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MIRABEL found pieces of glass in her Tío Bruno's room. the room that everyone is not allowed to go in. when she put the pieces together, there revealed another girl next to her. Mirabel was more confused than ever. first, why did Bruno have her in his vision. and second, who was this woman? though, she had looked pretty to her eyes.

"why am I in your vision, Bruno?" Mirabel asked. then, her Tía Pepa walked in, startling Mirabel. "oh! Tía Pepa! you scared me." Mirabel tells. "sorry about that, Mirabel! i was just about to tell you something but i heard your say the name we don't talk about in the household." Pepa says.

"actually, um..i have something i wanna ask you." Mirabel suggested, "do you have someone who you used to be close to?". Pepa was taken aback by her sudden question. "well, i was friends with a woman named Kamala. Kamala Diaz. from what Abuela says, me and Kamala were unstoppable!" Pepa explained, "but ever since she died, I haven't had someone to rant to anymore..".

"does she have a kid or..? And by the way, I am so sorry to hear that." Mirabel asked. Pepa put her finger on her cheek and thought about it. "now that I think about it, she does! A daughter but no one hasn't seen her in 11 years." Pepa says.

Dolores chimed in, "they say that she's dead but me, Mamá and Camilo refuse to believe that she's dead." She squeaks and walks off. Pepa nodded. "but we don't talk about Bruno, m'kay?" she says and walks off.

Mirabel was left with more questions than before. "hm. i have to know the story behind her. what was she like? maybe Dolores and Camilo can help. they seem to know so much about her." she says and puts away the pieces in her pouch.

she ran off to Dolores first. where she seemed to know so much about her. "Dolores! Dolores!" Mirabel yelled. Dolores turned towards Mirabel. "you must know something about her, right? Maybe you could tell me!" she says.

"Camilo, stop pretending to be your sister for once in a while!" Felíx tells. Camilo de-transforms into himself. he shrugged. "hm. worth a shot." he shrugs. Mirabel shook off the feeling and seen the real Dolores.

"you must know something about her right? and you seemed scared when Tía Pepa said something about it." Mirabel points out. Dolores looks at her younger brother as they nod at each other. "Mirabel, it's time we tell you something." Camilo says.

"but you mustn't tell anyone in the family. understand?" Dolores whispers. Mirabel nods. Camilo and Dolores drag Mirabel into an abandoned house. and it was kind of up the hill a little.

"uhh.." Mirabel started. "don't worry! we won't take you in there. this is just what we're both showing you." Camilo explained. Mirabel sighed in relief.

"a long time ago, your sister Isabela and I were already born. whenever mamá was pregnant with Camilo, there was a woman named Kamala Diaz. she got pregnant as well. when Camilo was born, Kamala's daughter wasn't born yet. considering that Kamala got pregnant days after mamá was." Dolores started.

"once the daughter was born, Dolores adored her. she had pretty eyes. and Dolores and her have always been so close to each other, making them best friends. but they normally gave off big sister little sister vibes." Camilo says.

"though, hermano always had to start arguments with her just for fun because he was either bored or just wanted to annoy her." Dolores giggled. Camilo blushed. "cut it out!" he yelled.

"um, but what was she like as she grew older?" Mirabel broke the argument. "she was kind, caring, and filled with love for everyone. whoever was hurt, she'd help Tía Julieta. she loved spending time with us." Camilo says.

"which drove Camilo into a love craze." Dolores says as she's looking at her nails. Camilo's face went straight back to red. even his ears became red. "alright! that's enough telling primo Mirabel my little thing i had going on!" Camilo crosses his arms.

"woah, i didn't know you had a crush back then." Mirabel points. Camilo looked down. "yeah..." he says. he looks at the anklet she gave him before she ran off that day.

"Camilo had that little anklet on him for 11 years. whenever she was mentioned, he would get super mad and would storm off into his room to think about her." Dolores points.

"i just don't understand why she would leave.." Camilo says. Mirabel could feel the sadness radiating off of him. she walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "then, why don't we go find her?" she suggested.

"impossible! how can we escape to find her without abuela finding out?" Camilo turns around to face Mirabel. she looked down. she hadn't thought of that idea. "i don't know, but i'll figure out a way." she says.

Dolores scoffs. "that won't be happening any time soon. abuela is planning to get you married, Camilo!" Dolores whisper-yells. Camilo's face drops. Mirabel looks over at Camilo as he hold the anklet tighter.

"no.." he says. Camilo drops to his knees. Dolores goes to his side and pats his back. "Mirabel, you have to find her without us. convince her to come back to us to fix this!" Dolores says.

Mirabel was up for any challenge. she nodded her head. "let's get him back to the casita. and i'll see if
i can find some information on her." Mirabel helps Camilo up with Dolores tagging along.

"be careful out there. there's no telling what's going out here in this crazy, not situated world.", Dolores whispered. Mirabel held on tight to her mini purse and nodded. as she watched Camilo and Dolores walk off.

she turned around to face the abandoned house. there, she had seen something that would've probably scared her. she looked back and Dolores and Camilo were gone. she shivered at the fact. she sighed and faced forwards. "here's goes nothing." she mumbled and walked behind the place.

what she saw she would've never thought that it was there this whole time.

THE LOST PRINCESS | 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐋Where stories live. Discover now