Chapter 5

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Tanjiro sat beside kimiko bed and stroked her hair. Nezuko came in and brought her brother some food and said you need to eat bro. Tanjiro nibbled at the food and said thanks sis. Nezuko hugs her brother and said she will be fine bro, she's strong. Tanjiro said I know, I just feel like I failed to protect her. Nezuko said bro you didnt fail her, you saved her from muzan. Shinobu walked in and said she's right tanjiro, you saved her from that place. Tanjiro smiles and said thanks guys. Shinobu smiles and said she will be fine once she recovers her strength.

A couple of weeks has passed since they rescued kimiko and Giyu and tanjiro was still beside kimiko watching for signs she was gonna wake up. Nezuko stayed with her brother to make sure he was doing okay. Just then, both kimikos and giyus hands start to twitch and tanjiro went to go get shinobu. Shinobu said whats up tanjiro. Tanjiro said I think they are about to wake up, I saw their hands twitch. Shinobu said let's go see. Tanjiro nods and follows her inside. Kimiko groans as she opens her eyes. Giyu groans as he opens his eyes. Tanjiro takes kimikos hand and said oh love. Kimiko said what happened. Tanjiro said you and Giyu were kidnapped and he tried forcing you two to use your powers. Kimiko tries to sit up but tanjiro said no just rest love. Giyu looks over at his twin and said are you alright sis. Kimiko said yea bro. Shinobu said I still need to check you two out. Giyu nods and said alright. Shinobu looks over Giyu and said you are alright. Shinobu then looked over kimiko. Kimiko winced a bit and looks bat shinobu. Shinobu said you have some fractured ribs again so you need to stay resting. Kimiko groans and said its so boring not doing anything. Giyu chuckles and said sis just listen to shinobu. Kimiko said I will bro.

Back at the castle, muzan was fuming that his plan was fooled again. Akaza leans against the wall. Muzan comes up to akaza and said I want those twins dead. Akaza bows and said are you sure master. Muzan said if you can manage to get them here so I can use their powers then good but if you can't kill them. Akaza bows again and said yes master.

A week has passed and kimiko sighed bored out of her mind. Tanjiro chuckled and said love I know your bored but hopefully soon you will be able to get out of bed. kimiko looks at him and said im sorry for you not doing anything. Tanjiro said dont be sorry, I rather be here to keep you company then anything. shinobu came in just then and checked kimiko over and said well good news your ribs have healed again so you can get out of bed. Kimiko smiles and said that's good.

The next day, kimiko was with Aoi and the girls as they helped her not be so stiff. Aoi said that should be good see if your stiff still kimiko. Kimiko got up and walked around and said no not stiff anymore. Aoi said thats good, you can leave. Kimiko smiled and left and went outside.

Giyu was outside with tanjiro when he saw his twin and smiled. Kimiko walks over to them and said hey bro and love. Tanjiro pulls kimiko into his arms and kissed her. Giyu smiles and said hey sis how you feeling. Kimiko said better now. Giyu said good sis. Kimiko nods and said what you two doing. Giyu said just was training with tanjiro. Kimiko nods and smiles.

A guy arrived at headquarters and kagaya saw him and said welcome. Len bowed and said thank you. Kagaya said how can I help you. Len said I need to see kimiko and Giyu. Kagaya said oh how do you know them. Len said I was friends with their parents, I need to talk to them. Kagaya nods and said I can get them as he sends a crow to kimiko and Giyu.

Kimiko saw a crow coming towards them. The crow landed on kimikos and said you and your twin needs to go to the masters quarters. Kimiko said okay and looks at her twin. Giyu gets up and waits for his twin. Kimiko gets up and kisses tanjiro and said I'll be back love. Tanjiro kisses her back and said alright love. Kimiko and giyu goes to masters quarters.

Kimiko and Giyu get to the masters quarters. Kagaya saw them come up and said kimiko and Giyu there's someone you should meet. Kimiko and Giyu both looked confused. Len came up and said hi I'm len, I was friends with your parents. Kimiko sst down with her twin and said why didnt they tell us about you. Len said I don't know why but you know about me now. Kimiko nods and said so what is this about. Len said I heard what happened to you both and I'm here to give you two something I think will help. Kimiko nods and said okay. Len held up two star crystal necklaces and said your parents gave me these to keep safe until I gave them to you. Kimiko looks at the necklaces and said what is it suppose to do. Len said these will help you when that demon tries to take you, a force field will go around you and protect you. Kimiko looks at her twin and said that could help us. Giyu nods and said yea sis. Len hands the pink star crystal necklace to kimiko and then handed the blue star crystal necklace to Giyu and said as long as you have these on, you will be protected. Kimiko put her necklace on and giyu put his on. Len said they look good on you two, now I must be on my way. Kimiko nods and said thank you. Len left the headquarters. Kagaya said well now we know you two will be protected. Kimiko and Giyu both nodded and bowed to the master and went back to the butterfly estate.

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