The power of words

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"So what are you?" I asked Lauren. I've been following her all day around.

"That doesn't concern you."she replied with a glare.

"But I want to know!" I whined like a 5 years old.

"We're in the hallways. So shut up and deal with it."she whispered.

"No." I replied.

"I have classes to go to and I don't want to be near you anymore, so can't you just get lost?" she asked in a harsh tone, but with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"No." I answered once again."We have the same classes."

"Ugh! Curse the one who did it!"she groaned and walked in music class.

Me,being me ,the annoying Ross,I sat right next to her. She rolled her eyes and scooted further.

"You said you'll do anything I please." I said.

"I don't give a damn. You already know more than a human should. By the time you were supposed to die already."she said.

"But I am not dead."I smirked.

"Why can't you just shut up?!"she yelled at me.

"I don't know. Why can't I?"

"You're getting on my nerves, kid."

"I'm older than you."

"I wouldn't be so sure."she breathed a laugh.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's supposed to mean what it means." Gah! Metaphors. I hate it when people talk in metaphors. I never get what they mean.

"Because you are just a simple human. You have no idea how powerful words are." she talked,without looking at me.

"You read minds too?"

"Just when I want to."

"So what makes words so powerful?" I turned my attention on her.

She sighed and froze basically everything.

"Woah!" I mumbled."What was that?"

"I can't focus in class while you keep talking. So just ask now ,so I can pay attention to my music teacher then."she said,obviously annoyed.

"What makes words so strong?" I repeated.

"Well you tell me. Most humans are affected by them. I don't feel offended if someone tells me that I should go to hell."she shrugged.

"Woah... I never put it in that way...."

"Well you should. For example ... Ummm.... Ah! When you call a girl beautiful! She blushes because of the words you said to her. If you would've just had starred at her,she'd consider you a weirdo."she explained,making me laugh.

"So words don't affect you?" I asked.

"They do,but not in the way they affect humans. Like the words "smart,kind,pretty" so goes on don't mean anything to me. There are only some special words. They can basically kill me and turn me in God knows what."she said.

"That's interesting..."

"There are so many things that affect you. You're just too busy to notice them. It's kind of funny because when I was a human,I used to ask so many questions about everything! You just pass by them and don't give a care. You just say that this is how they are supposed to be."she smiled as if she was remembering something.

"Every single thing has a story. A story that what you people call 'ration' can't explain. Nothing it's logic when it comes to this world, but your mind can't accept it,but you know what they say where I come from? "Orice legendă are un sâmbure de adevăr"which would mean "Any legend has a piece of truth in it." It all started with something true. Every single story,but you just don't want to see it. These past few centuries, humans have been in denial. They don't want to admit the fact that the world is more than just 'normal'. Normal is a word invented by humans. It shouldn't exist. Your normal is different than mine,which is different from your sister's etc. Normal is just a limit. Some walls humans build up,so they could be safe, but from safe,it went to unknown things that they used to know. It also limited your knownlege,Ross. All because you were scared of us."she finished.

"Scared of you?"was all I managed to say. It came out more like a whisper though.

"Yes. Before there were so many people,we used to control everything and then there came more humans. And we were forbidden to live on Earth, but at night,we were all allowed to go outside,knowing that humans sleep at that moment,so we could just mess around with the ones that didn't follow the rules,but there were stronger creatures as well. They couldn't come outside with the others . They had their own special places. God wanted to protect the humans,so they were forbidden to come near villages. Humans had that power. The ground that was worked by humans was untouchable by us. But some of them wanted to be brave or just had work to do and they came in those places. Known as forests. The creatures attracted them. And ate their mind. They were basically turned into zombies,once they got back home. They were all insane. But as the human population grew,mostly of us got trapped inside. I managed to get out. But only because the world is in danger and none of the others wanted to risk their power for the ones who locked us and dominated our world."

"Tell me more." I insisted.

"After school."she smiled.

I nodded and everything went back to normal. This is really the world I've been living in this whole time? How come I didn't know? I always thought it was just us. I called insane the people who believed in other kinds of living things. But now I realized that I was the insane one. We all are.

I spent the rest of my day with Lauren. I found out so many things today. Maybe it's a good thing that I met her.

"And what did they use to attract humans?" I asked.

"Well it was mostly men than women
The females were usually carrying life and you know how in the 'Legend of Olimp' they say that no woman could eneter the temple of Medusa,so she couldn't hurt any female? That applies here as well. They usually wouldn't attack them,but sure there were exceptions here as well. It's just that usually they were hard impress. Males would fall for the beauty of any hybrid,but their matches were impressed by words. Vampires got them really easy by whispering really seductive words in their ears,but not all of the girls fell for their tricks. And there were some kind of creatures who could put a spell on everyone. They were so powerful! But that's another story."she finished.

"You're one of them,aren't you?" I asked.

"No. I am a hybrid. I used to be a human,as I said,but yes,I was cursed by one of them. Me and that girl that you saw in the hallways this morning."she explained.

"What happened?"

"You will find out eventually. Now excuse me,but I have things to do and you better go to bed. Just if you don't want someone to hunt you by midnight."she joked ,but something tells me that there was a bit of truth in that joke,so I was ready to leave,when I turned on my heel and hugged her.

"Uhmmm...."she raised her eyebrow.

"This is called a hug." I laughed.

"I know what it is! But why are you hugging me?"

"Because friends hug each other..." I replied, looking down at her. Yes,I was taller than her too.

She awkwardly wrapped her arms around me and then pulled out and just vanished in the air.

I smirked. That girl is as afraid of me as I am of her stories,but something in her is intriguing. She will get used with me eventually...

No,no. I didn't forget that this is a Raura story. You just have to wait for it ;)

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