Chapter 6 - The Training Camp

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Friday, aka the next day...

            It was early almost...too early to leave at 7 am for the training camp. Who knew tagging along with the school's volleyball team would be hard work? Victoria and I just help out! We aren't even the ones playing! besides that leaving on a bus with a bunch of high school boys at 7 am meant I had to wake up at the crack of dawn to grab my stuff, get ready, and be at school before 7.  The training camp was a week-long training camp with teams from all around the region coming, Kageyama listed them all off to Victoria and me on FaceTime last night, but I didn't care and I was too busy texting Asahi. The week of the training camp was one of our school breaks so we weren't going to be missing any school.

                            I yawned as I scrolled through unread text messages waiting to get on the bus. It was currently 6:48 am and I was too tired to stand. I finally stepped onto the bus. Victoria waved me over to where Kags and her were sitting. I chose to sit across the aisle from them slumped down in my seat. "Someone's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed," Victoria said. "You know it!" I said with fake excitement in my voice. "Can I sit here?" Asahi asked gesturing to the window seat. "Sure! Of course!" I said quickly changing my attitude. He slid past me to get to the seat. I looked across the aisle to see Victoria freaking out silently gesturing as if she just saw me and Asahi kiss...I'm honestly scared to see how her reaction if that ever happened.

                                  I sat in my seat getting comfy. I wanted to take a nap. No, I needed to take a nap. I slowly felt my eyes getting heavier as I fell asleep in my seat.

Time skip to 9:15 am... 

        "Ally wakes up! C'mon you're coming with me we have to get everyone Starbucks it's our duty as people who aren't even really on the team!" Victoria yelled shaking me awake. "Geez I'm up," I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and getting up. I followed Victoria to the front of the bus to take everyones' order from Noya's double mocha chip frappuccino to Suga's vanilla latte. Victoria and I walked out of the bus, "You missed it! Look you fell asleep on Asahi and he did the same!" She said showing me a picture on her phone. "You know you should ask more guys for their number," She said. "Oh really? You know your one to talk for someone who's been crushing on the same guy since middle school and has never asked or had his number" I said. "Ok then watch me he's right over there and I'm gonna go ask him!" She said confidently walking over to Iwa. 

                         She greeted him and started to make some small talk. Before I knew it some guy was standing next to me. "I'll cover her order," He said handing a debit card to the cashier. "No thanks I've got this, It's a lot," I said, giving my card to the cashier instead. "No I insist, Let me at least pay half for such stunning women like you~" He added I immediately realized it was no other than Oikawa himself. "Oh trust me I'm not stunning," I said glaring at him. "I know you from somewhere" He added following me to the waiting for drinks area where Iwa and Victoria were talking. "Nope, never seen you in my life," I said. "No...I've seen you from somewhere...Your that girl I winked at the other day" Oikawa said. "Yes, unfortunately, that was me now if you'll excuse me I have to grab the rest of the team's orders," I said trying to wiggle past him to grab the first drink career that was ready. I grabbed it and before I knew it he grabbed my drink, took out a sharpie, and wrote his number on the cup. "Call me sometime? k " He said before winking and walking out. 

                   Victoria walked back over to me with a huge smile on her face. "A hunch is telling me that went well, What exactly happened?" I asked. 

        Flashback to five minutes ago brought to you by Storytimes with Victoria...

Victoria's POV

             "Hi," I said greeting Iwa. He turned around confused. "Ummm Are you talking to me?" He asked. "Of course!" I said with a smile. "I'm Victoria we went to middle school together," I said. "Oh ok," He said not knowing what to say, it doesn't seem like this happens to him a lot. "I also saw you play against our school the other day my friend and I were on the sidelines, You're a really good wing spiker" I added. "Listen, I'm getting straight to the point and asking Can I have your number?" I asked nervously. "Hold up You want MY number?" He asked me. "Ummm yeah who else would I be talking about," I said. "Oikawa, most girls just come up to me to get Oikawa's number," He said. "No offense, but Oikawa isn't exactly 'MY TYPE' " I said. "In that case...sure!" He said handing me a piece of paper from his pocket.

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