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Johanna's words lingered in my head, I wonder what she meant? I wouldn't want to get my hopes up with what I think anyway.

What I told Haymitch when I was drunk wasn't a lie, which probably shocked him more. I admitted that I thought Johanna was gorgeous and that I could see myself with her and not Peeta nor Gale. That's probably what shocked him the most, he obviously had no suspicions of me taking a liking to females in that way but I've a had few crushes on girls in the past also. My mother always said I was different and wasn't like any other girl around district twelve, but of course she didn't point that out To be a bad thing. She made feel proud of it, so did my dad.

" earth to Katniss" Gale said as he waved his hand in front of my face as she sat and had breakfast completely snapping me out of my daze

" sorry I was just thinking" I muttered and shoved some food in my mouth

" yeah I could tell, you were staring at your food like you were going to kill it. Kinda felt bad for the food" he said and I let out a small laugh

" how come you weren't in your room this morning? I came to get you early for breakfast but you weren't there and when I checked the canteen you weren't here either" he questioned

" I stayed with Johanna last night, I had a nightmare and found my way to her room where she let me sleep" I said and he nodded

" I'm surprised" he said and I raised my eyebrow

" why?"

" surprised one of you aren't dead, wouldn't have taken you two to be cuddled up in bed together, surprised she didn't try and kill you" he said and I slapped his arm

" don't say that Gale! She was helping me ok, Jesus" I said he chuckled

" relax Katniss I'm only kidding, no need to freak out" he said and I rolled my eyes in annoyance

" Brainless! Can me and Mr Odair join you and handsome?" I turned and seen Johanna standing in district thirteen clothes with Finnick beside her

" yeah go ahead" I said and they plopped down on the seat beside one another facing me and Gale

" when did you get out?" I asked her

" about an hour ago, said I made great progress" she said and threw her thumbs up

" where are you staying?" I asked and she chuckled

" that's something I actually need to talk to you about, the doctors said I did make good progress, but they also seen you last night in my bed and me comforting you. So they said I could leave if I could room with you and I kinda already said you could so" she said and I smiled laughing

" your kidding right?" Gale asked and she shook her head

" I can't bunk with Annie and Finnick, hearing them having constant sex is definitely not something I want to get used to"


We all ate and chatted some more, it felt nice having people around other than just Prim and Gale. A change of atmosphere is always amazing to have especially when your stuck underground and are a show pony on the side.

" so brainless, where is this magical Mockingjay room?" She asked and I rolled my eyes

" just down here" I said and led her to my room, which wasn't anything special at all. It had a single bed which was slightly bigger than a single bed, a bathroom and a table and chairs.

" well this is something, would've thought Coin would've held you high up in the ranking for rooms, Twelve" she said and threw her bag on the floor looking around at the room

" well I might do everything for her it I'm still just a citizen in district thirteen so I live like anyone else" I said and she chuckled

" at least living in a bigger room won't get to your head Brainless" she said and walked into the bathroom obviously for using it.

I didn't exactly think this over when she said it, if I didn't have any feelings towards Johanna then this would be fine, but the fact that I find her attractive is gonna make this a tough one.

I changed my shirt and pants and got into comfy clothes as today I don't have to train so it's my relaxing day as I like to call it, the bed is just about big enough for us, but we will have to be near enough to cuddling every night.

" your bathroom is way cleaner than the ones at the hospital brainless, good job" she said and smirked

" well it might surprise you that I like to actually keep my room tidy and not like a pigsty" I said and grabbed my book off of my locker

" guess I would've taken you for the type to make mommy clean your mess" she said and I rolled my eyes scoffing at her

" you couldn't be further from the truth Mason" I spat not removing my eyes from the book

" so what? Mommy wouldn't come in to clean your room?" She asked in a sarcastic tone

" No Johanna she wouldn't, while she was mourning my dads lost I was raising myself and Prim! So unfortunately no she wouldn't clean my room, she wouldn't cook or clean the house either, Mason!" I snapped finally removing my eyes from the book staring straight into her eyes

" how the fuck was I supposed to know that! Acting like a fucking child, oh wait you are one, what are you seventeen? Sixteen?" She said snapping back at me making me rise from my bed

" there's no need for you to snap at me Johanna! Second of all I'm eighteen years old and you know that! I've had to do a lot more than what an average eighteen year old would do" I said and and she laughed

" you act as if you are the only person who had to grow up young, god you really think that the world revolves around you, sorry to break your heart brainless but it doesn't!" She said and I sighed and sat back down after all that

" I know Johanna, I know" I said and looked at her deeply

" you need to think before you speak Everdeen" she said and sat at the end of the bed

" you just pushed my limits Jo"

" yeah so I've been told, I seem to do that in a lot of ways"

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