Chapter 5

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Camilo's pov:

After Dolores told us that she could her that Y/n was crying alone in the dark, probably next to the rubble that was once her home, I started to cry. The love of my life is in pain. I have liked her since Antonio's gift ceremony. Their just so sweet and kind but most importantly their so adorable. The girls start comforting me, it works but then I got a sudden idea. I sat up and looked at the girls.

"Girls, I have an idea"

"What is it Cami?" my only sister asks, I have everyone's attention now.

"What if we sneak Y/n into the house, no one barley go into Dolores room except us sitting here at this very minuet. And then ill confess my love for them and thennnn they'll move into my room and then I will tell Abuela that we're dating and then we'll get married and then gcbjdusndbcghdhsnjfhae" I was getting flustered and then got pulled out of my trance by Mirabel shaking my shoulders.

"Listen Cami, that's a good idea and all but, how are they gonna get by with out being noticed from the adults. They're going to freak if they see them, plus you heard what Abuela said, their banished from the house, from us. And plus, if we want them to see the twin's people are gonna get suspicious when we take them out of their room everyday" Mirabel points out. I haven't thought that far or in that much detail.

"she has a point Camilo, but Mirabel there is one thing you're wrong about, while Cami was in his little trance I zoned out of that conversation but then I zoned in on the parents conversation, and they were talking about how Abuela was being unfair and then I think that they're planning pretty much the same thing we are, except the whole 'confess my love for Y/n' stuff, so I think that later tonight I will go talk to mama and papa and see if they agree with whatever Camilo was saying" Dolores says looking at me in the eye.

Y/n's pov:

I was digging my family's grave, as bad as it sounds it kinda brought peace to my mind. But the only thing that is not bugging from my mind is the thought that I have been pushed away from my 'second family' and have my siblings taken from me. After I finished digging I grabbed some scrapes that I can use to make a little shelter, I find what I need and make I little tent looking thing, and a blanket to lay under. The makeshift shelter falls down luckily not on me, I try to snuggle under the blanket more, but it flies away, so I snuggle into myself.


I'm starving, I haven't eaten in weeks. I've been out of sight from the town, no human contact since that night that I lost everything. I was scavenging in the rubble trying to fix up my makeshift 'house' I was looking for some wood pallets when I got dizzy, I ignored it then I felt sick then it went black.

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