Chapter Thirteen: Resfeber

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*Carter's POV*

I was on my way to my bedroom when I heard knocking at my door. "What the hell?" I made my way over and peaked through the peephole and saw Espen's small figure standing outside, while she chewed on her fingernails. I smiled. As I opened the door, Espen looked as though she had changed her mind and was about to walk away. "Hey." I offered softly. 

"Hey..." She paused, "I'm so sorry for bothering you, it was a mistake..." I stood grinning at her from inside the door way. 

Teasingly I said, "So you stumbled into my door and made knocking sounds as you collided with it?" She looked up at me more confidently now with a sarcastic look- furrowed eyebrows and her nose and mouth scrunched mockingly. I've learnt how to get a reaction out of her, how to rile her up ever so slightly. "What do you need, Love?" 

She hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell me anyway. "I... I don't want to be alone. It's dark and lonely in my place. After today, I just..." She trailed off and looked towards her door. I saw tears welling up in her eyes, in response she squeezed them shut and looked down toward the ground. I left the spot I where I stood and wrapped my arms around her. 

"You can stay in my bed, I'll take the couch." I felt her small head shake in my arms. 

"I can't, I'll sleep on the couch it's okay." She said through sniffs. 

"Espen, I will pick you up and put you on that bed if I have to... that sounded wrong. I didn't mean it like that-" Espen began giggling. What a wonderful sound. Seeing her smile as we cross paths in the hallway gives me a small boost every time, because nobody has a more genuine, beautiful smile than her. And her laugh... 

" I didn't take it that way, don't worry." She wiped her eyes and sniffed. "Thank you, Carter. I'll take the bed." 

We made our way into my apartment and I showed her to the room. She was dressed in a pair of yellow silk pyjamas with little ducks on them. They were different from her usual, darker attire, but they suited her personality well. Her hair was damp and hung loosely around her shoulders, framing her face. She looks tired from all of todays emotion. I wish the nap had done more for her.

We stood across from one another just inside my bedroom door, looking at each other, not quite knowing what to do with ourselves. I ran my hand through my hair and scratched the back of my neck, she fiddled with her hands in front of her tummy, like she always does. "I, Uh, hope you sleep well." I said, because I couldn't think of much else at that moment. "There are extra blankets in that cupboard." I pointed at the cupboard I was referring to. 

"Thanks. You too. I hope the couch isn't too uncomfortable, although I was pretty comfortable during my nap earlier. You should be fine." She smiled awkwardly, still fiddling. I nodded with a smile.

"Night." I said turning to leave the room. I heard her soft response as I passed through the door. 

While I lay on the couch with one of my extra pillows tucked underneath my head, I heard shuffling bed sheets coming from my room. I wonder if my bed is comfortable enough for her. Maybe she's having a nightmare. My thoughts were interrupted by Espen's voice coming from my room. "Carter, are you awake?" 

"Yeah." I said in response. Looking up at the ceiling I waited for her voice to echo through my apartment once again. 

"You know that you're going to meet my family tomorrow, if you're coming with me, right?" 

"When I come with you." I corrected. 

She corrected herself while she laughed softly, "When."

"I know. I've already thought about that."

"You have?" She asked.

"Of course." I smiled. "We're going for a family related issue, what did you think? That I was expecting to go the entire time without meeting at least one relative?" I teased. 

"Well no." I could hear that she was smiling. Good. A smile is better than tears. "I should probably warn them about my weird neighbour that I'm bringing along-" She stopped suddenly. "Crap." 

"What?" I asked concerned.

"Archer." She paused, "And Chris." 

"Your brothers?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. They're going to have a lot of questions regarding the fact that you're a male friend that I've brought with me to meet my family, even though that isn't really the situation, and that I'm rather close to... oh God, don't tell them that I've fallen asleep in your presence countless times, or that I stayed the night in your bed!" She paused, I heard her groan. 

Her rants always cause me to laugh. How can someone's head produce that many thoughts in a second? "Espen, relax. I'll leave the details of our living arrangements a secret and it's not like you have to explain much to them. Just tell them that I'm a concerned friend that offered their help. Also, I'm pretty sure that I can handle your brothers."

"You're right. Either way, I'm an adult and can look after myself. I don't need my brothers to baby me... I just don't feel like their moods." She sighed. "Make sure that you're ready by one tomorrow afternoon. I just have to pack, ask for a few days off at work and make sure I have everything I need to attend lectures online, if need be." 

I listened to her list her to do list for tomorrow and smiled at how organised her thoughts suddenly became compared to her messy ramble a few moments ago. "I'll be ready." I assured her. I too had to ask for leave from work tomorrow morning. I lied earlier, saying that I was already on leave, because she was so concerned with inconveniencing me. I probably shouldn't have lied, but I wouldn't have convinced her that it was okay otherwise. My boss likes me enough to be okay with me taking a few days off and I'll ask one of the other guys to cover for me. They can make some extra cash, so they shouldn't mind. I know that she shouldn't be alone when taking this trip, because of her current state of mind, so I will help in anyway that I can. 

When my mom died, my mental health was the worst it has ever been in my life. I understand how difficult it is to loose a mother figure. Even though she still has her real mom, she said that Nora was like a mother to her as well. Hopefully I can provide some comfort in that department, because death of a mother is one of the only situations of grief that I can provide any assistance. Years of recovery over my mother's death and the way that my father treated me allowed me to become familiar with grief and hurt, but at least I can provide help for someone I care for. 

"Thank you again, Carter." 

"Anytime, Love" 

After that, Espen and I Fell asleep to the sounds of traffic outside the apartment building. I was comforted by her presence in the next room, despite my usual preference of being left alone. It was a pleasant change. 

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