Chapter 7

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Everyone arrived back at headquarters and tanjiro took kimiko to the butterfly estate and laid her on the bed. Giyu and the rest of the hashira went to go to report to the master. Kagaya said how did it go. Giyu said we managed to kill two of the upper rank demons. Kagaya said okay thats good, anyone hurt. Giyu said tanjiro got hurt but kimiko used her powers and healed him and she passed out. Kagaya said at least no one was hurt. Giyu nods and said now we just need to take care of the rest of the upper rank demons then muzan himself. Kagaya nods and said we will my children. Giyu and the others bowed to the master and left.

Kimiko opened her eyes and saw she was laying in a bed. Tanjiro saw kimiko awake and said I'm so relieved love. Kimiko smiles and said you scared me love. Tanjiro said im sorry but I wasn't about to let him hurt you. Kimiko said I know love. Tanjiro smiles and kisses her. Kimiko sits up and kisses him back. Tanjiro smiles and sat beside her. Kimiko gets up and pulls him up and said let's go outside. Tanjiro said alright love. The two of them go outside as Giyu came back to the estate and said hey sis your awake. Kimiko nods and said yea bro.

Meanwhile at the infinity castle, muzan was looking a round and said has anyone seen upper rank 3 and 2. Daki said no master not since akaza left to go find those twins again and havent seen douma. Muzan said hmm wonder what's taken them so long. Daki shrugs and said no idea master unless they were killed by the demon slayer corp. Muzan said they wouldnt be taken out so easily. Daki said never know master not with those twins around. Muzan nods and said you may be right, those twins just need to disappear for good, can you do that daki. Daki bows and said master I will take care of those twins for you. Muzan nods and said good daki.

Kimiko was outside with tanjiro and her twin training. Giyu said well two of the upper rank demons down. Kimiko nods and said yea but I'm worried about mizans actions when he finds out. Giyu nods and said yea I know. Tanjiro puts his arms around kimiko and said it will be fine. Kimiko nods a bit and said I hope so, I can't help this feeling that something is gonna happen soon. Giyu said I know sis but we got this. Kimiko nods and said yea bro.

Kimiko sat with her twin and tanjiro just enjoy the day. Giyu said we need to take out the other upper rank demons. Kimiko nods and said yea but how. Giyu said I'm thinking. Kimiko nods and said okay bro. Tanjiro said what if we can try to catch the demon off guard. Giyu said like how. Tanjiro said well when I was turned, in heard that there's two upper six demons. Kimiko said really. Tanjiro said yea but I never seen the other one. Kimiko said you think that they share a body or something. Tanjiro said could be possible. Giyu said well lets get them to not share a body and take of them. Kimiko nods and said I can do that while you two are close by. Shinobu came outside and said I made something that could help. Kimiko said what is it. Shinobu held up a vile and said this will keep you from being poisoned if they can poison someone. Kimiko takes the vile and said that will help. Giyu said we should get some rest and do this tomorrow night. Kimiko nods and said alright bro. Tanjiro nods and said alright. The three of them go to their rooms and lay down.

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