we use our powers and something happens to you, you wont die. Giyu takes the bottle and said what about you. Kimiko held up her own bottle and said already thought of it, its why inasked you for something yesterday. Giyu chuckles and said always on top of things. Kimiko nods and said let's get back over there. Giyi and kimiko both drank their respective bottles and went back to the others. Kimiko looked at the others and said are you guys ready to go. Everyone nodded and they all left to go defeat muzan.

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