Chapter 7- The Training Camp Part 2

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(I made these two parts because the first part was pretty long and I didn't wanna put you all through 1,500 words)

                   "Wow I can't believe you had the balls to do it," I said catering the drinks back to the bus. "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic and insulting me or if you're complimenting me," Victoria said as we stepped back onto the bus. We continued and handed out everyones' drinks. I sat back down in my seat enjoying my caramel macchiato which WAS perfect until Oikawa wrote his number on it. "What's that?" Victoria asked pointing to the writing on my cup. "Oh Oikawa wrote his number on my cup for some reason," I said. "And you failed to tell me this how?!" She asked.  "It's not even a big deal it's not like I'm gonna add it to my phone or anything," I said continuing to sip my drink. "Then I will," Victoria said grabbing my phone and typing in the number. "Boom!" She added. "Wow, gee thanks!" I said with fake excitement in my voice. 

                             "I thought you didn't want her to talk to Oikawa?" Kags asked. "I don't, but I want my bestie to have a bunch of guys she can choose from which means always adding the numbers of guys, and Hold up! Since when are you awake? You have been asleep like this entire time" Victoria said turning to Kageyama. "Mmmm I have been fading in and out of sleep" He added. "Probably dreaming of Hinata~," Victoria said in a teasing tone. "You have known you have a crush on Hin-" Victoria said before getting cut off by Kageyama's hand covering her mouth. She licked it and Kageyama quickly pulled his hand away. "Did you just lick my hand?!" Kags said. "Yep! And I'll do it again if you cut me off from talking about your love life" Victoria added. 

                            "Hand licking? That's pretty kinky" I added before going back to sipping my macchiato. Kageyama and Victoria started having one of those girl fights where they only use their hands and only slap each other's hands. I turned next to me to see Asahi watching a show on his phone with his AirPods on. I tapped him on the shoulder curious about what he was watching.  "Nothing much,  just friends, I'm preparing to binge it with Haru," He said." Oh, that's so sweet! Do you usually watch shows together?" I asked curiously. "Not usually, I mean sometimes, but Friends was my first 'Big Kid' show to watch some and my dad binged it together, I want to carry that on to Haru," He said with a soft smile. "That's kind of you, your a good big brother" I added. "Oh umm, thanks!" He said with a soft smile on his face.

                        Timeskip to 11:30 am... 

                          "Bitches We're here!" Noya yelled from the front I paused my music and looked outside at the huge building. Asahi couldn't help but snicker at Nishinoya's comment, while everyone else just shook their heads in disappointment or rolled their eyes. It's nice to be in Tokyo, you know? It's always good to change your environment every once in a while.  I stretched as the front of the bus started to exit.  I exited the bus with my stuff in hand, taking in the fresh air. The other team captains greeted us, "I'm Daishō, we haven't played each other yet, but we will soon,"  one of the green-haired captains said with a mischievous smile. "Don't worry about him, He can be kind of an ass sometimes" Kuroo said. I remember him from our Nekoma practice match, I think he was their middle blocker? "everyone else is starting to eat in the cafeteria first door on the left when you walk in, you can set your stuff down in the first room on the right Hallway," The other green-haired captain said. He looks so serious and DAMN WAS HE TALL. 

                                       Victoria and I walked into the building. "Dude the training camp is the perfect time to kiss Asahi!" Victoria whisper yelled to me. "What? no, we are only friends" I added walking through the doors. " Yeah! Friends that have a crush on each other and are a couple!" Victoria said. "You know I could say the same thing about you and Kags," I said. "What? Noooooo I have no idea what you're talking about" Victoria said as we sat our stuff down in the room. "Anyways! I don't get how they expect us to share a room 16 boys" Victoria said as we walked to the Cafeteria. "Especially when one of those 16 is this twerp, your a pain in the ass enough as it is," Victoria said added. Kageyama somehow appeared next to Victoria. "I seriously need to get a lawyer to fight you on this harassment deal you have going on," Kageyama said. "Imagine needing a lawyer to come up with a good comeback," Victoria said rolling her eyes as we entered the cafeteria. 

                      Victoria, Kags, Asahi, Nishinoya, and I all decided to sit together and enjoy our bowls of Donburi and for some reason a cupcake that the staff had provided as a "Welcome to the first day of hell training camp" deal. I started eating as the other teams talked about whatever it was they talked about. "I can't wait for this afternoon to finally kick some ass," Nishinoya said. "I'm not so sure..." Kageyama said. "Oh c'mon have a little faith in your team for once," Noya added. "I'm just saying these are aspiring national teams here, most of them have already made it to nationals, for example, Shiritorizawa," Kageyama said gesturing towards a table of absolute pure chaos a mix of yelling, talking, and singing was in the mix of sounds coming from that one specific table. We continued to eat our food peacefully until that peace was suddenly interrupted by the cafeteria doors slammed open. "Of course, they had to make such a grand entrance," Asahi said under his breath. The whole room was silent as everyone turned and looked in the direction from which the noise came. Aoba Johsai walked in dramatically as ever with Oikawa leading his squad. I quickly turned back around cursing underneath my breath hoping he didn't notice me. 

                                     Everyone soon went back to what they were talking about and eating. The team then got their food and looked for a place to sit. I went back to talking with the rest of my friends from the biggest douchebag ever that just walked into the room. "Oh yeah that rollercoaster was so-" I said responding to a story Victoria had mentioned, but I was interrupted by someone's voice, "Mind if we sit here? " Oikawa said already putting his tray down in the spot.  "Umm actually yes I kind of do," I said turning towards him. "You know you talk a lot of shit for someone who has absolutely no reason to dislike such an amazing person as me," Oikawa said leaning on the table. "Oikawa..." Iwa warned. "I have a lot of reasons ones that I don't feel are appropriate right now," I said. "Ally just let it go," Victoria said putting a hand on my shoulder.

                                       "You know what you need?" Oikawa said holding his cupcake. "Better people to talk to than you?" I asked sarcastically. "A little sweetness," Oikawa said pushing the cupcake right into my face. I cursed underneath my breath as I swiped the frosting from my eyes to see. "And you need to stop being less of a jerk," I said returning the favor and pushing my cupcake right back at his cocky face. I got up letting the cake part fall into a napkin before getting up and storming towards the bathroom. "Who would waste a perfectly good cupcake?" I heard Nishinoya comment before walking into the unisex bathroom. 

With everyone else...

           "I'm sorry about him," Iwa said.  Oikawa just sat there pouting, before whipping most of it off his face. "I should go help her-" Victoria said getting up. "No let me, I can help I promise I'll take care of her" Asahi said getting up and walking towards the direction in which I left. 

Back with Ally...

             I jumped a little as I heard the sound of someone knocking. I continued to wipe the cupcake off my face. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Asahi" He answered. "Come in!" I yelled.  Asahi walked in, "Here I can help," He said taking the wet paper towel in his hand. I gulped as stood inches away from my face, my heart was beating out of my chest just as it did before that one evening. He wiped my cheek with the towel and his thumb near where usually eye bags are. He gently stroked his thumb as I felt myself relax in his presence. He only looked back at me with those dark brown eyes and a soft smile. He slowly started to lean in before we both turned and looked someone had opened the door. "C'mon Ace it's time to get back on the court," Daichi said. "Oh was I interrupting something?" He asked. "O-Ooh n-no nothing was going on" Asahi responded nervously with pink dusting his cheeks. I giggled "you got this ace!" I said before quickly giving a quick peck on the cheek before he followed Daichi back outside. 

Did that just happen?


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