Chapter 9- Kuroo

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Sunday 5:35 pm...

                             Victoria and I were cleaning up for lunch after the previous matches. I continued picking up the towels. "Hey, Iwa is over their mind if I go say 'Hi' and talk to him?" Victoria asked. "Oh no of course not I can handle this," I said continuing to pick up the used towels.  Victoria walked away to go talk to Iwa. I continued picking up the towels when someone walked over, "Need some help with that?" I looked up to see Kurroo looking down at me. "Sure!" I replied continuing to pick them up. "Your Ally right? The Karasuno's kind of manager?" Kuroo said making some small talk and finishing up picking up the towels. "Yep that's me, " I replied picking up the laundry bin of sweaty towels that were already starting to make me go nose blind.  "You know you're pretty cute for a manager, we could use a new one at Nekoma," He continued. "Thanks but no thanks," I said trying to head toward the washing machine. "C'mon I'll bet I can convince you otherwise" He added blocking my way. "Oh yeah~ and how are you going to do that exactly, " I said trying to make my way past him before getting blocked again by his rather large figure.

                 "How you feline~? Cause you purrfect~, I'm not kitten!" He started. I snickered. "Cat pick-up lines? Oh yeah, real mature" I said trying to get past him again. "If you came here to flirt with me I'm not exactly interesting I have someone else at the moment," I said determined to make my way past this hoe, who was making me feel small at 5,6. "Oh yeah? Who's your boyfriend?" He asked. I stuttered with a mix of "ah" and "umm" 's. "Well you see-" I said. 

            I was cut off but the chill rolled up my spine when someone's arm was suddenly wrapped around my shoulder.  I turned to see Asahi standing next to me. "What's up, BABE?~" He said purposely exaggerating the last word. What the hell is he doing? Does he think we are dating? Because if so he has another thing coming for him. My thoughts were interrupted by the conversation I forgot I was a part of. "Yep that's my girlfriend, Isn't that right, Ally?" Asahi asked me. I've never felt more uncomfortable in my life, One with this situation the other with a nail-biting feeling that someone was staring into my soul. Almost a deathly glare from someone I couldn't see nor hear. 

                     "Yeah, We've been dating for quite a while now," I replied. "Oh I'm sorry I guess I misread the situation," Kuroo said sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. "No worries, We'll see you around!" Asahi said taking my hand as I carried the bin in the other. "Thanks for helping me out back there, " I whispered. "Don't mention it" Asahi whispered back kissing the back of my hand. 

              I waved him goodbye as I carried the basket in the hallway in which the laundry room was when suddenly someone grabbed me and pulled me into their tight embrace. "What the hell?!" I said turning to see none other than Oikawa. I pushed him away, but he grabbed my waist before I could free myself from his grasps. "What was that?" He asked sassily. "I could ask you the same thing, " I replied. "What was that guy with the man bun doing wrapping his arm around your shoulder?" Oikawa asked accusingly. "What's it to you? You barely even know me so why should you care?" I asked defensively. He suddenly pulled back into his muscular grasp, my face inches from his. My breath hitched and my chest tightened. I could feel and hear his breathing left an uneasy feeling in my stomach. " No, I do know you...I can tell you just don't want me to figure out where," He added. He leaned in more...IS HE GOING TO KISS ME? OH HELL NO. His face suddenly changed path and leaned into my ear. "But I'm going to make it my business to know why," He said before letting go of me and letting me drop to the floor. I fell backward bruising my ass on the tile floor. Just like that, he vanished just like how he appeared. "What the actual HELL Toru Oikawa," I said cursing underneath my breath after the events that had just unfolded, that's when I realized it. 

One moment.

One single moment there my heart skipped a beat being in his grasp.

The same feeling I got in middle school standing so close to him way back when. 

Only this time around I knew I couldn't possibly fall in love with Toru Oikawa all over again.

Could I?...

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