Chapter 4

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Kimiko groans bad she opens her eyes and looks around for her twin. Muzan sees her awake and said welcome back. Kimiko glares at him and said where's my twin brother. Muzan points to the cell next to hers and said there he is. Kimiko crawled over to the bars and said bro bro wake up. Giyu groans as he opens his eyes and saw his twin sister and said sis what happened. Kimiko said we were kidnapped by that demon with the sash. Giyu sits up and said dammit. Muzan opens the door of kimikos cell and walked inside and kicked her on her side. Kimiko held her side in pain as Giyu shouted leave her alone. Muzan said shut up or you will get it too. Kimiko coughed still holding her side. Muzan kicked her into the wall of the cell and walked out locking the door to the cell. Kimiko coughed up a bit of blood. Giyu said sis control your breathing. Kimiko shook her head and said hurts to breath.

Muzan went to go and make sure the machine was ready to be used. Akaza said master muzan what does this machine do. Muzan said this machine once they are hooked to it will force them to use their powers. Akaza said you must have been working on this for awhile. Muzan said yes I have akaza. Akaza bows and left. Muzan said soon very soon I will have the power to use.

Back at headquarters, shinobu was deep in thought. Tanjiro paced with worry. Rengoku said its gonna be okay tanjiro we will rescue them. Tanjiro said I know but after hearing what could happen to them makes me worry. Rengoku said I know but it wont do no good worrying, you need to save your strength to get them back. Tanjiro nods and said yes your right. Rengoku looks at shinobu and said have you came up with something. Shinobu said we can try to sneak in again. Rengoku nods and said we can try.

Back at the castle, muzan looks at the machine seeing it almost ready for him to use. Kimiko leans against the bars of the cell close to her twin. Giyu tooks his twins hand and said its gonna be okay sis, the others will save us. Akaza leaned against the wall in the cell area guarding them and Scoffs. Kimiko glares at him and stays silent. Muzan sees the machine is ready and goes to the cell area. Akaza sees muzan come in and said master muzan. Muzan said the machine is ready now. Akaza said good. Muzan chain their hands behind them. Akaza said yes master and opened the cell door. Kimiko glares at him and tries kicking at him. Akaza grabs her and pushes her down on her front and chains her hands behind her then does the same thing to Giyu.

Muzan grabbed the twins and took them to the machine and unchained kimikos hand and hooked her to the machine and then did the same to Giyu and said I've waited too long for this. Kimiko and Giyu struggled against it. Meanwhile tanjiro, shinobu and rengoku snuck into the castle and was looking for kimiko and Giyu. Tanjiro looked around and saw the cell area and went over there. Shinobu whispered are they there. Tanjiro said no which means he's about to force them to use their powers. Rengoku said we need to hurry. Tanjiro nodded and went out of the cell area.

Muzan turned the machine on and waited. Kimiko and Giyu screamed as the currents from the machine hit them and their bodies lit up with their powers. Meanwhile, tanjiro heard screaming coming from close by and said it already happening. Shinobu ran toward the screaming with rengoku and tanjiro. Muzan increased the machine higher. Kimiko and Giyu screamed more their bodies convulse in pain.

Just then, tanjiro and the others broke into the room where muzan was with the twins. Tanjiro used a breathing style and broke the machine. The machine shut down and muzan looks at them and said stay out of this. Shinobu and rengoku stood in front of tanjiro and said get them off that. Tanjiro unhooked kimiko and Giyu who were both unconscious from the machine and moved them away.

Shinobu picked up Giyu as tanjiro picked kimiko up and they left before muzan could do anything to them. They arrived back at the butterfly estate and laid the twins in a bed. Tanjiro sits next to kimiko and held her hand. Shinobu looked over them and said they may be unconscious for a bit so they can regain their strength. Tanjiro nods and squeezed kimikos hand. Shinobu leaves with rengoku to go to see the master. Kagaya saw them coming and said did we get them back. Shinobu said yes but they are unconscious. Kagaya said do you know when they will wake up. Shinobu said no master. Kagaya said alright most important thing is we got them back. Shinobu nods and left and went back to her office.

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