Chapter 2

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Muzan was angry at the fact that tanjiro was gone. Kimiko sat there trying to get the damn bracelet off. Muzan walks up and said its pointless, you wont get that off unless I take it off. Kimiko glares at him and said I'm glad tanjiro is away from you. Muzan opens the cell door and walks in and kicks her face. Kimiko held her face as blood came down her cheek. Muzan lifts her up by her throat and said if I didn't need you and your twin, I would kill you now and threw her down against the wall. Kimiko hit her head on the wall as muzan closes the cell door and walked away.

The next day, tanjiro and Giyu were getting ready to go save kimiko. Giyu gave nezuko a little of his blood and nezuko was back to being human and tanjiro hugs his sister and said I'll be back soon sis. Nezuko said okay bro. Giyu waits for tanjiro with the others. Tanjiro come up and said let's go. Giyu nods and they all set off.

Giyu and the others stopped in a field near where the castle was at. Shinobu said what should we do to get her out of there. Giyu said we have to figure out any obstacles we might face. Tanjiro said this entrance is usually empty. Giyu nods and said alright, so who will go inside with tanjiro. Shinobu said I'll go. Rengoku said I will also go. Giyu said alright so we got the rescue party. Giyu said I'll keep an eye out for any danger out here. Everyone nodded and shinobu rengoku and tanjiro snuck inside.

Muzan told some demons that he wanted kimiko guarded round the clock. The demons nodded and guarded kimiko. Tanjiro lead shinobu and rengoku through the castle and whispered he may have someone guarding her. Shinobu said we will take care of them if they are. Tanjiro nodded and saw the cell area and whispered looks like two demons guarding her. Rengoku said I'll take care of them.

Rengoku beheaded the demons that were guarding kimiko. Tanjiro ran over to the cell and saw kimiko hurt and said kimiko I brought help. Kimiko weakly looks up at them. Shinobu picks the lock of the cell as tanjiro picks kimiko up. Shinobu looks at the bracelet and manages to break it. Tanjiro holds kimiko and said let's get out of here and back to Giyu. Shinobu and rengoku both nods and they all left the castle.

Tanjiro and the others went to where Giyu was with kimiko. Giyu saw them come Back with kimiko who was hurt and went over to them and said how bad is she hurt. Shinobu said lets get back to the butterfly estate and I'll check her over. They went back to the butterfly estate and tanjiro laid kimiko down on the bed. Kimiko winced when she was set down. Shinobu looks st kimiko and said she has a few broken ribs and a head wound. Giyu said damn him for hurting her. Shinobu grabbed some bandages and wrapped kimikos head and said she should rest for a week or so until everything is healed. Kimiko looks at them and said he took his anger that tanjiro was gone on me. Shinobu said well your back now and no getting up until your healed. Kimiko nods weakly and laid back. Giyu kisses his twins forhead and said get some rest sis. Kimiko nods and smiles a bit at him and tanjiro. Tanjiro kisses her softly and sat beside her. Shinobu looks at giyu and said we should inform the master about this. Giyu nods and they leave to go to the master

Shinobu and Giyu went to go see the master. Kagaya saw them and said welcome back. Giyu kneels to master and said we saved my twin from muzan. Kagaya said oh good is she alright. Shinobu said she has a head wound and a few broken ribs, I told her she is to rest and not get up at all. Kagaya nods and said alright just glad she's back. Giyu nods and said me too master. Kagaya said thank you for telling me. Giyu and shinobu both bowed and went back to the estate. Giyu went to sit beside his twin while shinobu went to her office.

Muzan went to see if kimiko was still in the cell and cursed when he saw she was gone. Akaza heard cursing and stood there and said uh oh master is not happy. Muzan mutters I will get those two no matter. Akaza walked away from the scene.

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