Chapter 2 - Just a normal day

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Present Day

              "C'mon we are gonna be late! " said Victoria. "I'm coming, I'm coming I just need to finish grabbing my books, " I said grabbing my books and scattered papers from class. " We promised we would help out with the volleyball club now c'mon let's go," Victoria said dragging me out. Victoria and I are 1st year now at Karasuno Highschool along with our best friend Kageyama. He's the new setter for their volleyball team and asked if we wanted to help out with equipment, cleaning, basically chores,but if it means we get to see our best friend play volleyball fine by me. Victoria and I walked into the gym where everyone was starting to warm up. We kind of just helping out during practices we've been doing this for about 3 months now so we're basically pros.

                         "Good news, we got ourselves a practice match against Aoba Josai" Coach Ukai said. "Aoba what now?" Victoria said.  "Aoba Josai, word is they have a really good setter" He continued. "Hold up isn't that the school with Butt weasel?" Tanaka said. Butt weasel? Who could he be talking about? "What butt weasel?" Victoria questioned. " You didn't see that article in monthly volleyball?" Suga asked sweetly. "He's talking about Tooru Oikawa, "  He added. "Remember the match is Wednesday 5:00 on the dot," Coach Ukai continued. My heart sank with the utter mention of that asshole.  "Well we can do this guys!" Suga said. "Karasuno on three, 1 round of flying laps around the court and then start cleaning up" Daichi said confidently. The team groaned and then we all put our hands in the middle "1...2...3....Karasuno!" we yelled in unison. 

                   Victoria and I gathered our stuff as we waited for Kageyama outside of the gym, for us to all walk home together of course. It had been our friend tradition since the day we met. " Hey guys" Kags greeted "Ready to walk home?" he added. "Yep" Victoria and I replied.  As we started to walk our designated route talking about little things that happend in our day and what not ."Coach said that Oikawa's hurt so you wouldn't even see the dude at the match" Kageyama said out of nowhere. Victoria turned to him giving one of slicing hand gesture not to bring him up. I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to act like he's someone fiance I called things off with at the alter" I said. 

                             "I'm gonna be fine, besides Karasuno is totally gonna kick their ass and he wont be there, win win!" I said. "Okayyyy if you say so!" Victoria said " I wonder if Oikawa is still friends with Iwa he was SO HOT in middle school!" Victoria continued. " You were such a simp" said Kags "You are too!" said Victoria. They continued exchanging a series of "you so are a simp"  and "am not". This lasted a solid 15 minutes before I decided to but in " We both know this is just a form of avoiding your romantic feelings for each other since the begining of time " I added. "Go back to your enemies to lovers were having a grown adult conversation here like civilized people," Kags argued "YOUR THE ONE WHOS TRACKING IWA DOWN" Kags continued. 

      I sighed as we all continued our way home. It was gonna be a long and tiring week.

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