Chapter 10- The Talk

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Monday at 9:00 pm...


                It was a long day, my head was still spinning from the night before. Today I felt like I could vomit at any second, but to avoid the embarrassment of throwing up all over the court during the Nohebi match, I didn't. Not to mention all the other chores Victoria and I had to complete.  I was exhausted, but I had to stay up because Kageyama and Iwazumi, as well as a couple of others, had wanted to continue practicing so Victoria and I offered to stay and watch. I sat there on the bench waiting for me to go back to the room to get another restless night of sleep. 

                             "Hey, Ally! Can one of you go refill the other water bottles?" Kags asked. "Sure thing!" I replied pretending to be energetic I need to spray my face with some water as well so the trip to the water fountain would be killing 2 birds with one stone.  I grabbed the water bottles and headed to the hallway in which the water fountain was. I walked through the hallway and glanced to my left. I stumbled a bit shocked to see someone sitting there. "Geez! You scared me, " I said not realizing who it was until they look up with a helpless puppy glare. Oikawa. "I assume this is no coincidence we ran into each other like this, What are you doing here?" I continued. He stood up so he was now towering over me just as before. "I'm here for you," He said looking down at me. 

                                                      "What the hell are you talking about? you've never been there for me, and now all of a sudden you do?" I asked pissed off by the phrasing of his words. "I know exactly where I remember you from," He added.  Oh god! no! please no! I cursed in my head. "Middle school, you confessed to me," He continued. "And? What about it? Do you even know which girl I was? If you do tell me what you did that pissed me off," I asked sassily. He sat back down on the bench his head hanging low and staring at his feet. "I...I poured milk on your head" He said in a monotone voice. "Not to mention the humiliation," I said crossing my arms. "I'm sorry ok? I don't care if you believe me or not, but I am, I'm also sorry for the way I've treated you the past couple of days, I didn't think you had any valid reason to dislike me," He said. "Thank you, apology accepted, that still doesn't mean I like you, you'll always be the same Toru Oikawa from middle school to me," I continued.

                                                          "So you're one of THOSE people?" He said, leaning back on the wall behind the bench. I started to get back to what I ORIGINALLY came here for, to refill water bottles as I started filling them up I said, "What do you mean THOSE people?". "You know exactly what I'm talking about, those people that think that others don't ever change and shit," Oikawa continued. I thought for a moment and then said, "No, I never said that,". "You implied it" Oikawa replied. "Implying is different than saying," I said as I continued to fill up the water bottles. "So, What you don't think people can change?" He said with a cocky grin on his stupidly unfair gorgeous face." No...I think people can change I just don't think you can change," I said remembering all my anger and regret from all those years ago... l continued to get lost in my thoughts filling up the second to last water bottle. 

                           "Ok Bet," Oikawa said sternly. I thought for a moment, "What did you just say?" I said looking him up and down. "You heard me," He added. "What's the deal?" I said. "Your gonna be my fake/ temporary girlfriend," Oikawa said. "Nu-uh nope," I said screwing the lids onto the water bottles. "Ok well, I wanna prove to you that I have changed, and to do that we need to be intimate with each other, and you being my girlfriend is the closest we can get without us being lovers, which I don't think you're ready for," Oikawa said winking after that last part. "True...What's in it for me? and what happens if each of us wins?" I added setting the water bottle carrier on the floor and crossing my arms. "If I win and prove to you, then I get to take you out on a proper date, and I guess if I lose you don't have to talk to me ever again, Deal?" Oikawa said standing up and holding out his right hand. "Deal," I said shaking his hand. 

                           "One condition there needs to be a time frame for this, Two months, to get through the holidays without being alone, " I said politely. "You're on," He said taking a step closer to me. My breath hitched as he was again only inches away from my face. "Captian!!!" Someone yelled. Oikawa quickly turned around to find one of his teammates. "What's wrong?" Oikawa asked. The player leaned over catching his breath from sprinting down to this hallway. I think he was their middle blocker? Matsukawa it was? I recognized him he was one of the players who had been in the gym practicing a little while longer tonight. "Fight- Team- members- come- now" He wheezed. "Fuck!" Oikawa cussed as he then sprinted off back to the gym. "Kageyama- Iwa" Matsukawa continued as he panted. "Shit!" I said as I followed in Oiakawa's footsteps running back to the gym,

 completely forgetting about the water bottles, and the real reason I had come to this hallway in the first place...

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