Chapter 11

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Kimiko and the others got to where the infinity castle was. Giyu looks at his twin and said you ready to do this. Kimiko nods and said I'm ready to be rid of him so we can live peaceful lives. Shinobu looks at them and said be careful you two. Giyu nods and said we will. Kimiko stood with tanjiro as he held her close and said please stay safe love. Kimiko kisses him and said I'll be safe. Tanjiro kisses her back and let her go as she walks over to her twin. Giyu takes his twins hand and said ready to go in. Kimiko nods and the two of them go into the castle to face muzan.

Kimiko and Giyu walk through the castle to find muzan. Muzan was angry for he heard of the invasion to his castle. Kimiko saw muzan up ahead and looked at her twin. Giyu silently nodded and looks at muzan. Muzan saw the twins and said well you decide to come to me to kill you. Kimiko said we wont be dying, you will. Muzan said you think you can kill me little girl. Kimiko said I know we can and we will so we can end your terror on this world.

Muzan glares at them and said bring it on. Kimiko took her twins hand as Giyu put his other hand on her upper arm and their powers came onto their bodies. The twins powers shot in all directions, some hitting the walls and most of them hitting muzan over and over. Muzan couldn't dodge the amount of power that he was getting hit with. The twins kept at it with all their strength. Muzan tried attacking the twins but got knocked back and hit with more of their power. The whole castle shook and pieces started breaking.

Meanwhile, the others saw the infinity castle come into sight when normally it wouldn't be as the whole castle collapsed into a pile of rubble. Shinobu said i see what they mean when they didnt want anyone to come in with them. Tanjiro looks around and said do you see them. Shinobu shook her head and said not yet. Just then, a severely weakened muzan came out of the rubble and said those two will pay. Kimiko dug herself and her twin who wasn't moving out of the ruble. Muzan saw them and slowly walks to them and said one down one to go. Kimiko put her hand on her twins chest and felt him breathing. Muzan said you will end up just like your twin dead. Kimiko laughs standing up slowly and said you are a fool to think my twins dead. Muzan said are you blind girl he's not moving, he's dead. Kimiko said your wrong there, before we came here, we both drank something that if something happened to one twin but the other twin was still active then they wouldn't die, just in a state of unconsciousness. Muzan growls and tried to attack her. Kimiko held her sword up and and said ninth form ice whip chains as the chains tied muzan up tight.

Muzan was trying to break free of the chains but couldn't. Kimiko looks at him and said it won't work, only way to break those is kill me. Muzan struggled and said I will kill you. Kimiko said I don't think you will. Muzan had spine whips appear on his back and they attacked kimiko. The spine whips hit kimiko cutting her body but she held up with holding on to her power and breathing. The first ray of sunrise started to show and muzan grew desperate and continued attacking kimiko. Kimiko still held on while taking the attacks. The sun finally risen and muzan turned to dust and was gone. Kimiko fell down next to her twin exhausted from the fight.

Tanjiro and the others were looking for the twins when tanjiro spot two people and said I think I found them. Shinobu ran over to the spot where they were and said yep they are here. Kimiko had passed out from exhaustion and tanjiro kneeled down next to her. Shinobu said lets get them back to the butterfly estate. Tanjiro picked kimiko up as shinobu picked Giyu up and they all went back to the butterfly estate.

Tanjiro and the other got back to the butterfly estate and tanjiro laid kimiko on a bed as shinobu laid giyu on the bed. Tanjiro noticed Giyu wasn't moving and said why isnt Giyu moving, is he alright or is he gone. Shinobu shook her head and said Giyu is just unconscious, him and kimiko drank something that she made so that if something happened to one twin but the other one was still active, they would be fine. Tanjiro nods and said oh I see. Shinobu said they may be out for awhile so we need to go inform the master of everything. Tanjiro nods and the two of them went to go see the master. Kagaya was lead out to them when they got there and said is everything alright. Shinobu kneels to the master and said muzan has been destroyed. Kagaya said kimiko and giyu were successful then. Shinobu nods and said yes they were, kimiko was injured and exhausted and is currently unconscious as well as her twin. Kagaya nods and said I figured, they used their power a lot. Shinobu said but I'm glad that now we can live peaceful lives. Kagaya said yes we can. Shinobu and tanjiro bows to the master and went back to the estate.

Three months have passed since the final battle with muzan and kimiko and Giyu were still unconscious. Tanjiro sat beside both their beds as shinobu came up saying they will be fine tanjiro. Tanjiro said why haven't they woken up yet. Shinobu said they used a lot of their powers so they need to recover. Just then, kimiko and giyus hands start to twitch. Tanjiro noticed it and said I think they are waking up. Kimiko opened her eyes as giyu opened his eyes. Tanjiro smiles seeing kimiko awake and said you had me so worried love. Kimiko puts her hand on tanjiros face and smiles. Giyu looks at his twin and said what happened. Kimiko looks at her twin and he's gone for good bro. Giyu sighs in relief and said good so we don't have to worry about him anymore. Kimiko said nope

Shinobu looked over kimiko and said well all the wounds muzan gave you have healed. Giyu said what wounds sis. Kimiko said I managed to hold him until sunrise but he was desperate to get away so he hit me with whips from his back. Giyu said well at least your alright sis. Kimiko nods and said me too bro. Shinobu looked Giyu over and said your fine Giyu. Kimiko laid back and smiled finally being able to live in peace with her twin and boyfriend and friends.

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