Chapter 6

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Kimiko looks at her necklace and said at least we wont have to worry about being taken again. Giyu nods and said yea sis. Tanjiro saw them back and went over to kimiko and said whats up love. Kimiko smiles and said not much live, just talking about now we won't be taken love. Tanjiro said oh really. Kimiko nods and said yea these necklaces are suppose to protect us from being taken. Tanjiro smiles and said thats good. Giyu nods and said now to defeat the demons. Tanjiro said right. Kimiko nods and said yea so we dont have to worry.

The next day, kimiko and tanjiro were training. Tanjiro stopped for a sec and said you are amazing love. Kimiko smiles and said you are getting better even with learning your true breath style. Tanjiro nods and said it should help us out immensely. Kimiko nods and said yea it should. They go back to training and tanjiro saw kimikos sword lite up and said love look. Kimiko looked at her sword which lit up with her powers And said woah this is new. Tanjiro nods and said it seems you can channel your powers through your sword. Kimiko nods and said yea looks like it. Giyu walks up to his twin and tanjiro and said whats going on. Kimiko smiles as she saw his twin and said bro we can channel our powers through our swords. Giyu said really thats cool and would help us defeat strong demons. Kimiko nods and said yea. Giyu said me you and tanjiro need to go to the meeting with the master sis. Kimiko nods and said alright let's go.

The three of them go to the masters quarters and sat down with the other hashira. Kagaya said welcome my children, so we need to deal with kubutuji and the other demons. Shinobu said how sgouldwe go about this. Giyu said well I may have an idea. Kagaya said what's the idea giyu. Giyu said well since I'm sure they are still look to try to kidnap us again, why not try to draw them out. Kagaya said that could work. Kimiko said I could lead them to the others and we ambush them. Kagaya nods and said alright we can give it a try, we will start this idea in a couple of days. Everyone nodded and got up and left.

A couple of days passed and kimiko and the other hashira were getting ready to put their plan into action. Kimiko said there's a field near where the town I'll be in so you guys to hide there and ill lead whoever finds me there. Rengoku nodded and said just be careful kimiko. Kimiko nods and said I will. Kimiko and the others left to go to their location.

Akaza was searching a town trying to find those twins. As he walked throught the town, he spotted someone and looks at her. Kimiko stood there admiring the scenery st night seeing someone out of the corner of her eye and started walking the other way. Akaza started following her knowing he found one of the twins. Kimiko walked into alleyway and jumped up onto the roof a building. Akaza went into the alleyway and saw she disappeared. Kimiko snickers quietly looking down. Akaza jumps onto the roof of another building and looks around. Kimiko walked along the roof and chuckles. Akaza heard the chuckle and saw her and followed her. Kimiko started running along the roof and thought good follow me. Akaza ran after her.

Kimiko jumped off the roof into the field and ran farther. Akaza jumped off and followed her and said she is fast though. Kimiko stopped running as she got to the meeting point and stands there. Akaza caught up to her and looks at her and said stopped running huh. Kimiko just stood there not saying anything. Akaza decided to try to grab her but was thrown back by a force field and said what the hell. Kimiko turned around and said nice try, you won't be able to try to take me. Akaza got up and said no matter either you will come with me or die. Kimiko laughs and said like you could kill me and used a breathing style against him. Akaza dodges it and said your alone so either way master will have what he wants. Kimiko laughs and said oh so naive and foolish to think im alone.

Just then, tanjiro who snuck up behind the demon cut his arm off with a breathing style. Akaza felt his arm be cut off and tried attacking tanjiro. Tanjiro dodged easily and  went to stand beside kimiko. Akaza tried hesling his arm but wasnt growing back fast and said what did you do. Tanjiro smirks and said oh my breathing style prevents demons from healing fast. Akaza growls and went to attack tanjiro just as ice shards hit him from kimikos attack.

Giyu watches the fight hoping they will be fine. Akaza growls and sends an attack toward kimiko. Kimiko dodges it and said ice breathing second form ice crystal blast. Akaza barely dodged the attack and sends an attack at kimiko. Kimiko got hit with the attack and held her arm. Tanjiro kneeled next to kimiko and said you alright love. Kimiko said I'm fine love. Tanjiro said alright love, what next. Kimiko said can you try to cut his other arm. Tanjiro said I can try. Kimiko said okay once that I can try to take him out. Tanjiro nods and stood up.

Kimiko used her powers and healed her arm as tanjiro used one of his breathing forms and cut akazas other arm off. Kimiko saw the other arm off and held her sword up channeling her powers to the sword and shot forward as she cut akazas head off As tanjiro slice the body to stop the healing. Akaza looks at them and said you two will pay for this, he will kill you as the body and head discentigrated.

Kimiko and tanjiro started to walk to the others to find their path blocked by a ice wall that douma created and said well well what do we have here. Kimiko held her sword tight as tanjiro did the same thing. Douma said you managed to kill a upper rank demon. Kimiko looks at the demon and said what do you want. Douma said to bring you to master. Kimiko said good luck trying to do that. Giyu saw another upper rank demon arrive and said this could be trouble.

Douma tried to grab kimiko only to be knocked back by a force field. Kimiko smirks and said nice try, no one can touch me without getting blasted back. Douma went To attack kimiko with his fans. Tanjiro saw the attack going toward kimiko and stood in front of her taking the attack and fell to the ground holding his chest. Kimikos eyes widen as tanjiro fell and dropped down pulling him into her arms. Giyu managed to break through the ice wall and stood in front of his twin and tanjiro and said sis take Care of tanjiro, I'll deal with him. Kimiko nods and held tanjiro close, her powers lighting up on her body. Tanjiro weakly looks up at kimiko as he sees her powers coming out.

Giyu was fighting against douma with the help of the other hashira. Kimiko continued to use her powers to heal tanjiro. Tanjiro felt the wound heal itself and looks at kimiko. Kimiko saw the wound healed and passed out as soon as her powers stopped. Tanjiro pulled kimiko into his arms holding her close. After a bit, giyu managed to decapitate doumas head and they discentigrated. Giyu walks over to tanjiro and said are you alright. Tanjiro nods and said im all healed thanks to kimiko. Giyu nods and said lets get back to headquarters. Tanjiro picks up kimiko and everyone went back to headquarters.

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