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𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

" Johanna I'm convinced that there's more than one baby!" I said and she laughed

" Brainless there's no way" she said and I rolled my eyes

" and how would you know? The baby isn't in your stomach" I said and crossed my arms

" relax Katniss, I'm only saying" she said and I huffed her off

" yeah well I would know more, like my stomach has gotten so much bigger" I said and lifted my over sized jumper to expose my stomach

The bump has grown bigger than it was, it's a lot more obvious and if I wore a tight t-shirt it would be very clear.

" it's so weird how much a bump suits you Katniss" Johanna said and I laughed

" that's so weird" I said and continued to laugh

" do you not think you look good?" She asked and I shook my head

" no way I feel like I've a tumour growing on my stomach" I said and laughed

" well I think you look great" she said and kissed me

We heard a knock at the door and was confused about who it was because usually the Rose family would just walk in.

" oh what a surprise it's bread boy and Cresta" Johanna said and I stood off sofa

" hi guys" I said and slightly smiled not expecting guests

" I'm sorry about this visit, but we heard the news and I had to see you straight away!" Annie said excitedly waddling over with her bump to hug me

" Congratulations Katniss and Johanna" Peeta said and hugged Johanna before coming over and hugging me

" sit down" Johanna said and offered them a seat

" I know we should've called but Effie rang me and then Peeta with this fantastic news and I couldn't help myself, I dragged Peeta along as well. He was panicking because he didn't want to disturb use" Annie said and I smiled

" don't worry about it honestly, it's good seeing you both. How is everything Peeta?" I asked him

" everything is good, I met a wonderful girl, her name is Charlotte. She helped me a lot and the doctors said I've made a full recovery" he said and I smiled happily

" what about you Cresta, how's pregnancy treating you?" Johanna asked and Annie sighed

" I'm not trying to put you off Katniss but it's not great, the baby decides that they like my ribs and like to make mommy pee every ten seconds. How's your pregnancy going?" She asked me

" morning sickness is horrible and don't even get me started on how hungry I've been, god I would probably eat all the cupboards empty. I'm also 100% convinced that there's more than one in there" I said and Annie's mouth dropped open

" what's given you that idea?" Peeta asked and I stood up showing my bump which a t-shirt covered my bare stomach

" how many weeks are you?" Annie asked

" six, seven tomorrow" I said and she nodded

" I agree, I wasn't even noticeable at that time, and you always had a slimmer figure than me" Annie said and I sighed

" really being thrown straight into the deep end here huh?" Johanna said and laughed

" so Katniss have you suspicions on what you might be having?" Peeta asked me

" not that I have any suspicions but I would like boys over girls, I don't know I think I'd be able to handle them more. I always grew up hanging around boys so I'd just know how to handle them better" I said and shrugged throwing my legs over Johanna's

" I'd be happy with anything, it's not like an opportunity comes up like this everyday, I was convinced we'd have to do another round. Also the straight way a baby is made is way better than this way, I wasn't even really part of the process" Johanna said and winked at me and the other two laughed

" your right making a baby is fun" Annie said and we all burst into laughter

" Bread boy your next!" Johanna said nearly making Peeta choke

" no no not yet maybe a couple years"he said stumbling over his words

" you will probably see us with the babies and begin to get baby fever, go begging Charlotte to have a baby" Johanna said and Peeta shook his head

" it's a secure thing we have at the moment and I wouldn't want to fuck it up, not saying that a baby would ruin anything just that anytime soon for us is too early" he said and I smiled towards him

" remember when you said that I was pregnant to get out of the games, do you think anyone like actually believed that?" I asked bringing up old memories

" most people in the capitol did, I believed it" Annie said and looked embarrassed

" the funniest thing in that moment was the fact that I was like ' wait I'm not pregnant am I?' I was literally shocked when that happened" I said and he laughed

" Haymitch's words of advice was to do anything to stop it so I dropped the baby bomb, and now Johanna had dropped the baby" he said and I chuckled

" how's twelve?" I asked

" good, really good. People are a lot happier. Lots of new markets have been set up and people are actually communicating with each other finally" he said and smiled a small smile

" your still the talk of district four, your an icon still. I use I've met her before and she was at my wedding to my advantage a lot. You don't understand how much good you did for this country, Coin wanted a symbolic hunger games, that would've turned into the normal games again. Seeing my child at the reaping was not something that I wanted to ever see in my future and Katniss you changed that" Annie said and I felt tears in my eyes

" President Paylor said there'll be no such thing as the games, and she's a relatable person, she actually came from a district who's people took place in the games so she understands how terrible it can be, snow and coin had no idea" Annie said and I wiped the tears that flowed down my face

" my baby or babies will never ever be placed in a reaping bowl even if it kills me, their moms, aunts and uncles  suffered enough and they don't need to be added to the list"

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now