Chapter 3

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A week passed and shinobu was checking kimiko over. Kimiko sat there waiting and smiles. Giyu and tanjiro sat beside her bed. Shinobu said well good news her ribs have healed and so has her head. Giyu and tanjiro both sighed in relief at the news. Shinobu said now we just need to work out your stiff body. Kimiko nods as she laid back on the bed. Tanjiro looks at them and said can I ask something. Kimiko saidnof course love whats up. Tanjiro said what will happen to you two if he used your powers to destroy the world. Kimiko looks at her twin and then said the strain it would put on our bodies if he forced us to use our powers would probably kill us. Tanjiro looks at her and said I won't let him do that to you two. Kimiko took tanjiros hand and pulled him down next to her and said I know love. Tanjiro smiles and kisses her. Kimiko kisses him back.

The next day, kimiko was with aoi and the girls working her stiff body out. Giyu sat outside looking at the sky with tanjiro. Tanjiro said you okay Giyu. Giyu said yea just thinking. Tanjiro said about what. Giyu said about when muzan will make his move. Tanjiro nods and said I guess we will have to wait and see. Giyu said yea we will. Kimiko walked outside and went over to her brother and love. Tanjiro sees kimiko and smiles said hey love how was it. Kimiko said it was good. Giyu hugs his twin and said I'm glad your better sis. Kimiko hugs him back and said me too bro.

Meanwhile, muzan walks up to akaza at the infinity castle and said I need you to do something. Akaza bows and said anything master muzan. Muzan said I need those twins fr on the demon slayer corp so I wsnt you to bring them to me at any cost. Akaza bows again and said I shall bring them to you. Muzan said good take daki with you. Akaza bows and said we will not fail. Muzan said you better not. Akaza left to go find daki. Daki came in just as akaza came up and said daki we got a job to do for master muzan. Daki said oh really whats the job. Akaza said we are to bring him the twins who are a part of the demon slayer corp so we need a plan. Daki said well why dont you try to separate them from the others and I'll take it from there. Akaza said good plan, alright let's go. Akaza and daki left to go put their plan into action.

Shinobu came up to them and said the master wants to see us. Giyu said about what. Shinobu said not sure. Giyu nods and said okay we will follow you. Giyu and kimiko and tanjiro followed shinobu to the masters mansion. Kagaya said welcome my children, there's something that came up that needs our attention. Giyu said what's going on master. Kagaya said a upper rank demon appeared in a field close to the town nearby here so I want rengoku, shinobu, Giyu, kimiko and tanjiro to go deal with it. Giyu and the others nodded and left to go.

They got to the field in question and saw the upper rank demon and they all Drew their swords. Akaza saw them all come up and thought nows the time for the plan. Rengoku attacked the demon. Akaza kicked him away and used his blood demon art to send an attack toward one of the twins. Giyu jumped back as he saw the attack. Akaza sent another attack towards one of the twins. Kimiko who saw the attack coming towards her twin ran over to her twin and pushed him out of the way as they rolled down the hill. Tanjiro tried to go to them but was stopped by shinobu. Shinobu said dont drop your focus, they are strong so they will be fine, lets defeat this demon. Tanjiro nods and went back to focusing on the demon. Akaza thought nows its your turn daki.

Kimiko and Giyu rolled down the hill and into the trees. Kimiko got up and said you okay bro. Giyu said I'm fine sis. Kimiko gripped her sword tightly and stayed close to her twin getting a bad feeling. Just then, a sash tried attacking the two of them. Kimiko and Giyu jumped away before the sash hit them. Daki came into view and said well well what do we have here. Kimiko held her sword tight and said what do you want. Daki snickers and said oh you two would be nice presents. Kimiko looks at her and said to who. Daki laughs and said why master muzan of course. Kimiko glares and said he wont get us. Daki said he will get what he wants and made another sash attack them. Kimiko pushed her twin out of the way of the sash. Giyu got up and said sis be careful. Kimiko took her twins hand and they went to try to hide. Daki said playing hide and seek now are we as she went to go look for them. Kimiko and Giyu was hiding behind a tree and kimiko whispered this was all a setup to get us. Giyu nods and said I know. As they stood there, a sash creeped up behind a unsuspecting Giyu, kimiko notices and put herself in front of her twin. The sash absorbed kimiko into it as daki walked up and said one down one to go. Giyu balls his hands into fists and said give me my twin sister now. Daki laughs and said no now time to join her as she made the sashs go after him. Giyu tried cutting the sashes but couldn't backing up against a tree. Daki said no point fighting it you won't win. Giyu tried cutting them again. Another sash came to attack him as Giyu tried cutting it but missed and the sash absorbed him into it. Daki said now to get akaza and leave. Akaza was still fighting the others when he saw daki out of the corner of his eye and knew their plan was a success.

Akaza sent an attack toward them and then left with daki. Tanjiro saw that he was gone and said he's gone. Shinobu said where's kimiko and Giyu. Tanjiro said they rolled down the hill into those trees. Shinobu and the other two went down the hill towards the trees and looks around and asked see anything. Tanjiro said I see where there was a fight but I don't see them. Shinobu kicked a tree and said that demon was a distraction to get those two. Tanjiro shakes with anger and said what now. Shinobu said we need to report this to the master. Tanjiro nods and they left to go back to headquarters. Kagaya saw them come back and said everything go okay, where kimiko and Giyu. Shinobu said that was a distraction to get kimiko and Giyu, they were kidnapped by them. Kagaya said a well thought out plan for them but we will get them back.

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