Immortals Chapter 63 - Time to Leave

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By the time Ayame was introduced to the final vampires, it was late. She was tired, and her feet ached from wearing her heels all day, and she wanted nothing more than to sleep. But, she kept up her smile and, happily, met the rest of Sasuke's relatives.

After meeting Mayako, Yuko and Kuro, she'd been steered towards another vampire, who was happily conversing with Itachi. Maybe a little too happily.

His name was Sai. She recognised the name almost instantly; once, which felt like light years ago, Sasuke had told her of him when they were exploring his house. They'd travelled together for a few years, he'd said, and he was the artist of the different pieces hung up around his luxury manor.

He was a nice person. Pleasant. It was almost annoyingly so, from the wide, closed-eye smile he'd keep on his face the entire time. But both Itachi and Sasuke were close to him, it seemed, so Ayame tried her best not to let his nature irk her.

Next, she met Kisame. He joined their conversation after spotting Itachi, grinning and greeting the older Uchiha brother with a hug and a few claps to his back, which probably would have shattered any human's spine. Kisame was tall, bulky, and was probably about three times her size in general. His skin had an odd blue tinge, and his eyes seemed incredibly beady- like a fish, she supposed. He seemed to be very good friends with Itachi, from the way the two talked at a million miles per hour, and they probably weren't only speaking aloud, either.

Somewhere along the way, they bumped into Mikoto and Fugaku, who insisted she meet Sasuke's actual cousin, Obito. When she asked - out of the curiosity that was killing her - she found out he was of Uchiha blood itself, but he wasn't directly as related to the main branch as Sasuke, Itachi and his parents were. He was a nice man, a little hard to speak to because of how awkward he was, but he somehow got talking to Kakashi, and the two seemed to have a few things in common- that was, only after Mayako backed off a little. She seemed determined to get Kakashi's number, and Sasuke had to remind her several times not to use her powers to manipulate him.

Hidan and Kakazu were an odd sort- the kind you'd actually think were vampires. There was little she gathered about Hidan apart from his name and that he was a complete and utter masochist; something Sasuke had seemed determined to keep him from saying. She learned even less about Kakazu, as he said very little and seemed content to let Hidan keep ranting about how good it would feel to impale himself on one of the statues - strangely enough, the same one that Deidara had wanted to blow up earlier - as long as it didn't cost him money.

The final two were almost not worth meeting. When he told her there were only two more to meet, she let out a sigh of relief, but she forced herself to keep the complaining to herself until there was no one left to meet.

"Pein? Konan? Have a minute?" Sasuke asked, tapping the shoulder of a tall, ginger-haired man from where he was gazing off across the field from where he and his blue-haired partner stood at the edge of the makeshift gazebo, out of the way of everyone else.

"Sasuke." Was the man's simple greeting in response. He turned his body slightly to look at him, and kept to that angle. He didn't turn further, nor did the woman beside him.

"I wanted to introduce my wife to you both. She should meet all of our family, don't you think?" He asked, to which he remained silent. After a moment, he turned his eyes on her, and she was a little taken away by how piercing his striking purple eyes were. She was already intimidated by the sheer number of piercings he had; she had never seen someone with so many!

"Pein." He offered simply in introduction. "This is my mate, Konan."

Konan bowed her head to her. She didn't say anything, however.

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