Chapter 3 - What if?

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         The next day...         

     Victoria and I were walking in the halls to our first classes. Kageyama had a morning practice so he was gonna be running a little late. "Seriously though, Did you see Iwa in middle school?! He was like the hottest guy there" Victoria said. She's falling for the dude even though she's never actually talked to him or seen him for a hot minute. 

          "OMG! I know right! He was just the cutest guy ever in middle school! I wish I was his girlfriend!" Kageyama added in his best impersonation of a high-pitched girly voice. I turned to look and he had butted his head right in between where I and Victoria had been walking. "Oh shut up Kags! You talk the same way about you know who!" Victoria said hitting him with her AP Chemistry book. "Hey in most situations that's a thing called... HARASSMENT AND ASSAULT!" Kageyama complained.

        "Anyways... I heard that guy Iwa is their wing spiker, and that he's really good" Kageyama added. "You could say that again"  Victoria replied. Kageyama then hit her with her AP Chemistry book.  "HEY! PG Here!" I said rolling my eyes. "Anyways here's my class, I'll see you'll at break!" I continued heading into my first block, Geography. They waved me goodbye and continued walking to their classes. 

                          I couldn't focus on Geography. It's too early to learn about where all the European countries are. What would have happened if Oikawa liked me back? Would he be a different person? " Hey, you ok? " I heard someone whisper to me. I looked to see Asahi next to me. We only ever chatted a couple of times after Kageyama introduced me. "Yeah just thinking about some stuff," I say, whispering back behind my book. "I'm a good listener I promise" He continued. "What are you doing in Geography isn't this suppose to be a class you take your first year?" I asked. "Yeah, but I chose Psychology instead so they made me go back and take it this year, You coming to the practice match" He added. "I don't know yet..." I said honestly.  "Well I hope you can make it I know me and the rest of the team would like it if you were there," He said with a soft smile before returning his attention to his book in which I did the same.

       After my next class, it was finally time for a break. I look around the field where the high schoolers enjoyed their break most days. I finally spotted Kageyama and Victoria sitting at our usual bench. I slowly and quietly crept behind them before screaming "BOO!" I leaned over their shoulders in the middle. "Wacha guys looking at?" I said curiously.  Kageyama quickly closed the magazine. "N-Nothing!" Kageyama said. "Gimme," I said grabbing the magazine, turning to the page he had quickly closed. I made a gagging noise "Oikawa? Gross" I said. "Gross indeed my friend" Victoria added. "We are scouting out our competition" Kags added. "What competition ya'll are gonna crush them with or without...him," I said.

    "I'm not so sure...Either way, they are a really strong team, " He continued. "Don't forget about that Wing-spiker!" Victoria added cheerfully. "Your no help" Kags said. "I am too helping, I'm giving you a fair warning that Iwa is just as much as a threat as Oikawa! maybe Iwa is even better? " Victoria said. I snickered ,but my laugh was cut short by the feeling that someone was looking at me. I turned to look around ,but everyone else was doing their own thing, no one was looking at me. That feeling lingered for the rest of break...

going back into the building...

only sent a chill up my spine....


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