Spin-off of Her Strength, His weakness.
After spending her life under the protective watch of her twin brother Chris and older brother Archer, Espen is finally taking her life into her own hands.
She leaves home to attend university to study for he...
I never really knew my father, but I always lived my life trying to be the daughter I imagined he'd always wanted.
Though, it was never really difficult to stay in line with the constant presence of either of my overprotective brothers.
Today I start my first day studying the one thing that I feel is mine, the one thing my brother's can't control. I'm starting my fist day of my Emergency Care bachelors degree.
I want to help people and allow them to return home to their families. Something I wish someone had done for my dad and my family nineteen years ago.
I moved into my new apartment a week ago. Thanks to my oldest brother (Archer) and his large salary he helped me pay for it so that I could be closer to school, of course with the help of Aurora's (His wife) persuasiveness. He wasn't ecstatic about the fact that I'd be going to school farther from home than he would like, not to mention that I'd be staying in an apartment alone, but he didn't have much of a choice.
It's a homely studio apartment, which has a kitchen to the right as I walk through the door, a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom. It's small, but it's mine.
This morning, after changing into a first day kind of outfit I went into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. It was a simple bowl of yoghurt and granola, but it did the job.
I ran back into my room to fetch my bag and phone, taking one last look at my reflection. My blue eyes scrutinising my reflection - average facial features and boring dark hair falling done past my shoulders and ending by my elbow.
Hopefully my outfit would lessen the 'boring' of my appearance. I was dressed on a loose jersey, a while polar neck underneath, a black and white checkered skirt and black sneakers.
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"This is as good as it's going to get, I guess."
I threw my bag over my one shoulder and checked the messages that were displayed on my phone's lock screen.
Aurora: Good luck with your first day. You're going to love it.
Aurora has basically been my sister since her and Archer started dating, which was ages ago. She has supported me in everything that I do and always has my back.
Mom: Love you. Have a great day.
Mom: Miss you.
I replied to both of them before slipping my phone into the pocket of my bag.
Nerves erupted in my stomach as I walked out the door and locked it behind me. This experience is entirely new and I'm doing it alone, which is something I'm not used to. My whole life I have always had my twin brother, Chris, by my side to do everything with me, but not this time.
I shook my head and a look of determination took over my features.
"I can do this." I said to myself. "It's your time to start the life that you want."