Chapter 4 - Karasuno vs Aoba Johsai

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The following day.... aka Wednesday

             "What if generally don't want to go, huh? Are you gonna force me?" I asked. " Yes, I will force you! Now c'mon let's go! " Victoria said dragging me out of my house to go the gym. I whined like an actual toddler. "He's not even gonna be there he's hurt!" she said. "Good," I answered. " We promised we would go and you have nothing better to do," She said. "How do you know that? I could be a secret agent on the side for all you know! " I answered. "Your not. Now walk faster!" Victoria said continuing to walk fast to the gym. "Wait! I have homework I could be doing instead of watching my best friend play my middle school crush's volleyball team," I added. "Yeah, so nothing better to do" Victoria stated. 

  When we finally arrived everyone was warming up. No Oikawa insight. Perfect. 

             "There's Iwa!" Victoria said shaking my arm. " I see," I said. Asahi turned and smiled at me. I turned and looked around thinking that he was smiling at someone else realizing Victoria had ditched me to get a spot on the side of the gym closest to Iwa, I realized it was only me in the direction he had a smile at. I waved back. I joined Victoria on the sidelines to watch. Every once in a while we would help Kiyoko fill up water bottles. It was nice to see Kageyama's and Hinata's quick attack work well in a game. Victoria was amazed by how good of a wing spiker Iwa was, Kags was right they were some serious competition with or without Oikawa...though I would never actually admit to Kageyama he was right.

               Everything was fine. Aoba Josai won the first set, but Krasuno won the second, so it was on to the third set. Victoria had been acting like Kageyama's mom shouting "inspirational" cheers ."See aren't you glad you came?" Victoria asked me. "Yeah. Yeah, I am!" I said. "It's fun seeing them play!" I added. "It's weird...Kageyama said that Oikawa's the one who suggested the match" She said. Everyone turned when they heard the sound of the gym door. The third set was just about to start. It was none other than Mr. Tooru Oikawa himself walking through the door. "NOPE! I'm out!" I said about to stand up. "Sit!" Victoria said pulling me down into my seat. The third set started, but Oikawa was still stretching and warming up thankfully. I was watching him stretch on the sidelines, how could someone with such a beautiful face have such a shitty attitude? Answer: Oikawa could and made it known to everyone. 

Then he did it. 

That son of bitch.


I quickly gave him one of those exaggerated sarcastic smiles before quickly returning my face to a frown. Every bone in my body was fighting that feminine urge to flip him off. 

I sat there for the rest of that set seaming in anger but hiding it surprisingly well.

After the Practice Match...

"Go ask for his number!" I whisper yelled at Victoria. "SNBJHKJDHF what are you thinking? Now is not the time!" Victoria whisper yelled back. "Oh you came I'm glad," Asahi said with a soft smile. "You played well today!" I said returning the smile. Victoria not so suddenly nudged my arm aggressively aka her cue to ask him out, but I'm not gonna look desperate and ask him out now we barely know each other.

"I was wondering. if by chance I could have your number?" Asahi said nervously. Noya was beside him hyping him up as usual. "Sure!" I said grabbing the pen from my back pocket and writing my number on his hand. "T-Thanks well... I'll see you tomorrow then!" He replied sweetly. Victoria was freaking out next to me as we exited the gym. "DUDE HE ASKED YOU FOR YOUR NUMBER!" Victoria yelled still processing the previous events. "What's the big deal he probably just wants to get to know me?" I questioned. "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS HE'S CRUSHING ON YOU" Victoria argued. "Is not" I said. "Is too" She replied. This continued for a couple of minutes till our star player joined us to begin our walk home. "Hey, how was the game? " Kags.

"Fun! The new quick attack is working pretty well! You and Hinata also work well together! If you know what I mean?" Victoria said nudging his arm. "Dude everybody knows what you mean," I said. "Can you believe he showed up?" Victoria questioned. "I know right! some nerve for showing up to a game with his team that he's on" Kageyama said sarcastically. "You suck" Victoria commented. "He freaking winked at me before the 3rd set started," I said in annoyance. "Spicy...better have used protection! don't want any baby Oikawa's running around before you out of high school" Kageyama added annoyingly. "Victorias right you do suck," I said rolling my eyes as Victoria and I picked up our walking pace leaving Kags in our dust. "Hey!" he said before running to catch up with us.

"Anyways... YOU GOTTA BOYFRIEND" Victoria said pointing to me. "ME?! I think you mean Kageyama" I said "Nope! I mean you! Asahi and Ally sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! " Victoria sang. I slightly blushed. KEYWORD SLIGHTLY. "I so do not have a boyfriend!" I say trying to defend the fact we are just acquaintances and nothing more. "Does he have your number?" Tags asked. "HELL YEAH HE DOES BECAUSE HE ASKED FOR IT FROM HER NOT TO LONG AGO" Victoria yelled excitedly. "Someone get the flowers ready for the wedding! It's official!" Kags said sarcastically. " I better be godmother Iwa can be the godfather I'm not letting this twerp raise your child," Victoria said pointing to Kageyama.

"Your child would be one lucky brat if I were their godparent," Kageyama said. "You would leave the child in a Walmart bathroom" Victoria commented. "Iwa would be the perfect dad" Victoria continued. "Correction I think you meant to say daddy," Kageyama said flicking the back of her head. "Who's harassing who again now? and that too" Victoria said not even denying it. "You two would be the perfect old married couple," I said. "Like anyone else would marry this loser, " Victoria said "If I could I'd flick you back, but since I physically can't I flick your arm," Victoria said then flicked Kageyama's arm. "Your my witness in court," Kageyama said. "Ehhhhh I make no promises," I said cockily. "Don't forget about the Training Camp this weekend we leave Friday!" Kageyama said walking up to the front door of his house before waving us goodbye. This volleyball thing was wearing me out and I wasn't even the one playing the sport.

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