Chapter 9

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A few days have passed since they took care of the demons and kimiko sat outside watching tanjiro and her twin train. Giyu was training with tanjiro and said your getting really good tanjiro. Tanjiro smiled and said thanks I want to work hard. Kimiko leaned against the wall watching them wincing a bit. Giyu said alright lets a break. Tanjiro nods and went to sit next to kimiko and said are you alright love. Kimiko nods a bit and said still hurts a bit. Tanjiro said I know love. Giyu said sis you really should be in bed. Kimiko stares at her twin and said ive had enough of being in bed to last a lifetime. Tanjiro chuckles and said she's stubborn. Giyu nods and said yep she is stubborn. Kimiko pushes her twin and giggles and said you love me stubbornness and all bro. Giyu chuckles and said yea I do sis.

Muzan was wondering how to deal with those twins. Kokushibu said maybe we can try to bring them here. Muzan said no not with the other demon slayers around to rescue them. Kokushibu said maybe I can kill them. Muzan looks at him and said give it try but if you need me I'll be there to help. kokushibu nods and said alright.

A couple of weeks passed and kimiko was waiting for shinobu. Shinobu looked over kimiko and said its fully healed but still go easy a bit. Kimiko nods and said alright and went outside. Giyu saw his twin come outside and said well sis. kimiko said its fully healed but still need to take it a bit easy. Giyu nods and said thats good. Tanjiro walks up and puts his arms around kimiko. Kimiko smiles and leans against him. Giyu sat down and was thinking. Kimiko said whats on your mind bro. Giyu looks at her and said im worried when he will make his move. Kimiko nods and said yea me too.

The next night, kimiko was outside doing some training. As she was training, kokushibu appeared in front of her. Kimiko held her sword and said what do you want. Kokushibu said to kill you and your twin. Kimiko said good luck with that, you want to fight, we will fight but not here. Kokushibu said fine then. Kimiko went into the woods with kokushibu following her. Kimiko stood in her stance and said ice breathing fifth form ice shards blast as ice shards went toward him. Kokushibu dodged the attack and said moon breathing first form dark moon evening palace as he sent the attack towards her. Kimiko barely dodged getting sliced in the process.

Meanwhile back at the estate, Giyu looks for his twin. Tanjiro sees Giyu and said whats wrong Giyu. Giyu said I'm looking for my twin. Tanjiro said she said she was gonna do some training. Giyu nods and went to go look outside with tanjiro following. Tanjiro said she's not here, you dont think something happened. Giyu said I don't know, let's go look for her. Tanjiro nods and the two of them go into to the woods to look for kimiko.

The fight progressed between kimiko and kokushibu and kimiko was standing there and said ice breathing second form ice crystal blast as a ice crystal went towards him. Kokushibu tried to dodge but got caught in the blast. Kimiko said ice breathing eighth form ice wall as a ice wall can around him. Kokushibu easily broke the ice wall and said You are good but can you even defeat me, you look worn out. Kimiko was breathing hard and said I will defeat you. Kokushibu shot forward as the same time kimiko did with their attacks as Giyu and tanjiro found them seeing smoke.

The smoke cleared and kimiko stood there bleeding from where her left arm was. Giyus eyes widen and said sis no. Kokushibu laughs and said how can you fight still with only one arm. Muzan appeared next to kokushibu and said well you managed to weaken her. Giyu went to attack muzan when muzan grabbed a injured kimiko and put his claws to her chest and said not one step or I'll turn her or worse kill her. Giyu glared and said let her go now. Muzan said no you and her have caused me nothing but problems and now you two will pay the price of taking out my upper rank demons.

Kimiko gathered her strength and back flipped kicking muzan in the chest and said ice breathing eleventh form icicle staff and stabbed it into kokushibus chest and fell on the ground. Giyu ran over to his twin and pulled her to them. Kokushibu pulled the icicle out of him and went to attack them but his body wasn't responding and said what did you do. Kimiko coughs and said its my new form I created with a little help from a friend, the icicle staff had wisteria in it which is deadly to demons. Kokushibu growls and said your a clever one, you planned this. Kimiko said I knew something would happen so I came prepared then shouted at tanjiro now tanjiro. Tanjiro beheaded kokushibu and went back to the other two.

Muzan glares as he just lost another one of his upper demons and said you haven't seen the last of me, you two will die and disappeared. Giyu helped his twin up and they went back to the butterfly estate. Shinobu saw them come back and saw kimiko injured and said put her on the bed. Kimiko sat down and looks at shinobu. Shinobu wrapped the area where her arm was cut off to stop the bleeding then cleaned the cuts from the attacks she took and said what happened. Kimiko said kokushibu showed up to try to kill me so I told him if he wanted to fight not to fight here so we went into the woods, it was a somewhat even fight until he cut my arm off then muzan showed up and my twin and tanjiro found us. Shinobu said what happened then. Kimiko said Giyu was gonna attack muzan but he grabbed me and put his claws on my chest telling Giyu not to take a step or he would either turn me or kill me then I managed to gather my strength back flipped kicking muzan in the chest and then used my new form to stab kokushibu with the staff which posioned him and then tanjiro beheaded him and then muzan left. Shinobu said well I'm glad you are alright in a sense. Kimiko said could have been worse. Shinobu said well you will need to rely on help now since you only have one arm. Kimiko nodded and said I know. Shinobu said someone needs to inform the master. Kimiko said I will. Giyu said I'll go with you sis. Kimiko nods and the two of them head to the masters quarters.

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