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" Prim came running in a panic, she said she heard you screaming a lot and then you told her to fuck off so she came running for me. Luckily I was still in the cafeteria so she could find me easily, you scared me" she said as she wiped my cuts clean

" I've never gotten that angry before, I didn't like the way was saying all that stuff that wasn't true" I said and she nodded

" i understand, I wasn't exactly happy when Peeta made you leave. I told him he should've answered you when you spoke to him, he ignored that and continued to talk about what was said last" she said and leaned against the wall

" im sorry for scaring you" i said and she chuckled

" don't worry about it brainless, shit like this happens, it's normal to get angry" she said and smiled

" can I ask you something?"

" yeah shoot"

" would you ever consider me in another way?" I asked and she raised her eyebrows

" you really are brainless aren't you" she said and I sat up straight

" what do you mean?" I asked and she laughed

" first of all, I stripped in front of you and said we should do it again sometime, then I kissed you back. I don't think I could've been more clear than I have been" she said and I blushed

" you were one of the prettiest but annoying tributes I've ever seen. When I heard about the rebellion and that you need to be protect I couldn't help but volunteer, you also looked fucking great in the training centre shooting all them computer people" she said and I smiled

" had the biggest crush on you ever, told Haymitch that when I was drunk"

" Prim also told me, she said she was happy seeing you happy. She didn't even need you to tell her she could just tell" she said and bite my lip, guess Prim knows me better than I think


Johanna left after an hour to go see Finnick, gave me time to come to terms with her actually liking me the way I like her. Way to make my flutter.

" hey Katniss"

" hey Little duck come on in" I said and she walked towards me

" are ok? You after everything earlier on" she asked and I nodded

" yeah much better thank you, I'm sorry for cursing at you, I didn't know it was you to begin with" I said and she smiled

" I don't care about that, all I cared about is if you were ok or not" she said and I smiled at her concern for me

" Johanna told me that you told her that I liked her" I said and she went quiet

" well I only said that because she asked! And if you told me you liked her and said to keep it a secret then i would've" she said and I hugged her

" thanks prim"


" Miss Everdeen, happy to see you making a recovery" Coin said as I sat in her office

" thanks"

" I called you here to see how Miss Mason is getting on, do you think she is capable of proper training?" She asked and I nodded

" Johanna is more than capable, she has been perfectly fine with me. I know what's best for her and she should have the opportunity to train just like you have Peeta the opportunity to have meals in the cafeteria" I said and she smiled

" you seem very fond of Miss Mason, is there anything going on?" She asked

" yes I am fond of Johanna and if there was anything going on I don't think it would be any of your business actually" I said and crossed my arms looking at her

" I have to beg to differ, even though this isn't the capital, you and Peeta still need to sell the star crossed lovers, you know maybe kiss him and hug him sometimes" she offered up and I rolled my eyes

" that's not happening unfortunately, I'm not faking anything else with him. He doesn't deserve to be led on any further than he already has been" I said and she shook her head

" there's so many other things and I really don't want to do that, if you make me do any of that you'll loose every ounce of respect that I had for you Madame President" I said looked into her eyes

" unless you and Johan-"

" understand that whatever relationships I chose to get into are being kept private, I deserve to be aloud a private love life and not to be covered in cameras constantly" I said and I she sighed

" I don't like this tone that you are using with me

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now