Chapter 5 - Asahi

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The Next Day...

                      Oh shit! I'm gonna be late! I didn't realize it, but I hit the snooze on my alarm one too many times. So I had to rush out throw my uniform on, grab my stuff, and put on light mascara and my hair up in a messy bun. I quickly shut the door behind me before sprinting as fast as I could to the school entrance, cursing under my breath. I thought alarm clocks were supposed to wake you up not let you sleep later! I saw Kageyama and Victoria talking near the school entrance. 

           "I smell a ship," I say panting and catching my breath. "Who? Me and Kags? He wishes " Victoria said confidently putting her hand on her hip. "Hey! whoever said that I was the one that had a crush on you?" Kageyama questioned. "UR, MOM! " I said trying to lighten the mood. "You're just so funny. Everyones just dying out laughing" Kageyama added. "Did you oversleep?" Victoria asked. "Only by like...30 minutes better than last time, right?" I asked sheepishly. "Wait Is that how long you slept or by how much you overslept?" Victoria asked. "Mmmmm a little bit of both" I replied. "You look like shit" Kageyama commented taking a sip of his milk. "Aren't you just the sweetest?" I said sarcastically. 

              "Welp you better fix yourself up cause your bae is walking over here," Victoria said. "Shit! no no no no" I said trying to fix my rachet hair blindly. "Hey, guys!" Asahi said with a stunning smile. I continued to struggle to fix my hair as I held the hair tie in my mouth. I mumbled a 'good morning'  in return. "Need some help with that?" Asahi asked. "Sure" I mumbled. He took the hair tie from my mouth and pulled my hair back in a loose ponytail. Victoria put her hands into a heart shape around where I and Asahi were standing. I rolled my eyes at the sudden use of "lovey hand gestures". "Thank you," I said and smiled softly. For a second there I stared into his hazel eyes and the hold world just continued in slow motion. 

                                       "W-Welp I better start heading to class, See you soon! " He said with the most genuine smile this world had ever seen before walking away. "That was adorable! I seriously can't even with you two! You two are practically a couple!" Victoria said. "I could say the same thing about you too you know..." I said before heading to Geography and waving Kageyama and Victoria goodbye.

                  I sat down at my Geography seat and greeted Asahi again with a smile. Geography went by slower than ever. I would glance to the side every once in a while to see Asahi looking my way or being just as bored as I was. Finally, the bell rang and I quickly gather my books. " Ummmm ok so like I was t-think that like you know maybe you and I could-" Asahi started. "Yo Ally c'mon Kags is waiting for us!" Victoria yelled to me. "Coming!" I said. "See you at practice later? " I said giving a soft smile. "Ugh- yeah sure!" He said happily. "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE ALLY KAGS IS WAITING" Victoria yelled. "IM COMING" I yelled walking over to Victoria who was leaning on the doorway. "Did I ruin a saucy moment~?" She asked. "Shut up" I mumbled. 

             "You two are the slowest people I have ever met," Kageyama said. "We can't be slower than you and Hinata's quick attack"  Victoria commented. "Yeah and I'm the one that sucks," Kageyama said. "What was that all about with Asahi?" Victoria asked. "Nothingggg" I replied. "Hey! I'm here too you know?!" Kageyama said. "Pfffftttt attention seeker, "Victoria said rolling her eyes and pointing towards the milk boi. "Anyways I gotta get to class see all practice," I said before heading to my Foreign Language class.  

After practice...

                            Kags, Victoria, and I somehow someway ended up also walking home with Asahi. "Soooooooo" Victoria said trying to break the tension in the air of not knowing what to say. "What's some stuff about you, Asahi?"  Victoria asked curiously. "Anything?" He asked innocently. "Sure why not?" Tags added. "Ummm Well I live with my mom and my two younger siblings, Oh and  2 dogs, " He started. "My Dad died 3 years back and My mom isn't home a whole lot she overworks herself and then comes home at early hours of the day after drinking," He said looking down at his feet. I turned and looked at him and automatically took my hand, pointing his face back up. I gave him a soft smile of reassurance that we all were here to listen. 

                      "My sister's name is Yoshida, she's only 5 and my brother's name is Haru, He's 12," He said smiling. He must care about his siblings...that's so sweet. "Oh sorry, it's me and Kags stop...See you tomorrow at the training camp!" Victoria said waving goodbye as she and Kags walked down their street. "You seem like you care about your siblings," I said not even thinking about the words that just came out of my mouth. "Oh yeah...I care about everyone just my human instincts I guess," He said kicking a rock in the road. "I think that's more of your personality than you give yourself credit for" I added. "I'm sure you probably care a lot about your girlfriend," I said.  "What girlfriend?! I never said I had a girlfriend " He said as the blush on his cheeks tinted his face. I laughed in response. "I guess someones just gonna have to change that," I said turning and looking at him. "I guess so," he said looking right back at me. He gently pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. HE'S SO CLOSE TO ME. The silence was broken by the sound of kids screaming and dogs barking. Two kids that looked just like Asahi came running towards us. Asahi picked up the little girl as she smiled happily in his arms. "These are my siblings, " Asahi said with an apologetic smile. "Are you Simba's new girlfriend? " Haru asked. "Haru!" Asahi said embarrassed. I giggled "Sadly... no," I said. " See you tomorrow?" I asked. "Definitely," he said in response. 

I felt like I was on cloud 9...


I couldn't wait for tomorrow...


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