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12 years later

Kimiko watched tanjiro with their two kids and smiles. Tanjiro was playing with the kids and looks over at kimiko. Kimiko smiles and thinks of everything that happened in her life. Tanjiro brought the kids over and said what's on your mind love. kimiko smiles and said just everything thats happened in my life, meeting you and falling in love with you, to us now married with two kids. Tanjiro nods and said it has been crazy. Mina and Mira tugged on mommy and said how did you and daddy meet. Kimiko said well sweethearts we met when we were part of this organization. Mina and Mira smiles and said that's so cool.

Giyu knocks on the door of his twins house with shinobu and their kids. Kimiko got up and said that must be my twin brother and shinobu and went to answer the door. Giyu smiles as he sees his twin and said hey sis. Kimiko said hey bro come in. Giyu and shinobu came inside as Mina and Mira came running up saying uncle Giyu and aunt shinobu. Giyu picks Mina and Mira up and said hey my sweet nieces. Mina and Mira smiled and said we missed you. Giyu said missed you two as well and set them down and said go play with your cousin. Mina and Mira said okay uncle. Giyu said they remind me how we should have grown up sis. Kimiko Said I know bro, they dont have to worry about what is gonna happen to them like we did.

Kimiko watches everyone and sat back in her chair. Giyu walks over to his twin and said sis whats wrong. Kimiko looks at him and said i just feel a bit bad for having tanjiro do most of the stuff around here. Giyu hugs his twin and said sis dont feel bad, he understands you can't since you lost an arm. Kimiko smiles and said your right bro, being silly. Giyu said good how perk up and be happy. Kimiko pushes her twin and giggles and said alright bro. After a few hours of hanging out, kimiko waved as her twin and sister in law and niece left and then went to go see tanjiro putting their twins to bed and walked up to him. Tanjiro finished putting the twins to bed and turned and pulled kimiko close to him. Kimiko lays her head on him and said how did i get so lucky to have you. Tanjiro said no idea but we have each other. Kimiko nods and said always and forever. Tanjiro kisses her and said always and forever, now its time for bed love. Kimiko nods and the two of them went to bed.

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