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CAMILO looked up on the sky as his eyes were red and puffy. "cariño." Peps came and startled him. he quickly whipped his head around and realized it was his mother. "oh..hey mamá." he dryly says and goes back to looking at the sky.

"are you...going to be okay?" she sweetly asked him. he shakes his head. without you in his life, everything is just dull and plain. and it was like that for 11 years until this year. "i can't believe abuela would do such a thing. i mean..she's been gone for 11 years and yet she left me..again." he looked down and began crying again.

she patted his back and shushed him. "it's alright, cariño." she said in her soothing tone. she convinced Camilo to come inside and let them help him with his suit.


you sat up on the balcony and just thought about what happened earlier. abuela's words are completely stuck in your head. Bruno walked and knocked on the side. you slowly turned towards him. "uh, one of your friends is here.." he says softly.

Mirabel then comes out from behind him with a soft smile. "oh, hello Mirabel.." you softly tell her. she comes and sits next to you. Bruno knows the deal and leaves to give you two some alone time. "how are you feeling after... what happened earlier?" she asked hesitantly.

you sighed and stirred your small drink in your hands. "i'm fine. just a little hurt and disappointment that's all." you say deadpanned. she hums in response. "(Y/N), please you have to come back." she begs.

you turned towards her. "i cant. i'm forbidden remember?" you answer. "but if you stay here and let the wedding go on and Camilo unhappy, he'll be married to her for eternity!" Mirabel exclaims. you sighed and stood up to walk away. "please (Y/N).." she pleaded.

"you're Camilo's happiness. when you showed up first, his eyes was filled with happiness and delight. he was so happy to see you but was being held back by Azaela. and i've seen the love in his eyes that he has for you. he loves too much." Mirabel starts off, "and remember when you and i first had an encounter? you're strong and you don't give up so easily!"

"you don't understand, Mirabel. how would you feel if your parents ended up dying eleven years ago leaving their only daughter out on her own and didn't even know how to take care of herself?! i love Camilo too! but i just can't go back. you heard what your abuela said. i'm not meant for him.." you ramble.

"but you are. you can't just let my abuela get the better of you! you can't give up just yet.." Mirabel walked a little closer. you stayed silent. "i'm not forcing you to go. but if you don't, Camilo's life is going to be miserable without you by his side through the thick and thin." she points out.

she walks away you heard her and Bruno talking and making her little interference with him. you sighed and walked back out on the balcony and placing your drink down on a glass table.

( play the song above please! )

Camilo walked outside and the wind kicked on both sides.


you know i want you

he starts off.

it's not a secret i try to hide
i know you want me

the wind began to blow on his curly hair.

so don't keep saying our hands are tied
you claim it's not in the card
and fate is pulling you miles away
and out of reach from me

THE LOST PRINCESS | 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐋Where stories live. Discover now