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" what did bitchface want?" Johanna asked as I walked back into the room

" she was trying to convince me to play star-crossed lovers again, I told her in the nicest way possible without saying the word fuck off" I said and jumped down beside her in the bed

" good, I couldn't watch you do that again. You already had me slightly convinced that you actually loved him in the quell, I thought I'd have no chance if we survived" She said and I smiled slightly

" I did love him, just not in the way that he wanted me to" I said and moved her closer so she was leaning her head on my chest

" good, I couldn't loose you. I've lost to much already"

" wanna talk about it? You can trust me" I said and I felt her tense up in my arms

" when Snow asked me to sell myself to the capital I refused, told him I wouldn't do that, I was only seventeen. He didn't take that news nicely and decided to take it out on my family, not on me. He killed then because I would sleep with all these older men, because I didn't want to prostitute myself for their pleasure" she said and her hand tightened on my shirt

"They killed my girlfriend as well, when I returned home from the victory tour I was so excited to see her but when I turned up at her house I was met by her parents crying and holding her dead body. She didn't do anything, none of them did"

" I'd like to think he finally got all his hatred out on me when he nearly killed me in the capital. I can't let him hurt anyone else, he cant" she said and I heard a small sob leave her throat

" he won't hurt anyone else Jo, your safe in district thirteen ok. He won't lay a hand on anybody" I said and she sat up

" believe me, I thought that myself, I won his murdering game killed kids and he still wants blood"


I convinced Johanna to join me in training, I want her to have a fair chance of becoming a solider like I am. She deserves, she's amazing with an axe and I'm sure she's the same with many other weapons.

" come on Johanna you can do it" I whispered to myself as she picked up an axe and aimed it for the targets

I watched her as she concentrated on the shot and shot it right in the centre, the poor target is dead. 

" feels weird picking one of them up Brainless" she said and I smiled

" I thought it would've felt like second nature" I said as I loaded up my bow and shot the target

" look, they have that thing they had in the training room. Where everyone seen your skills with the bow, most wanted to kill you" Johanna said and pointed towards the hologram room

I walked towards the room and seen the keypad letting me set it up, this is probably the best way to let me train as they are going to be moving and not standing still like the targets. I entered my details for what I wanted and waked into the room, I felt like being back training for the quarter quell, having Mags watching me in awe.

The holograms began and I shot the first one with ease, the second was running towards me with a knife which I dodged and killed the hologram straight away. I kept this up killing every last one until the session ended. I stepped out and Johanna stood smirking at me.

" you still shoot as good as you did in the quell" she said and I blushed

" thank you, you could still definitely kill me with that axe" I said and she laughed

" oh yes, don't push me though. I wouldn't want to kill the girl that I share a bed with now would I?" She asked stepping closer to my face

" I don't think you'd last without me" I said and she licked her lips

" your probably right"

She grabbed my face and kissed me which without a second doubt I kissed her back. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and fought for the led but she won that battle, my hands made their way down to her butt and hers were around my neck pulling us closer than we already were.

" your beautiful" I whispered into her mouth after we began to pull away

" not to bad yourself, Twelve" she said and placed a quick peck on my lips before pulling away completely

" the guys who work cameras definitely got a show they weren't expecting" Johanna said and stuck up her middle towards a camera

" coin would have you removed for 'corrupting the mockingjay'" I said and she laughed

" if only see knew about your old lesbian lover, and I'm not talking about bread boy" she said and I joined in on the laughter

" hey leave bread boy out of this"

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now