Chapter 8

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The next night, kimiko was with her twin and tanjiro getting ready to try to take out another of the upper demons. Giyu said are you sure you want to do this sis. Kimiko said I'll be fine bro, just you and tanjiro stick close and wait for the signal. Giyu said alright sis, just be careful. Kimiko said I will bro. Giyu and tanjiro went to a forest to hide and wait while kimiko waited for a upper rank demon.

Daki was looking for those twins so she could make master happy when she saw kimiko and went go after her. Kimiko saw daki and walked into the forest. Daki followed her into the forest. Kimiko stood in a clearing of the forest waiting. Daki came up and said you come to me. Kimiko turns and looks at her and shot forward cutting dakis head off. Dakis head fell into her hands and Started to cry and said brother. Just then, someone came out of dakis body and helped her reattach her head.

Gyutarro looks at the girl and said were you one to mess with my little sister. Kimiko chuckles and said payback for kidnapping me and my twin brother. Gyutarro used his blood demon art to attack her. Kimiko dodges it and said ice breathing fifth form ice shards as ice shards went toward gyutarro. Gyutarro dodged it and used his blood demon art again. Kimiko tried to dodge it but was hit by some of it and fell down. Giyu who was close by saw that his twin was down which was the signal and him and tanjiro snuck behind the two demons. Giyu and tanjiro decapited both the demons head. Daki and gyutarros heads and body started to decentigrate and said how did they do this. Kimiko stood up and said I was faking being poisoned by your blood demon art so my twin brother and love could take you out. The demons head and body fully decentigrated.

The three of them were about to leave when their path was blocked by the upper rank 1 demon. Kimiko stood in front of her twin and tanjiro protectively. Koushibo said well what do we have here. Kimiko glares at him and said what do you want. Koushibo said you are causing problems for master muzan. Kimiko said like I care, if it means he will be defeated then I will continue to do this. Koushibo stabbed kimiko in her stomach. Kimiko fell to the ground. Giyu kneeled down beside his twin and said sis. Kimiko used the total concentration constant to seal her wound to stop the bleeding.

Giyu stood in front of his twin and said you will pay for harming my twin sister. Kimiko was channeling her powers to try to heal the wound. Tanjiro kneeled down beside her and laid her head on his lap. Koushibo said you think you can beat me. Kimiko said bro don't try to fight him, I sense he's really strong, just as strong as us hashira. Giyu said but sis he hurt you. Kimiko said I know bro but you will end up dead if you fight him. Giyu backs towards his twin as tengen threw some smoke bombs and the four of them got away. Koushibo saw them gone and went back to the infinity castle.

Tanjiro carried kimiko back to the butterfly estate with the other two following behind them. Shinobu saw them come in and said did it work. Giyu said we managed to kill the two upper six demons but then upper demon 1 showed up and stabbed my twin. Shinobu said put her on the bed and I'll look at it. Tanjiro put kimiko on the bed. Kimiko winced a bit when she was set down. Shinobu looks at kimiko stomach and said well she managed to heal the wound half way with her powers but the rest may need closed up. Giyu nods as he sat beside his twin. Kimiko said I was trying to heal it all the way but it was starting to make me feel weak and almost pass out. Giyu said its fine sis. Shinobu stitched the rest of kimiko injury and said just no activity for awhile. Kimiko sighs and said alright.

Back at the infinity castle, muzan was wondering what was taking daki so long when koushibo came back. Koushibo bows and said master im afraid daki and her brother wont be around anymore. Muzan growls and said why. Koushibo said they were beheaded by one of the twins from the demon slayer corp. Muzan said what the hell are they planning. Koushibo said no idea master but I did injure one of the twins. Muzan said I guess I'm gonna have to deal with those twins myself and walks away.

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