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" turn your weapons to the Capital, turn your weapons to Snow!"

The next I know, I've be shot and are being rushed back onto a hovercraft and sent back to district after filming a propo In two.

I was in an induced sleep when I returned to stitch up anything that needed to be to prevent me from dying.

Being shot really adds to everything that has happened to me recently, I was just doing as Coin had asked and of course I ended up being hurt because of it. What would've happened if I did die? Who would be the new mockingjay? Johanna? She would just curse every single person out and do nothing that was asked

The doctors have decided to be assholes and not let anyone see me, my mom or prim haven't even been assigned my room so I haven't been able to see them how I normal would've.

" Miss Everdeen, there's somebody here to see you" one doctor said and in walked Johanna Mason

" hey brainless" she said softly and sat in the chair beside me

" you scared me to death" she admitted and tears welled in my eyes

" longest we've been apart in a while" I said in a croaky voice

" felt weird not having you beside me at night, I just got so used to having you constantly beside me to having an empty bed" she said and I nodded agreeing with her

" what are you injures?" She asked me

" bruised lung,fractured ribs" I said and she tightened her grip on my hand

" you going to be out of training for a while?" she asked

" I've no idea, nobody has told me anything like always" I said and she rolled her eyes

" it's always to protect you brainless" she said and I nodded still feeling loopy off of the morphling

" I understand that but maybe I don't always need protection. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate what you all done and went through to keep me alive, but I feel as though I need to do things for myself now and protect myself" I said and she scoffed

" so what you want me to fuck off then? push me away like that girl Rosie?" she asked and sat up but that caused pain to be sent down through my whole body making me wince and moan in pain.

" no I need you, not in protection ways. Your different Johanna, your not like the others" I said and her eyes softened

" you make me feel ways, that I can't even explain. But the one thing that can't happen is that I can't lose you, not now, not ever." she looked like I've never seen her before after I spoke those words

it was like emotions ran to her face but anger and hatred weren't there just the good emotions. She looked soft, she was showing her softer side. She didn't look tough like she would usually, and I like this side of her, lets me see the real emotions in Johanna. 


after a longest two days of my life in hospital I was finally able to leave and go back to my own place of living. Doctors said my wound healed quicker than any of them were expecting. I hoping to jump straight back into training and get back to where I need to be, I feel as though I've lost out on so much time.

" welcome back Brainless" Johanna said and hugged me as I walked into the compartment where we stayed

" hey Mason, no welcome home party?" I said and half smiled

" you can't have everything Everdeen, and unfortunately there's no party shop around here"

" sorry about not being able to see you, Coin wouldn't let me see you again. I was worried in case you had a nightmare or something" she said as I sat onto the bed

" I was wondering where you were, had a feeling Coin had something to do with it" I said and she laughed

" well your feeling was correct. I wanted to kill her but Finnick wouldn't let me out of his sight because he knew I'd do something I'd regret" she said and sat in beside me

" the room felt empty without having you in here every night, did you have any nightmares?" She asked me

" no thank god, I was worried about that" I said and she wrapped her arm around me

" when I told Coin I need to see you at night she laughed at my excuse and said 'Miss Mason, our Mockingjay is highly capable of taking care of herself' that made me want to throw myself across the table at her, but Finnick held me back" she said and I shook my head

" she'll never understand, nobody in thirteen will understand the games" I said and she nodded

" yeah your right"


" stop Johanna your hurting me!"

" Katniss the doctor suggested to do this" she said as she put little pressure on my ribs

" no please! Stop" I said and flung her hands off of me

" Brainless let me touch you" she said and I wrapped my arms around my stomach

" please" she said and leaned closer to my face

The gap was so close that if I leaned forward our lips would be touching one another, and that's what I did I closed the gap.

I kissed her without any regrets, she kissed me back as soon as your lips touched making myself feel more confident in the kiss.

" what was that for Everdeen?" She asked and I blushed

" just seen an opportunity and I ran with it" I said and she smiled

" well I'm glad you did"

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