Chapter 1 - The Past

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3 years earlier...

                           I walked through the hall with my books in hand smiling happily. I was a student at Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High. My best friends and I were on our way to the courtyard where everyone usually hung out during the break. " I don't even get why you like him!  He's a grade-A asshole with a pretty face" said one of my best friends, Victoria. Her and I moved to japan from the US when we were 5  with our families, we basically have known each other since birth. 

                      " I second with Victoria on that one, he's the worst," Kageyama said, he was the only person to reach out to Victoria and I when we first moved here being "the new kids" and all. " Oh c'mon he's not that bad," I said defending the guy I've had a crush on since the first time I saw our volleyball team play. " You know who isn't an asshole and is way cuter? Iwa. " Victoria added. "Anyones better than...Oikawa " Kags said.

"You can't help who you fall in love with," I said. We made our way over to sit in the shade of the tree in the center of the courtyard. "Speaking of Oikawa...." Kageyama said gesturing his head over to a part of the oning that surrounded the courtyard. There was a girl confessing to Oikawa as usual it wasn't a rare sight to see at this time of day. "Everyone place your bets! Who bets she cries and runs away? " Victoria said. "I'd bet my life on it," Kageyama responded.  Almost as commanded  the girl turned around and ran away crying. "Oof thats gotta hurt" Victoria added.

                "You know what? Im gonna do it I'm going confess to Oikawa!" I said confidently. "No. No. No. No That is a terrible idea. Do not do that" Victoria argued. " Whats the worst that could happen? Ill confess to him at lunch no biggy I'm a strong person I can handle rejection "  I said. "Kags back me up here!" Victoria whined. " I don't know what you want me to do? She wants to do it she's gonna do it" Kageyama replied. Victoria shook her head and sighed. After break we had two more classes and then lunch.

               Those classes seemed like they lasted forever my heart was beating out of my chest every second of those 2 hours of classes. Then it was time for  lunch the moment I had been waiting for ever since that volleyball game. "Remember no hard feelings if he doesn't like you back"  Victoria said to me near the doors of the cafeteria.  He's going to come out come out of that side door any second now...I know he will  ,because he hates doing this the traditional way.  I took a deep breath in a couple seconds after he walked through the side door. I confidently strolled over "Hey Oikawa! " I said posing a cheerful smile. "Do I know you?..." He said holding a carton of milk and a sand which his every day basic lunch. " I'm Kageyama's friend I've seen a couple of your matches! Your really good! " I said trying to hide my nervousness. "Thanks...." He replied. I've never been this close to him my heart is beating a thousand beats per minute. "Ummm anyways I'm just gonna gonna go out and say it.... I like you and ummm I guess I hope you like me back" I said getting straight the point.




                         Pure uncomfortable silence. I looked up at him as he smiled. I softly smiled back ,but thats when it hit me. It wasn't a smile of  happiness or satisfaction it was the smile of pure evil. " You actually think I would like someone like you? a nobody? Try looking in the mirror find someone more in your league," He said pouring the carton of milk all over me. I felt my eyes sting as they swelled with tears of  disappointment and pure anger.  "Maybe one day you'll find someone as ugly as you are" he said laughing and walking away.  

My heart? Broken.

My thoughts? Blurry.

My hate for Tooru Oikawa? 

only begining.

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