Chapter Sixteen: Comfort

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I'm sitting at the dinner table with my whole family and all I can think about is Carter. The moments we've shared since we've been here are deeper than the ones shared back home. He makes me feel safe. Not like my brothers do, but better.

"You okay, Espen?" My mom asked. "You've been very quiet."
"Maybe she feels guilty about the fact that she has a boyfriend that I've heard nothing about." Chris shoots daggers my way.
"Guys, nothing is wrong. And Chris, shut up. How many times do I have to remind you that Carter is a friend from my building." I laugh. "I'm just happy to all be in one room together."

"Carter... what're your intentions with my twin?" Chris smirks.
"Gosh! Chris you're so embarrassing. That is the most cliché thing you could have said."
"Leave your sister alone." My mom chimes in to save me.
"Archer you've outdone yourself, my love." Aroura definitely sensed my discomfort. Archer knows what she's doing, so he smirks at her.

I want what they have. I grew up with them being in love. They're the only two people I know to be successful in long term love after my dad died. My brother treats her like she's a queen and with respect. It's hard not to respect her. She's amazing. And she loves him despite all of the shit that he comes with. She's been there through all of his tough spots. I smiled at the two of them, but was pulled away from it when I noticed Carter smiling at me out the corner of my eye. "What?" I whispered through a smile.

"You're beautiful." My heart skipped. Excuse me?

A phone began to ring causing Archer to stand up to fetch what I assumed was his phone. Pulling Carter and I away from the moment. The rest of them continuing their conversations. After he left, I looked back to Carter, not sure what to say. But Archer came back in with a solemn look on his face.
"Guys, I have news." He pauses. His mood visibly deflated. No. He strains to say it, but he does. "Nora has passed. About half an hour ago."

I had a feeling after seeing her this afternoon. She looks- looked worse than I've ever seen.

I look over to my mom who's tears have already fallen in large quantities. Aroura leans over to hug her. She joins her crying. Archer disappears into the kitchen and comes back with six champagne glasses and a bottle of something. "Let's toast to a wonderful woman, who helped raise us. To Nora."
In unison we all said in tears, "To Nora."

While getting ready for bed, puffing my pillows, loosening the sheets, my eyes are still red and puffy. Carter walks in and sits on his bed, both feet touching the floor and hands either side of his legs. "You okay?" He asks. I sniff and rub my eyes and sit in front of him on my bed across the room. "Yah." I look to the floor. "I expected it, I'm just happy I said goodbye." A tear falls down my cheek. Again. He kneels in front of me, hands on my knees. I look up at him and smile through my tears. "Still think I look beautiful?" I ask, self conscious of my puffy face. "Shit, ignore that." I shake my head realizing how silly I sound.

"Yes." Our eyes meet again. The contact holds.
"Thank you..." I smiled shyly.
What is this? His behavior, these recent days. He's been so affectionate. Caring. Supportive. "Why?" I ask.
"Why what?" His brows furrow.
"No, forget I asked." I blushed looking down. His hand moved my chin so that I'd look at him again. "Why'd I call you beautiful?" He smirked.
"That, all of it. You've been so supportive." He paused. I could see him thinking.
"We're friends. That's what I'm here for." He smiled. Moving his hand.
"Friends." I repeated under my breath.
"Isn't that what we are?" He frowned.
"Yes!" I assured him, "I just..."
"You just..." He questioned further.
I smiled and look to the window.

I'm not sure what it is, but 'friends' hurt. Why? I'm not sure, because that's what we are. Okay, but why does it bother me then? I'd hate to think I like the man. That would really complicate life. I haven't had a boyfriend since everything happened, well ever really. Not that I think he'd even be interested in me. But Ive and hardly given much thought to the feeling that I feel when he's around. I figured it was a friend kind of love. Best friend kind of love. It's not really a feeling that I'm used to feeling.

"I can see you thinking hard about something." He smirked. My attention is back on him. His endless, blue eyes search my face for answers. He's so serious in this moment. Carter's hand cups my face, his thumb rubbing a piece of hair away from my forehead. He leans closer, his breath mixes with mine. Oh, God. My body is tingling, I want him to kiss me. Fuck.
"Is this okay?" He asks softly, his eyes never leaving mine. I nod softly, "Mm." That's all I could manage. I was so overwhelmed with the need to kiss him.
He placed his other hand on the other side of my face. And he leaned in slowly. His lips just against mine. They were soft and warm. He pressed a little harder. The pressure on my lips increasing slightly. The kiss was short, but gentle. Breathtaking. He pulled away, but kept his gaze and hands where they were. Something had changed in his eyes, something I didn't recognize. Our eyes stayed locked. I wanted more, so I moved to kneel in front of him, matching his position on the floor. My body moving into his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in. Our lips lock once again. But this time I kiss him harder, he kisses me back with more eagerness than before. Our lips moving naturally against one another. His tongue touches mine, both of us allowing each other deeper access. It feels like nothing I've felt before. This adrenaline. The rush in my stomach.

I ran my hands through his hair, his soft, dark hair. He groaned into my mouth as I tightened my grip. He stands us up and pulls me in tighter by wrapping his hands around my waist. "Is this okay?" He asks between kisses. I nod. This doesn't feel dangerous, this is safe. He is safe.
He then proceeds to lift me off of the floor, causing me to instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. What is this that has taken over me. I'm never like this. I've never felt this. It's magical. I bite his lip, out of excitement, as it moves against mine and I smile. "Cheeky." He says, placing his forehead against mine. Both of us breath heavily. "That escalated quickly." I giggle. He responds with a chuckle. My eyes closed and my head against his, the world disappears. I even forget that I'm being held up off the ground by this mountain of a man.

He puts me down and steps back, scratching the back of his neck with his hand. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned.
"Espen..." he starts, "I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of your vulnerable state."
I smiled, "Carter, I kissed you. The second time. The time it got heated." I pause. I wanted this. Not because I'm sad, but because it's Carter. My friend that cares for me, maybe in more of a way than a friend does. He looks after me. He's safe. He's handsome, good with Storm. He's smart. He's amazing... "I wanted this."
He smiles. "Good."

Carter moved to sit on his bed and ran his hand through his hair. "We should get some sleep." He muttered. "You've had a hard day."
"I agree." I paused. "Can I sleep with you? In your bed." I pause, "It's just... after today. I..." I mumbled off.
He looked at me softly. "Of course, Love." He moved under the covers and made space for me to get in next to him, so I did. At first it felt awkward and uncomfortable, but he moved his arm to sit under my head and he used his other arm to pull me into his body. Our faces mere centimeters apart. He smiled, "Better?" I nodded, looking up at him. He kissed me softly on the forehead and pulled me closer. My heart can't take this. It's skipping beats and thumping heavily in my chest.
"You're safe." He whispers in a sleepy voice. And with that, my heart slows in awe of this man beside me. He was right. I was safe.

Author's note


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