Immortals Chapter 44 - To Confess (2)

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Ugh, stress. This chapter has given me so many problems. My iPad refused to copy and paste it, so I wasn't able to get it onto Wattpad. My iPad has also refused to let barely any apps work, and it's pissing me off. Majorly.

*sigh* at least I'm able to post this. (I hope.)
The quiet hum of Sasuke's voice lulled Ayame back and forth from sleep. Where she was, curled up in his arms, she was ready to sleep peacefully without disruption.

She felt Sasuke lift the hand that was against his chest up, entwining his fingers with hers. His singing ceased as he asked a question, "Where's your ring?" His voice was quiet.

She forced her tired eyes open. "Huh?" She mumbled sleepily, looking up at her hand. She sat up, frowning when she noticed the lack of silver on her finger. "I... I think I took it off earlier when I was getting changed. The necklace, too."

"Where did you put them?" He asked, to which she glanced around.

"They're here somewhere..." She yawned, lifting a hand to her mouth. She knew she should be concerned, but her tiredness prevented that.

Sasuke glanced around, sitting up also. He spotted the jewellery on the far side of the bedroom, pushing himself to his feet as he playfully pushed Ayame's shoulder with a hand. She had no resistance to the push, instead falling back onto the bed with a small grumble.

He returned, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He took Ayame's hand, pulling her up to sit up in front of him.

"Don't lose these." He reminded, lifting the ends of the chain up and fastening it around her neck. She rolled her eyes.

"I won't. I promise." She smiled, her gaze flashing down to her hand as he took it, sliding the ring back on her finger. "This was a hand-me-down, right?"

Sasuke nodded. Once the ring was back in place, he lifted her hand to grace her knuckles with a kiss. "Don't lose it." He reminded yet again.

She rolled her eyes again. Falling back on to the bed, she mumbled, "I won't. I'm attached to these, just like I'm attached to you."

He rose an eyebrow as he leaned over her, his face hovering just above hers. "Does that have another meaning?" He asked seriously, his brows pulling together in a frown. His eyes flashed between hers, trying to tell her just how serious he was right now.

She was blushing profusely. She bit her lip in thought; should she? Shouldn't she?

Deciding upon her, 'Screw it, I'm doing it,' thought, she looked up at him, meeting his gaze. Lifting her arms, she wound them around his neck and smiled softly.

"It means I love you." She said quietly, her smile widening when she saw her words register with him. His eyes grew wide as he stared at her, lips slightly parted in surprise. She waited for his reply, eagerly but also not so-eagerly. What would he say to that? She knew he wasn't one for romance. That was obvious from the amount of short relationships he'd had in the past. He wasn't one for love, either. He'd had his heart broken before, and he wasn't the person to trust another with his heart so easily.

Sasuke sighed heavily. She frowned at him, before looking away dejectedly. She shouldn't have said it. Why did she listen to her heart and spit it out without thought?!

"You really mean that, don't you?" Sasuke asked. His question wasn't asking for confirmation. His question sounded more like a statement.

Mutely, she nodded. She felt her eyes pricking with tears as she forced her eyes from his face. His eyes were closed, so it would be safe to rub away a tear if one spilled.

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