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SHE stared in shock. she couldn't believe it was there. right in front of her placed a large castle with vines, roses, and rat holes? she sucked in her fear and walked towards the gates.


"mamá! he's only 15! you're forcing Isabela to marry some man she doesn't even want. and now you're forcing my own son to marry some rich woman?! what is the matter with you?" Pepa says to abuela.

she holds her hand out in the hair causing Pepa to shut up. "i have already set him up. now that those people are gone, i will have him be introduced to a girl named Azaela. and she is well mannered unlike the last girl he was friends with." she points out.

this drove Camilo into madness. "how...DARE YOU TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!" he yelled at his abuela. Dolores tried to stop him but he was too loud as she covered her ears. Camilo stomped forward towards her and Pepa held her son back.

"you have no idea what she was like back then! if you had just gotten to know her...i'm sure she would've delighted you! but you're bitterness came in the way! you always put yourself first before anyone else. i bet you were the one to have made her leave.." Camilo blabbered. he didn't even realize that it was all coming out of him.

longed he waited to bring this up to her face to face. he never had guts to tell her. but he was so mad, he couldn't help himself from letting this all spill out of him. abuela didn't say anything. his eyes widened. he knew it the whole time.

"i KNEW IT! you did do it! you faked it so that way she'd stay away from me. you're sick, abuela!" he told. Pepa tried to shut him up, but clearly it wasn't working. eventually, everyone overheard. Isabela, Luisa, Julieta, Agustín, Antonio, Felíx, everyone in the house hold who was all there.

"if you didn't-...i can't believe you." he spoke. he stopped his rambling and tears filled in his eyes. abuela looked at him and just stared. she scoffed. "that girl was no good. she brought nothing but trouble to the family. i couldn't have someone just try their hardest to tear this family apart. and look where it's driven you." she tells him.

Camilo just glared. "mamá, do you not realize what you've done? you've crushed your nieto's heart! he loved the girl and i'm sure she did too. and she didn't bring trouble, she wanted to bring the family closer together." Julieta says.

"she told me that the only way for me to become stronger was to not think of the negative side and just focus on working out more and myself!" Lusia says.

"she taught me how to grow my flowers more and graceful" Isabela adds on. "see? she never wanted-" he was cut off.

"i don't wanna hear it now. you're getting married to her and that's final. i don't wanna hear anymore crap
about that girl. now, we're supposed to meet her tonight. no objections." she says and walks off. Camilo couldn't help but let the tears fall down.

"i'm sorry, mi vida...we tried." Pepa says and rubs his back. Dolores walked up to him and hugged him. he cried in their arms. 'where are you when I need you most..?' he thinks as a flashback of her face played in his mind.


"hello?~" she hummed. silence. "uhh...is anyone in here?" she yelled again. squeaks were heard. she moved her feet as she looked down and rats were chasing each other. she jumped on top of the stairs.

her eyes followed to where the rats were leading to. there revealed a man in a dark green hoodie. she couldn't believe it. it was her Tío Bruno? but how?

he took a glance had Mirabel before running off. Mirabel wasn't going to let him get away. so she ran after him. "hey wait!" she tells. she is still chasing after him, that is where he ran up a bunch of stairs. she couldn't keep up and that's where rocks lifted Mirabel up.

she was being held back by vines. "Bruno, was this girl chasing you?" a voice said. Bruno nodded as the girl walked out. she was in a fancy white suit. her long block hair reached down to her back. her rings on her fingers. a choker on her neck. her lips shining in the light.

Mirabel couldn't believe her eyes. the girl's eyes landed on hers and they turned out to be mixed colors. she changed her eye color to brown. "what are you doing chasing after Bruno?" she asked. Mirabel couldn't get a word out.

"y-you're..." Mirabel was speechless.

she scoffed. "the princess? i know. though, i am ruler now, which makes me queen." she says and removes the vines away from everything else. there revealed a picture of her parents and her.

Mirabel's jaw dropped. "now explain why you're here." the girl stood upon Mirabel and stared her down. "uhh...well...i'm actually here for a request." Mirabel manages to get out.

the girl's stare didn't ease. Mirabel gulped. "Dolores Madrigal and Camilo Madrigal have requested you come and stop the arranged marriage that they're forcing Camilo to be in.." Mirabel tells.

she thinks about it. "hard pass." she says and lets Mirabel down. she pushes Mirabel out. "wait, wait! i know we just met but please listen!" she didn't. she turned around and walked over to Bruno.

"HE NEEDS YOU RIGHT NOW!" Mirabel yelled. she stopped in her tracks.

THE LOST PRINCESS | 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐋Where stories live. Discover now