Chapter Fourteen: Journey home

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*Espen's POV*

It was 14:30 and we were and hour and a half into our drive, which meant that there were still two and a half hours to go. Before we left Carter showed up at my apartment door with a grocery bag filled with snacks, two drinks and a pack of gum. He said that the gum was to appear more presentable to my family after we devoured the bag of snacks by the time we would arrive. Carter offered to drive, which I wasn't opposed to considering this wasn't my car and I wasn't up for the long drive. We did however make a deal that I would drive an hour of the trip. He said it was alright for me not to drive, but I would've felt guilty. 

I was munching happily on one of the bags of chips, while Carter was telling me something about a conspiracy that a plot of land somewhere in Asia holds secrets about one of the main countries involved during the Second World War. Apparently it is being kept hidden by one of the Middle Eastern governments, but will be revealed if the country mentioned before poses a threat. Who would have guessed that this grumpy, hard guy was such a nerd. He spends too much time on YouTube. 

"Hey. You see there is a rest stop ahead, could we please stop so that I can use the restroom?" I interrupted him out of desperation.  

"Of course. I also kind of need to use it." He smiled awkwardly, "That drink went straight through me. I'll buy some more when we get to the stop."

"Buy more so that we stop in another hour and a half, because it went 'straight through you'?" I laughed teasingly. 

"Mm" He smiled. 

We drove until the stop came up and made our way to the bathrooms. "See you out here afterwards?" Carter asked me with his hand on my shoulder. "Sure thing" I answered. We made our separate ways into the bathrooms. 

After i flushed the toilet and walked to the basin, a lady stood washing her hands beside me. A young-ish lady, maybe in her thirties. "Your boyfriend is darling, my dear." I rose my head to look at her. I was the only other one in the bathroom, so she had to be speaking to me. I cleared my throat, "Carter, he isn't my boyfriend." I smiled politely. "He's just a friend." 

Her smile widened as she made deeper eye contact with me, "Darling, the last time a boy looked at me like that he became my husband and father of my three year old child." I looked at her in astonishment, "Oh."

"I was also convinced he was 'just a friend' until our other friends pointed it out to me." She explained, as she wiped her hands on some tissue. "I could be wrong about him being your partner, but that boy cares for you and anyone can see it." She grinned and threw her paper towel in the trash. 

"He's a close friend, one of the only true ones I have where I live, he does care for me." I took a breath, "as a friend." I smiled again. I could see that this lady had good intentions, but she doesn't see Carter in our day-to-day lives. She must be mistaken. Right? 

"Alright, my dear. Look out for it though... okay?" She held her bag to her tummy and made her way out of the door. 

I chuckled to myself when i was alone again. Imagine, Carter and I. Together. A couple. Interesting. I mean I never truly considered it, but I know he is conventionally attractive and he is a wonderful friend - especially to be doing me a favour like this. I'm sure he doesn't see me like that. There are far more attractive, intelligent girls that he could acquire. 

When I came out of the ladies room Carter wasn't there like we had planned, so I went into the shop to see if he was by the drinks. He said he wanted to buy more. "Why weren't you waiting where you said we should meet?" I asked annoyed. 

"You were taking too long to come out, I figured you had some 'other business' to deal with." He smirked, "I thought I would be done when you came out." 

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