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THE next morning, Camilo walked into the casita with (Y/N). laughing, talking and just having fun. but it was all ruined when Abuela and the rest of the Garcia Family. he just stared at them confused.

"Camilo, what did you say to Azaela?" Abuela asked sternly. Camilo was confident in to what he was about to say. "why do you asked abuela?" he asked and crossed his arms.

"Azaela woke up this morning to tell her parents that you refused to marry her. is that true?" she asked a little more sternly than ever. you knew there was no chance of backing down now. "so what? she said something to (Y/N) that i didn't like." he said.

your eyes widened. he had never stood up to his abuela before. you turned towards him with a shocked look on your face. was he insane? "so? what she said to (Y/N) yesterday was true. she was dressing like someone who would try to get your attention." abuela tells.

Camilo's eyes widened. "how DARE YOU! (Y/N) will always be prettier than that rat over there! i mean, have you met Azaela? she's a spoiled, selfish, not well-mannered, and a no good brat!" Camilo snaps, "the one thing your never be able to beat (Y/N) at is her loyalty. you're all so selfish and force things on other people. EVEN ME!".

Mrs. Garcia gasped. "how dare you. my daughter is everything that you can't see. if it wasn't for this loner, you could see the sorts of things that my daughter could do." Mr. Garcia goes off.

he then tried to attack Camilo but you step in the way and push him back. "watch who you're putting your hands on, mister. if you want Camilo, just try and go through me." your voice is stern and a little deep. (if it already is, forget i said that.)

your eyes change into a red color. you were furious. everyone saw the whole thing. including Pepa who was more furious than you. about everyone was silent. more shocked than angry at abuela. Azaela stepped in the way and stood in front of you.

"who do you think you are?!" she says. "i'm someone you don't want to get on their bad side." you coldly told her. she scoffed. "as if i would be afraid of you. you're just some cheap loser who just doesn't know her place!" Azaela yelled at you.

"oh really? because the last time i checked, i wasn't a blonde, selfish, horrible, disgraceful, clingy, annoying, and stubborn little brat." you crossed your arms. she gasped dramatically. "how DARE you call me selfish! i am more elegant than you are." she points at you with a hand on her hip.

you laugh. "you seriously think you're all that just because you're rich?! ha! couldn't be me. at least i know how to protect and take care of myself without being babied." you turned your head from her.

she couldn't take anymore of this. she raised her hand and swung it across your face, leaving a mark on your face. yup. that's right, she slapped you. you looked down with wide eyes and everyone gasped. you uncrossed your arms and looked at her, eyes flashing all kinds of colors.

she flinched and stepped back. "you've made a mistake, Azaela." your voice grew deep. you then charged at her, jumping on her. slapping and hitting her on her face. but she did fight back. she grabbed ahold of your hair and pulled on it. "it's real?!" she exclaimed.

"what did you think it was? fake?" you yelled back at her. you both began rolling around the place yelling at each other. Pepa and Mrs. Garcia had to break the fight because the more bruises were put on, the more pain it would make.

you two wanted to just attack each other again and start beating on each other. "(Y/N), calm down!" Pepa tries to tell you. you didn't hear her. "enough." abuela speaks. you both turn to her and just stare at her.

"Azaela and Camilo's wedding will be tomorrow night. and you." she looks at you. "you're forbidden from ever coming to the casita ever again." your face went white. like you had seen a ghost. "mamí! that's not fair!" Julieta says out of anger.

"i don't care. she's a bad influence on Camilo and she has fought a person. do you think she's worthy enough for him? i don't think so." she harshly tells everyone. "she's an imbecile for walking and acting like everyone missed her when clearly, no one didn't." you look down.

"for one, she isn't fit for the position. and also, they aren't made for each other. Azaela and Camilo are meant for each other." she finishes off.

"mamí!" both Pepa and Julieta says to their mother. abuela holds her hand up and they shut up. "conversation over with." she says and turns around and walked off. "wait." you call out to her. she turns around and faces you.

"let me go Pepa.." you say as she hears the slight disappointment in the tone of your voice. she slowly let go of you and you walked over to her and looked her into eye to eye. "that's fine. i-i'll take my leave tonight." you tell her.

Camilo's heart began to crack more than it did when she left.

Mirabel comes up to you and places a hand on your shoulder. "no, (Y/N). don't! you've came this far and yet, you're just gonna give up like that?" she tried to tell you. you remove her hand. "there's one thing to me, Mirabel. i'm obedient and respectful. if you're abuela wants me to leave, then i will go.."


"maybe your abuela is right. i'm not fit for the position that Azaela's in right now."


"i'm just someone who doesn't have a family, living on her own, and can't even do what's ever right!"


"it was a mistake coming back here. and Mirabel, you should've never convinced me to come back."


"and most importantly, you should've never came looking for me."


Camilo felt his heart break a million times. the woman he's known and loved for such a long time gives up now? you then start to walk out of the casita but someone grabs your hand. you looked back and saw that Camilo was holding your hand.

"you're not gonna leave me here with her all alone right? i-i'm sure you can figure something out!" he starts to beg. you looked down with tears falling down. "Camilo, stop." you deadpanned.


"maybe we aren't fit for each other at all."


you snatch your hand away and began walking out of the casita and back to where you usually live. Camilo was left standing there with tears falling down. his mother and father, older cousins, older sister and younger brother began to swarm around him.

he collapsed on his knees and began sobbing. his heart was in so much pain and couldn't be fixed. not even by Azaela herself.

you soon made it to the place where Bruno was. he noticed your sad look. "hey, what's the matter?" he asked you, scared to come close. you stare at him and tears form at the corner of your eyes. you collapsed and tears formed down. he ran and placed both of his hands on your shoulders.

"i'm sorry, Bruno. but i'm not sure if i even wanna stay in the world much longer. i failed. i always fail! and even worse, i hurt Camilo even more than he was when i was gone for 11 years..."

THE LOST PRINCESS | 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐋Where stories live. Discover now